Category «Polygraph»

“Athletes to Take Polygraph”

Brad Burke of the Peoria Journal Star reports on the controversy surrounding Dunlap, Illinois school superintendent William Collier’s demand that athletes accused of attending a party where alcoholic beverages were served submit to polygraphic interrogation. Excerpt: DUNLAP – The postseason fate of Dunlap High School’s football team will be decided on the field tonight, but …

“Players to Take Tests”

The Associated Press reports on the case of Dunlap, Illinois high school athletes pressured to submit to polygraph “testing.” Excerpt: DUNLAP, Ill. (AP) – Ten football players are fighting accusations from Dunlap High officials that they violated the school’s athletic code by attending a party where alcohol was served. The student-athletes, most of them varsity …

“Making a Living Out of Finding Liars”

Moscow Times staff writer Valeria Korchagina reports on the lie detector business in Russia. Excerpt: It’s no secret that hi-tech military plants in Russia have been forced to churn out pots and pans to make ends meet. But the connection between military and civilian technologies works both ways, and once-classified devices have found their way …

“Leaking Classified Information and Polygraphs”

In a letter to the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s “Readers Forum,” R. Roberts Stevens points out congressional hypocrisy with regard to polygraph “testing.” Stevens’ short letter is cited in full here: Leaking classified information and polygraphs I read a news report on CNN describing President Bush’s anger over recent leaks of classified information. The report …

“Cool Response to Lie-Tests Proposal”

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reports on a proposal under consideration by the International Cricket Conference (ICC) to require Test cricketers to submit to polygraph interrogations every six months. Excerpt: Player representatives have given a cool response to a proposal to make Test cricketers undergo lie detector tests every six months as part of the …