Category «Polygraph»

Manchester, NH: “Amie’s Boyfriend Told He Failed Lie Detector”

Union Leader staff writer Kathryn Marchocki reports. Excerpt: MANCHESTER — The boyfriend of Amie Lynn Riley, whose decomposed body was found in a swamp Saturday, voluntarily submitted to nearly three hours of questioning by Manchester police detectives yesterday and took a polygraph, which he was told he failed, he said. “I got nothing to hide. …

“FBI Test Detects Colombia ‘Liars'”

This short BBC News article is cited here in full: A lie detector test carried out on employees at Colombia’s Prosecutor General’s office has produced an embarrassing 20% failure rate. The FBI-administered test was designed to root out corruption, including involvement in drugs trafficking or guerrilla and paramilitary groups. Employees have complained that the test …

“Lie Detectors Are Likely Lying Themselves”

USA Today technology writer Andrew Kantor comments on polygraphs in his weekly CyberTalk column. Excerpt: I learn a lot watching television. That is, I learn a lot by watching television and thinking, “That can’t be right!” then doing the research to find the full story. Television butchers technology. It has to. There’s no time in …

“Outspoken Nuclear Scientist ‘Forced Out’ Over Polygraph Row”

Jonathan Knight reports in the news section of the journal Nature, Vol. 428, p. 243. This short article is cited here in full: A national security expert says he was forced to resign last year because of his vocal opposition to the use of lie detectors at his nuclear weapons lab. Alan Zelicoff, formerly a …

“The Polygraph vs. National Security”

Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy comments in his Secrecy News e-mail publication: THE POLYGRAPH VS. NATIONAL SECURITY As a technology for counterintelligence security screening, the polygraph has been a spectacular failure. It is hard to recall the last time that polygraph screening uncovered an actual spy, and easy …