Author archives

DIA to Expand and Outsource Polygraph Screening

Associated Press writer Pamela Hess reports on the Defense Intelligence Agency’s scheme to greatly expand polygraph screening of its personnel. It should be noted that Ana Belen Montes, the most notorious spy ever to infiltrate the DIA, was neither detected nor deterred by polygraph screening: Pentagon’s intelligence arm steps up lie detecting By PAMELA HESS …

Iowa Polygraph Association Lawsuit Withdrawn

In February 2007, News cited a Des Moines Register article about a defamation lawsuit filed by former Iowa Polygraph Association (IPA) president James E. Reistroffer against three members of the Association’s ethics committee: Mike McDermott, Dennis Wilbur, and Jan Caylor Martins. The matter is now settled, with Reistroffer having withdrawn his lawsuit, and each …’s Polygraph Examination of Larry Sinclair

On Wednesday, 18 June 2008, both Larry Sinclair, the Minnesota man who claims that in 1999 he performed oral sex on, and used cocaine with, then Illinois legislator Barack Obama and Dan Parisi’s, which arranged for a polygraph examination of Mr. Sinclair, will be holding press conferences at the National Press Club in Washington, …

DACA Research Update

In the 5 June 2008 issue (10 mb PDF) of the Fort Jackson Leader, Mike Glasch reports on current research at the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment: DACA researchers developing high-tech ways to detect deception Mike A. Glasch Leader Staff Tubes strapped across the chest, sensors clipped to the fingertips and an inflated blood pressure …

A Discussion of fMRI-based Lie Detection

On 3 June 2008, Tom Fudge of San Diego, California radio station KPBS hosted a discussion of fMRI-based lie detection. Guests included No Lie MRI founder and CEO Joel Huizenga, San Diego attorney Chuck Sevilla, and University of San Diego professor of philosophy and ethicist Larry Hinman. The program may be downloaded as a 16 …

The Port-A-Poly Goes to Afghanistan: Fort Jackson Leader Reports Fielding of New Hand-Held Lie Detector

Some two weeks after MSNBC investigative reporter Bill Dedman broke the story of the Department of Defense’s new hand-held lie detector, formally dubbed the “Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System” (PCASS), Mike A. Glasch who writes for the weekly Reader, the official newspaper of Fort Jackson, South Carolina, picked up on the story in the 24 …