Category «Polygraph»

Anthrax Probe “Person of Interest” Dr. Steven Hatfill Reportedly Failed Security Clearance Polygraph

In an article titled, “Who is Steven Hatfill” published on the American Prospect website, freelance writer Laura Rozen reports that Dr. Steven Hatfill, whose home the FBI recently searched in its ongoing anthrax investigation, allegedly lost his security clearance following a failed polygraph examination (although he reportedly passed an FBI polygraph interrogation regarding last year’s …

“Search for Truth: New Technology for Catching Liars Could Put More People’s Honesty to the Test”

Associated Press writer Christopher Newton reports. Excerpt: WASHINGTON (AP) — The world is becoming a trickier place for people who tell lies — even little white ones. From thermal-imaging cameras, designed to read guilty eyes, to brain-wave scanners, which essentially watch a lie in motion, the technology of truth-seeking is leaping forward. At the same …

“FBI Calling Off Vegas Threat Probe After Man Fails Polygraph”

The Associated Press reports. Excerpt: LAS VEGAS (AP) – The FBI said Friday that a southern Nevada man’s claim that his cellular phone picked up people talking in Arabic about a planned terrorist attack was “not credible.” “The results of the investigation to date do not substantiate these allegations,” said Ellen Knowlton, special agent in …

Polygraphs for Congressmen in Leak Probe?

In an article titled, “AG Asked to Hunt for Sept. 11 Leaks,” the Associated Press reports that the House and Senate intelligence committees have asked the U.S. Attorney General to investigate a press leak regarding NSA intercepts of Al Qaeda communications. The article notes: “Asked if lawmakers would submit to FBI interviews and polygraphs, [House …

“Polygraph Tests Given in Case of Missing Utah Girl”

The Associated Press reports. Excerpt: SALT LAKE CITY – Police have administered polygraph tests to a number of people both inside and outside 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart’s family, authorities said Thursday. Sixteen days into the investigation of Elizabeth’s apparent abduction, police say they still have no suspect. The girl reportedly was taken from her bedroom at …

“Detective Questioned on Bone: Levy Family Investigator Says D.C. Police Wanted Polygraph Test”

Washington Post staff writers Allan Lengel and Sari Horowitz report. Excerpt: Joe McCann, a private investigator who found one of Chandra Levy’s leg bones in Rock Creek Park this month, was happy to provide D.C. police detectives with details of the discovery. But on Friday, during an interview at police headquarters, the detectives asked McCann …

“2 FBI Whistle-Blowers Allege Lax Security, Possible Espionage”

James V. Grimaldi reports on allegations made by fired FBI contract linguist Sibel Edmonds regarding possible espionage by a co-worker on behalf of a Middle Eastern organization targeted for electronic surveillance by FBI counterintelligence. Edmonds states that the co-worker herself claimed to be a member of the targeted organization and also tried to recruit her …

Ex-Deputy Who Alleges Wrongful Firing Allegedly Declined “Opportunity” to Take Polygraph

Pseudoscientific polygraph “tests,” which may be conveniently rigged against the examinee, are a favorite bureaucratic tool of intimidation. In an article titled, “Sheriff says broken trust led to firing,” Beth Velliquette of the Durham, Chapel Hill, and Research Triange region Herald-Sun reports on the case of fired Chatham County, North Carolina sheriff’s deputy Dan Phillips, …

“Polygraph Tests Not Flawless”

Joe Bauman of the Deseret News reports in this single-source article on polygraphy: The accuracy of polygraph tests compares well with that of other forensic techniques — but sometimes emotions can short-circuit the results, a national expert says. The tests record physiological responses to questions. The queries usually cover both a crime under investigation and …

“Polygraph Experts Say Test Really Can Help”

Greg Lavine reports for the Salt Lake Tribune. Excerpt: Academic experts who study lie detection say that polygraph tests can play a useful role in cases such as the abduction of 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart, but the scientific community remains divided over whether such examinations can accurately determine guilt or innocence. At least two family members, …