Category «Polygraph»

“It’s Temperature of Nose Rather Than Length That Tells if Person Is Lying: Ultra-Sensitive Infrared Cameras Could Be Alternative to Polygraph”

Frank Munger reports for the Knoxville News Sentinel: OAK RIDGE – The detection of deception. A little-known research group in Oak Ridge is developing an alternative to polygraphs, using subtle temperature changes on a person’s face to tell if he or she is lying. Early results are promising. “We believe this technology that we have …

Polygraph Manufacturer Stoelting CEO Pleads Guilty to Export Violation

The Chicago Tribune reports in an article titled, “CEO pleads guilty to export charge”: The chief executive officer of a suburban manufacturer and the company itself pleaded guilty Friday in federal court in Chicago to trying to export polygraph machines to China without a license. Lavern Miller, 79, the CEO and chairman of Stoelting Co. …

“Why Prosecutors Pass Up Polygraphs: Attorneys Say Tests Are Unreliable, Used as a Tool Touted to Media”

Mary Flood reports for the Houston Chronicle, providing details of indicted ex-Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling’s polygraph “test”: Jeff Skilling’s lawyers proudly told a mass of media Thursday morning that the ex-CEO had passed a lie detector test but prosecutors indicted him anyway. Lawyers Bruce Hiler and Daniel Petrocelli later said they even told prosecutors the …

Indicted Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling Passed Polygraph reports in an article titled, “Skilling: two tales of one man” that the indicted former CEO of the company whose name has become synonymous with corporate fraud passed a lie detector “test.” Excerpt: Daniel Petrocelli, Skilling’s lawyer, accused the government of making his client a “scapegoat,” adding Skilling had done “nothing wrong.” Speaking to …

Calgary, Alberta: “Fire Recruits Claim Test Questions Too Kinky”

Linda Slobodian reports for the Calgary Herald: An investigation is underway to determine if candidates for Calgary Fire Department jobs are being asked — in mandatory polygraph tests — if they have ever had sex with cows or dogs, the city’s fire chief has confirmed. However, with the investigation barely underway, Wayne Morris has dismissed …

Iraqi Fabricator Passed Polygraph

False intelligence information provided by an Iraqi informant that Iraq possessed mobile biological warfare laboratories was believed in part because the source had passed a polygraph “test.” The bogus information was used by the Bush Administration in making the case for war, and was cited by Secretary of State Colin Powell in a pre-war speech …

“Rule on Marijuana Sparks Rift for Police”

This article by Albuquerque Tribune correspondent Aubrey Hovey includes a discussion of the Albuquerque Police Department’s policy of polygraphing applicants in an attempt to ascertain their truthfulness with regard to past drug use. Excerpt: A marijuana-induced “buzz” is floating around the Albuquerque Police Department. Past drug use by potential police recruits has caused a rift …

CIA to Polygraph Saddam Hussein?

In an article titled, “CIA Poised to Quiz Hussein,” Washington Post staff writers Dana Priest and Thomas E. Ricks mention that the CIA team that has planned the interrogation of ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein includes “operations officers, polygraphers and psychiatrists.” It thus seems likely that CIA polygraph operators will at some point “flutter” Saddam …