“Polygraph Hypocrisy”

Dr. Alan P. Zelicoff, a senior scientist at the Center for National Security and Arms Control in Albuquerque writes in this Washington Post opinion article. Excerpt: Last month Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, set about investigating an apparent congressional leak. It involved a National Security Agency …

“F.B.I. Faces Inquiry on a False Confession From an Egyptian Student”

New York Times correspondent Benjamin Weiser reports. Excerpt: A federal judge in Manhattan took the unusual step yesterday of ordering federal prosecutors to investigate how the F.B.I. had obtained a confession from an innocent Egyptian student who was detained in connection with the attack on the World Trade Center. The judge, Jed S. Rakoff of …

“Hatch Refuses Lie Detector Test: Senator: FBI Request Violates Doctrine in U.S. Constitution”

Donald W. Meyers reports for the Daily Herald of Provo, Utah. Excerpt: PROVO — The FBI shouldn’t try to hook senators up to lie detectors to find intelligence leaks, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch said. Hatch, R-Utah, said the FBI’s request that members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence submit to polygraph examinations violates the …

“Kyl Volunteers for Polygraph in FBI Search for Sept. 10 Leak”

Associated Press writer Robert Gehrke reports in this article published in the Tuscon Citizen website (and wrongly dated 8 August). Excerpt: WASHINGTON – Sen. Jon Kyl says he would gladly take a lie detector test and his colleagues should do the same to help the FBI find out who leaked intelligence information gathered before the …

Sen. Joe Lieberman Supports Polygraphs for Congress

Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT), speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” expressed his support for polygraph “testing” of members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The following is an excerpt from the program transcript: [TONY] SNOW [FOX NEWS]: First, there’s a proposal, or actually the FBI wants to submit some members of intelligence committees to polygraph …

“Lawmakers Split on Taking FBI Lie Tests”

Boston Globe staff writer Robert Schlesinger reports. Excerpt: WASHINGTON – The mystery of who leaked classified intelligence intercepted Sept. 10 to the media is splitting members of Congress into two camps: Those who are ready and willing to take a polygraph test and those who are not. At least five current or former members of …

“Congress, FBI Clash on Lie Test”

Chicago Sun-Times Washington Bureau chief Lynn Sweet reports. Excerpt: WASHINGTON–The FBI is trying to find out whether lawmakers on the House and Senate intelligence committees have been leaking classified information about the Sept. 11 attacks, even asking them if they would be willing to take lie detector tests. But some of the lawmakers are balking …

“FBI Leak Probe Irks Lawmakers: Many Spurn Polygraph Requests on Issue of NSA’s 9/11 Intercept

Washington Post staff writer Dana Priest reports in this front page article. Excerpt: FBI agents have questioned nearly all 37 members of the Senate and House intelligence committees and have asked many if they would be willing to submit to lie detector tests as part of a broad investigation into leaks of classified information related …

“Leak Probe: FBI Wants Polygraphs for Lawmakers”

The Associated Press reports in this article carried on the CNN.com website: WASHINGTON (AP) — Several members of the House and Senate intelligence committees have been asked by the FBI to take lie-detector tests as part of an investigation into the leak of documents related to the September 11 attacks, a law enforcement official said. …