Tag «FBI»

Anthrax Probe “Person of Interest” Dr. Steven Hatfill Reportedly Failed Security Clearance Polygraph

In an article titled, “Who is Steven Hatfill” published on the American Prospect website, freelance writer Laura Rozen reports that Dr. Steven Hatfill, whose home the FBI recently searched in its ongoing anthrax investigation, allegedly lost his security clearance following a failed polygraph examination (although he reportedly passed an FBI polygraph interrogation regarding last year’s …

“FBI Calling Off Vegas Threat Probe After Man Fails Polygraph”

The Associated Press reports. Excerpt: LAS VEGAS (AP) – The FBI said Friday that a southern Nevada man’s claim that his cellular phone picked up people talking in Arabic about a planned terrorist attack was “not credible.” “The results of the investigation to date do not substantiate these allegations,” said Ellen Knowlton, special agent in …

“2 FBI Whistle-Blowers Allege Lax Security, Possible Espionage”

James V. Grimaldi reports on allegations made by fired FBI contract linguist Sibel Edmonds regarding possible espionage by a co-worker on behalf of a Middle Eastern organization targeted for electronic surveillance by FBI counterintelligence. Edmonds states that the co-worker herself claimed to be a member of the targeted organization and also tried to recruit her …

“Anthrax Probe Turns to Polygraph”

Megan Garvey and Eric Lichtblau report for the Los Angeles Times. Excerpt: WASHINGTON — The decision by the FBI to administer polygraph tests to hundreds of federal workers at two top military research facilities marks a new effort by investigators to smoke out individuals who might have information about last year’s deadly anthrax attacks. Seven …

“US Plans Polygraphs in Anthrax Probe”

Associated Press writer Christopher Newman reports. Excerpt: WASHINGTON (AP) – The Justice Department is preparing to give lie detector tests to hundreds of federal workers at two facilities where anthrax is stored, hoping to identify suspects in the letter attacks, a law enforcement official said Monday. Beginning in June, the government will administer the tests …

“Polygraphs for Fort Detrick Workers”

Pierre Thomas reports for ABCNews.com. This short article is cited here in full: May 20 — The government will launch a wide-ranging program of polygraph testing to determine if one of its own employees is responsible for last year’s anthrax attacks, ABCNEWS has learned. As many as 200 current and former employees at Fort Detrick …

FBI Training Unit Chief Says Nearly Half of Agent Applicants Don’t Pass Polygraph

In an article titled, “FBI seeks to rebuild its image,” Chris Mondics of the Philadelphia Inquirer Washington bureau reports that Roger L. Trott, chief of the FBI’s agent training unit, asserts that nearly half of FBI agent applicants who pass preliminary tests don’t pass the polygraph. Excerpt: …The bureau expects to hire only about 5 …