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Anthrax Investigation “Person of Interest” Dr. Steven J. Hatfill Allegedly “Failed” Three Polygraph “Tests” Since January

In a New York Times op-ed piece titled “The Anthrax Files,” columnist Nicholas D. Kristof writes that virologist Dr. Steven J. Hatfill “has…failed three successive polygraph examinations since January, and canceled plans for another polygraph exam two weeks ago.” Kristof does not state his source for this information. For discussion of the use of polygraphs …

Dr. Steven J. Hatfill Reportedly “Failed” CIA Polygraph reports in an article titled, “FBI tries to link Hatfill to mailbox.” Excerpt: FAILED CIA POLYGRAPH Hatfill worked until September 1999 for the U.S. Army Medical Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Detrick, Md., which is the primary custodian of the virulent Ames strain of anthrax found in last fall’s deadly letters. Subsequently, he …

South Africa: “Guards End Strike Over Lie-Detector Test”

Graeme Hosken of the Durban, South Africa Daily News reports. Excerpt: The three-day strike by Fidelity Cash Management Services employees ended on Tuesday when workers and management agreed to sit down and talk about their disputes. Fidelity Cash Management Services employees went on strike on Saturday to protest about the compulsory polygraph test which workers …

South Africa: “Fidelity Cash Men on Strike in Durban”

Graeme Hosken of the Durban, South Africa Daily News reports on a strike over polygraph “testing.” This short article is cited here in full: Scores of Durban’s automatic teller machines (ATMs) and businesses are expected to run dry on Monday after Fidelity Cash Management Services (FCMS) employees went on strike over the weekend. The strike …

“Polygraph Hypocrisy”

Dr. Alan P. Zelicoff, a senior scientist at the Center for National Security and Arms Control in Albuquerque writes in this Washington Post opinion article. Excerpt: Last month Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, set about investigating an apparent congressional leak. It involved a National Security Agency …

“F.B.I. Faces Inquiry on a False Confession From an Egyptian Student”

New York Times correspondent Benjamin Weiser reports. Excerpt: A federal judge in Manhattan took the unusual step yesterday of ordering federal prosecutors to investigate how the F.B.I. had obtained a confession from an innocent Egyptian student who was detained in connection with the attack on the World Trade Center. The judge, Jed S. Rakoff of …

“Hatch Refuses Lie Detector Test: Senator: FBI Request Violates Doctrine in U.S. Constitution”

Donald W. Meyers reports for the Daily Herald of Provo, Utah. Excerpt: PROVO — The FBI shouldn’t try to hook senators up to lie detectors to find intelligence leaks, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch said. Hatch, R-Utah, said the FBI’s request that members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence submit to polygraph examinations violates the …

“Kyl Volunteers for Polygraph in FBI Search for Sept. 10 Leak”

Associated Press writer Robert Gehrke reports in this article published in the Tuscon Citizen website (and wrongly dated 8 August). Excerpt: WASHINGTON – Sen. Jon Kyl says he would gladly take a lie detector test and his colleagues should do the same to help the FBI find out who leaked intelligence information gathered before the …