Author archives

Award-Winning Polygraph Examiner Terminated for Expressing Negative Opinions of Specific Polygraph Techniques

Michael Braun reports for the Fort Myers, Florida News-Press that the Lee County Sheriff’s Office has fired polygraph examiner Jennifer L. Tooker, who won the American Polygraph Association’s 2014 David L. Motsinger Horizon Award, which is presented “in recognition of a new shining star in the profession or association who early in their career demonstrates …

On Eve of Polygraph Trial, Leaked Case Files Contradict CBP Polygraph Chief’s Countermeasure Detection Claim

In a memo nominating his friend and colleague Special Agent Fred C. Ball for a polygraph association award, U.S. Customs and Border Protection polygraph unit chief John R. Schwartz claimed that “[Operation Lie Busters] revealed that sophisticated countermeasures can be routinely identified when all best practices are employed, including proper training of examiners and stringent …

In Polygraph Trial, Prosecution Seeks to Exclude Those With Polygraph Experience or Concerns From Jury

In a court document (PDF) filed on Monday, 4 May 2015, Raymond Hulser, Acting Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Public Integrity Section asked, among other things, that potential jurors in U.S. v. Doug Williams be asked whether they or a family member has ever taken a polygraph examination, and if so, whether they …

Oklahoma Skeptics in the Pub Meetup on the Pseudoscience of Polygraphy, 11May

On Monday, 11 May 2015, co-founder George Maschke will be speaking at the Oklahoma Skeptics in the Pub meetup about the pseudoscience of polygraphy, the U.S. government’s misplaced reliance on it, and the upcoming trial of Doug Williams, whom the U.S. government targeted for entrapment in a sting operation dubbed Operation Lie Busters. Williams, …

DEA Contractors Forced to Take Polygraphs Awarded $4,000,000

Marisa Taylor reports for McClatchy DC that a federal jury has awarded $4,000,000 to nine former employees of Metropolitan Interpreters and Translators, a Drug Enforcement Agency contractor, who were compelled to take lie detector tests in violation of the 1988 Employee Polygraph Protection Act. Excerpt: WASHINGTON — A federal jury awarded $4 million to nine …

Leaked Documents Point to DIA’s Inability to Detect Sophisticated Polygraph Countermeasures

Defense Intelligence Agency documents (40 MB .zip archive) obtained by suggest that the agency lacks the ability to detect sophisticated polygraph countermeasures ((In this context, “sophisticated” doesn’t mean that the countermeasures are complicated or difficult to learn. They’re not. It simply means that they are the kind of countermeasure that a subject with knowledge …