Tag «FBI»

“No Evidence Found to Back Student’s Claim”

Los Angeles Times staff writer John J. Goldman reports. Excerpt: NEW YORK — The Justice Department has uncovered no evidence to corroborate an Egyptian student’s allegations that an FBI polygraph examiner coerced him into confessing that he owned an aviation radio found near the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, according to a report released …

“Federal Report Clears FBI of Coercion Claim by Egyptian Student”

CNN’s Phil Hirschkorn and Deborah Feyerick report. Excerpt: NEW YORK (CNN) — A report unsealed by a federal judge Monday found no support for accusations that the FBI coerced a confession from an Egyptian exchange student who was detained last year in connection with the September 11 terrorist attacks. During a December 27 FBI lie …

“Federal Report on Confession from Egyptian Is in Dispute”

New York Times correspondent Benjamin Weiser reports. Excerpt: Release to the public of a report due this week on how the F.B.I. obtained a confession from an innocent Egyptian student who was detained in connection with the attack on the World Trade Center could be delayed as a result of an escalating dispute between prosecutors …

“Held Without Charge: Material Witness Law Puts Detainees in Legal Limbo”

Newsday staff writer John Riley reports on post 9/11 civil rights abuses stemming from the material witness law in this well-researched investigative article, which is the fourth in a series. Among other things, he documents the case of Abdallah Higazy, from whom an FBI polygrapher extracted a false confession. Excerpt: Higazy, an Egyptian diplomat’s child …

“Spooky Goofs” [Abdallah Higazy Case]

Chisun Lee reports for the Village Voice. Excerpt: Last fall, after inventorying the rooms guests had fled on September 11 in a hotel directly across from the World Trade Center, a security guard reported finding a ground-to-air aviation radio locked in the safe of Egyptian student Abdallah Higazy. Higazy was called in, questioned, and thrown …

Hatfill Contradicts Kristof on Polygraphs; Kristof Stands by Columns

In a 13 August 2002 op-ed piece titled “The Anthrax Files,” New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof reported that anthrax investigation “person of interest” Dr. Steven J. Hatfill had “failed” three polygraph “tests” since January and declined a fourth. In an article titled “Anthrax figure steps up offense,” Baltimore Sun staff writer Scott Shane …

Steven Hatfill to Sue Nicholas Kristof over Polygraph Claim?

In an article titled, “Anthrax ‘Subject’ Explores Filing Lawsuit against NYT Columnist for ‘Malicious Lies’” Internet writer Matthew Drudge reports that anthrax investigation “person of interest” Dr. Steven J. Hatfill is contemplating a lawsuit against New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof. Excerpt: A foreshadow of legal fireworks over what has been reported about the …

“Records Show Judge’s Qualms Over F.B.I. Acts”

New York Times reporter Benjamin Weiser reports on developments in the case of Abdallah Higazy, a falsely accused exchange student from whom an as yet un-named FBI polygrapher extracted a false confession. Excerpt: Newly released court documents show that a federal judge in Manhattan briefly considered appointing a special prosecutor to investigate how the F.B.I. …