Category «Polygraph»

Smithsonian Magazine on Lie Detection

Smithsonian magazine has published in its February 2007 issue an article by Eric Jaffe titled, “Detecting Lies.” Excerpt: An early form of lie detection existed in India 2,000 years ago. Back then, a potential liar was told to place a grain of rice in his mouth, and chew. If he could spit out the rice, …

Department of Defense Polygraph Program Gets Makeover

Steven Aftergood reports in the Federation of American Scientists’ Secrecy News newsletter & blog that on 25 January 2007, the Department of Defense issued a new directive governing polygraph policy: The Department of Defense has revised and supplemented its polygraph program to include non-polygraph techniques for detecting deception. A new Pentagon directive (pdf) introduces the …

New Book: The Lie Detectors by Ken Alder

Northwest University professor of history Ken Alder has authored a history of polygraphy. The Lie Detectors: History of an American Obsession (Free Press, 2007) will become available on 6 March 2007. An excerpt is available here. Alder will be conducting a book tour currently scheduled for the following cities and dates: New York, NY (6 …

Symposium Casts Doubt on fMRI “Lie Detection”

Emily Singer reports for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Technology Review in “Imaging Deception in the Brain” (Wed., 7 Feb. 2007). Excerpt: Polygraph tests are notoriously unreliable, yet thousands of employers, attorneys, and law-enforcement officials use them routinely. Could an alternative system using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a technology that indirectly measures brain activity, …

Oregon Police Chiefs Seek to Overturn Polygraph Ban

Oregon is one of five U.S. states that have wisely enacted a total ban on polygraphy in the workplace. But some Oregon chiefs of police are seeking an exemption for law enforcement agencies, as Maxine Bernstein of the Oregonian reports in “Police Push to Polygraph Hires”: Anyone interested in wearing a police badge in Oregon …

More on Republicans’ Push for Polygraphing Sandy Berger

Washington Times reporter Jerry Seper reports in “GOP Urges Berger Lie Test” (24 January 2007). Excerpt: Eighteen House Republicans have urged the Justice Department to proceed with a polygraph test for Samuel R. Berger, the former national security adviser who agreed to take the test as part of a plea of guilty of stealing documents …

Republican Representatives Seek Polygraph of Democrat Sandy Berger

Fox News Channel reports that Representative Tom Davis (R-VA) is leading a group of 18 Republican members of Congress in asking the Justice Department to exercise its right under a plea agreement to polygraph former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger regarding his theft of classified documents from the National Archive: WASHINGTON — The Justice Department …