In May 2013, I was the target of an attempted entrapment. ((McClatchy newspaper group investigative reporter Marisa Taylor first reported on this matter on 16 August 2013 in “Seeing threats, feds target instructors of polygraph-beating methods.” The present article explains this incident in fuller detail.)) Whether it was a federal agent attempting to entrap me on a contrived material support for terrorism charge or simply an individual’s attempt to embarrass me and discredit remains unclear. In this post, I will provide a full public accounting of the attempt, including the raw source of communications received and the IP addresses involved.
As background, it should be borne in mind that a federal criminal investigation into providers of information on polygraph countermeasures, dubbed “Operation Lie Busters,” has been underway since at least November 2011, when an undercover U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent, posing as a job applicant, contacted Chad Dixon of Marion, Indiana for help on passing the polygraph. In December, 2012, Dixon pleaded guilty to federal charges of wire fraud and obstruction of an agency proceeding, for which he has been sentenced to 8 months in federal prison.
Doug Williams of Norman, Oklahoma, a former police polygrapher who has been teaching people how to pass polygraph examinations for some three decades and operates the website, was also the target of a sting operation and in February 2013, U.S. Customs and Border Protection executed search warrants on his home and office, seizing business records. He has been threatened with prosecution but to date has not been charged with any crime.
With this in mind, I received a most curious unsolicited communication on Saturday, 18 May 2013 from <>. The message was sent to my e-mail address <> and was titled “help help help please” (155 kb EML file.) The message body was blank, but there was a PDF attachment with a short message written in Persian, the language of Iran:
I know Persian, a fact of which the writer was evidently cognizant. Here is a translation:
Greetings and respect to you, Mr. George Maschke,
I am Mohammad Aghazadeh and have been living in Iraq for five years. I am a member of an Islamic group that seeks to restore freedom to Iraq. Because the federal police are suspicious of me, they want to do a lie detector test on me. I ask that you send me a copy of your book about the lie behind the lie so that I can use it, or that you help me in any other way. I am very grateful to you.
The book to which the message refers is The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (1 mb PDF),’s free e-book that, among other things, explains how to pass (or beat) a polygraph “test.” Factors that made me highly suspicious about this message include:
- Why would someone who supposedly fears the police send an unencrypted e-mail acknowledging that he’s a member of an Islamic group that is trying to change the government of Iraq?
- Why would such a person also provide his full name and how long he’s been in the country?
- To my knowledge, there aren’t any Iranian-backed Islamic groups seeking to “restore freedom to Iraq.” In fact, Iran and Iraq have good diplomatic relations.
- Why did this person ask me to send a book that is freely available on-line? Note that this message didn’t ask for a “Persian edition” of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
I suspected the message was a likely attempt to set me up for prosecution on charges of material support for terrorism (or something similar). ((I should note that an “Islamic” group is not necessarily a terrorist group, or even a militant one, though I suspect that in the sender’s mind, they are the same thing.)) It seemed highly unlikely that the message could be genuine. Nonetheless, about half an hour after receiving the message, I provided “Mohammad Aghazadeh” the same advice I would give to anyone accused of a crime who has been asked to take a polygraph test:
Dear Mr. Mohammad Aghazadeh,
Our advice to everyone under such circumstances is not to submit to the so-called “test” and to consult with a lawyer and comply with applicable laws.
George Maschke
Evidently, that response was not satisfactory, for the following day, Sunday, 19 May, about 24 hours after receipt of the first message, I received the following reply (11 kb EML file):
It reads:
Greetings and great respect, Mr. Maschke,
I am very grateful to you for your reply about the lie detector test.
I am not in circumstances where I can refrain from taking the test.
I saw your book on the Internet, but because I don’t know English, I wasn’t able to use it.
I will be very grateful to you if you would send me the Persian edition of it.
I don’t know how I will pass the test.
They have frightened me greatly. What am I to do????
I replied, “Unfortunately, said book has not been translated to Persian.” I have received no further communication from this person.
I Googled the e-mail address <> and found no mentions. Both e-mail messages originated from the same IP address:
This address traces to Arbil (also spelled Erbil), Iraq, where the United States has a consulate.
I checked’s server access log for the IP address, and here is what I found:
9 May 2013
08:24:48 (GMT), someone at this IP address landed on’s publications page after a search on (search terms unknown) using Google Chrome under Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7).
08:24:59 lands on home page after searching for: george maschke antipolygraph.
08:25:37 downloads The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
10:09:15 fetches The Lie Behind the Lie Detector a second time after searching “george counter polygraph” but this time with Firefox under Windows NT 5.1 en-US (Windows XP 32-bit).
18 May 2013
07:04:18 Lands on home page after unknown search on using Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 under Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7).
07:04:41 Fetches Federal Psychophysiological Detection of Deception Examiner’s Handbook.
07:05:46 Fetches The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
07:06:27 Fetches DoDPI Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Test Examiner’s Guide.
07:06:55 Fetches DoDPI Interview and Interrogation Handbook.
07:07:29 Fetches DoDPI Numerical Evaluation Scoring System.
11:07:04 Returns to home page using Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 under Windows NT 6.1.
11:07:08 Views recent message board posts. (Note: this action suggests the visitor is familiar with the site.)
11:08:10 Does a message board search (search terms not logged by server).
11:08:25 Searches message board again.
11:08:36 Searches message board again.
11:08:48 Searches message board again.
11:09:27 Searches Google (terms unknown) and lands on message board thread, Al-Qaeda Has Read The Lie Behind the Lie Detector.
11:10:02 Gets message board thread, Al-Qaeda Documentation on Lie Detection (which is linked early in the previous thread).
Note that both of the foregoing message threads include accusations against me of disloyalty to the United States.
11:10:34 Gets document Al-Qaeda Documentation on Lie Detection.
11:10:41 Returns to message board thread, Al-Qaeda Documentation on Lie Detection.
11:30:20 Last load of any page.
The browsing behavior documented in the server log does not suggest to me an individual who doesn’t know English. Also, the use of different web browsers and operating systems suggests to me that the IP address might belong to an organization rather than an individual.
I also found a few other visits from other nearby IP addresses (first three numerical blocks of the IP addresses are the same):
On 3 May 2013 at 10:51:20, IP landed on an image of Tyler Buttle after searching with an iPhone for “photo+sebel+can+sex”.
On 7 May 2013 at 18:08:25, IP searched for unknown terms and landed on the blog post Is Patrick T. Coffey Fit to Be Screening Police Applicants? using Firefox 20 under Windows NT 5.1 (Windows XP).
Twenty-six seconds later, at 18:08:51, the same IP moved on to the blog post Polygrapher Patrick T. Coffey Threatens Lawsuit, Demands Retraction.
I can well understand why someone in Iraq might search for sexy pictures of Sibel Can, a Turkish singer. (The searcher, who misspelled “Sibel,” must have been disappointed to find a picture of Tyler Buttle instead.) But why would anyone in Iraq be interested in Patrick T. Coffey, a private polygraph examiner based in Burlingame, California?

Coffey has done contract work in the Middle East before, and I wondered whether he might have been on contract in Iraq during the relevant period. Coffey lost his contract for pre-employment polygraphs with the San Francisco Police Department in the aftermath of S.F. Weekly’s reporting about bigoted and intemperate remarks he made on Coffey clearly despises me, as you’ll observe from comments he posted under the nom de guerre TheNoLieGuy4U in the message thread Al-Qaeda Has Read The Lie Behind the Lie Detector. Those comments begin at page 2 and include a demand to know whether I have “personally ever translated or assisted any person in the translation of anti-polygraph materials or literature into Arabic, Farsi [Persian], or any other language?” (As if that were some sort of a crime. In fact, I haven’t.)
I was able to confirm that Coffey was indeed in Iraq for three weeks, including the relevant period when the visits to were made and the e-mails were sent. I called him on the morning of 26 May to ask whether he might have enlisted the aid of a Persian-speaking colleague while in Iraq in a personal effort to test and perhaps discredit me. Coffey denied any involvement with, or indeed, any knowledge of, the e-mails. He even refused to confirm that he had been in Iraq.
Coffey did volunteer that he understands from hearsay that the Department of Defense has an “open case” about me with respect to “the countermeasure question.” His implication was that it’s a criminal case. However, I have been out of the Army reserve for nine years and am not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
So was this attempted entrapment part of the U.S. government’s Operation Lie Busters, or the intrigue of a polygraph examiner with an axe to grind, or possibly a combination of both? I don’t know, but I welcome comment from any readers who might.
how do you know what they are searching on google?
In the server logs you find the Referrer URL, which is the website a visitor comes from. If the Referrer URL is a Google address, there you go. However, typically you also get the search terms.
Of course, said referer can be easily spoofed, changed or modified (as can user-agents etc. etc.)
This attack didn’t seem that sophisticated.
What burns me most is the amateurishness of these attempts. Our taxpayer money should not be spent to receive keystone cop level services. All too often money and resources are spent in the name of security to go after relatively worthless low hanging fruit. I have seen it happen.
Twenty years ago I saw a similarly amateurish attempt by someone “working with” the Air Force OSI to disguise the fact they were working from an Air Force system. It’s disappointing that they’re still struggling to disguise email sources.
Indeed! It seems that the e-mails I received were sent by, or at the behest of, a U.S. government employee or contractor. Whether it was officially sanctioned is another question, the answer to which remains unclear. But either way, I don’t think this entrapment attempt was in any way appropriate.
And when, pray tell, is entrapment appropriate?
Excellent point.
Should’ve asked him to resubmit the email in Sumerian or Elamite.
The implication seems to be that the US government is using lie detectors while questioning suspected terrorists, and is afraid your book would help the suspects. Given the known inaccuracy of lie detectors, I certainly hope my government would not do something so stupid in the fight against terrorism.
[…] Maschke has an excellent write up on what appears to have been an attempt to entrap him for offering material support to terrorists as other anti polygraphy activists have been. The […]
[…] […]
I’m going to give some advice, and you can take it as you wish.
Don’t read pdfs that are sent to you. Adobe, though perceived to be secure with updates on a daily basis, is one of the most hole-riddled companies when it comes to vulnerabilities.
We use an application called “Core Impact” for cyber security which allows for payloads to be inserted into the files themselves.
Nonetheless, be careful. A virus scanner isn’t going to help you against these types of applications.
Same advice here. I was surprised that you are tech savvy enough to correlate user activity across your server logs but not enough to not open email attachments from people you do not know. There are a plethora of ways for folks with skill and training to get into your system, don’t open the door give them the easy way in.
Otherwise it’s a very interesting article, it opened my eyes on the scope of this.
Depends on the OS and the PDF reader. I have no idea what Mr. Maschke used but, for example, I doubt an infected PDF would succeed if it were opened in evince or xpdf on a Linux machine, rather than Adobe’s reader.
Thank you for this advice, which I think is sound. When I first received the e-mail, I was indeed concerned about possible malware, so I opened the PDF with Document Viewer on a virtual machine running Linux from a Live CD ISO file.
I didn’t notice anything fishy about the file itself. However, if you, or any other reader, have the skills to check the PDF file for a malicious payload, you can extract it from the EML file, which is available here.
Did it ever occur to the posters above that he open the pdf via google’s view document feature, or otherwise online.
And no, on a good OS pdf’s do not offer much of a security risk.
One recommendation, I’d remove the name of the sender of the initial message in the various places it appears. On the off chance that this was a genuine, if clumsy, attempt to buy your product by some Iraqi rebel, publishing his name might put him in physical danger. On the other hand, if it’s fake, there’s really nothing to be gained by publishing the exact and full name he used; it doesn’t really add anything substantive to the post.
J, it is not our normal policy to publish the names of individuals who contact us. But this case is an exception. It seems crystal clear that the e-mails were a set-up. It was certainly no attempt to buy our product: we’re not selling anything. All of the information on is available for free.
In documenting this attempted entrapment, I think it was important to provide the raw source of the e-mails that I received, which I did. The raw source includes the sender’s (supposed) name, e-mail address, and originating IP address. This is so that others can review and evaluate the evidence for themselves.
It really frosts me with the trillions confiscated annually with the implied gun in purloined taxpayer dollars they are trying to set you up on computers running XP. Inexcusable! 😉