Category «Polygraph»

Hatfill Contradicts Kristof on Polygraphs; Kristof Stands by Columns

In a 13 August 2002 op-ed piece titled “The Anthrax Files,” New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof reported that anthrax investigation “person of interest” Dr. Steven J. Hatfill had “failed” three polygraph “tests” since January and declined a fourth. In an article titled “Anthrax figure steps up offense,” Baltimore Sun staff writer Scott Shane …

Steven Hatfill to Sue Nicholas Kristof over Polygraph Claim?

In an article titled, “Anthrax ‘Subject’ Explores Filing Lawsuit against NYT Columnist for ‘Malicious Lies’” Internet writer Matthew Drudge reports that anthrax investigation “person of interest” Dr. Steven J. Hatfill is contemplating a lawsuit against New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof. Excerpt: A foreshadow of legal fireworks over what has been reported about the …

Senator James Inhofe Says He Subjected Self to Polygraph in 9/11 Leak Probe

Speaking on CNN’s Late Edition, Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) stated that he had subjected himself to a polygraph “test” in the FBI’s ongoing investigation into the leak of NSA intercepts. It is not clear from the context whether Sen. Inhofe has actually been polygraphed, or if he meant that he merely expressed his willingness to …

UK: “Sex Offenders Could Face Lie Detector Tests”

The Guardian reports. Excerpt: Sex offenders may soon be asked to take lie detector tests to monitor their behaviour, the national probation service said today. The machines, which monitor physical responses such as heart rate, could be used regularly if further research proved their reliability, the service said. Polygraph tests were tested by the national …

Canada: Polygraph No Solution in Failed Military Leak Investigation

David Pugliese of the Ottawa Citizen reports in an article titled, “Forces grill reservists over Citizen.” Excerpt: Military sleuths subjected part-time soldiers to lie-detector tests and tracked leads for seven months in an unsuccessful attempt to uncover how the Citizen got the inside scoop on a secret commando training mission at Ottawa airport. Military police …

“Polygraph Misuse Complicates Hearing”

Associated Press writer Catherine Wilson reports. Excerpt: MIAMI (AP) — A polygraph examiner has admitted he broke the rules of his profession during a February undercover investigation into the 1990 murder of a policeman. Broward County sheriff’s polygrapher Richard Hoffman testified he was ordered to perform the lie detector test as a ruse, didn’t ask …

“Records Show Judge’s Qualms Over F.B.I. Acts”

New York Times reporter Benjamin Weiser reports on developments in the case of Abdallah Higazy, a falsely accused exchange student from whom an as yet un-named FBI polygrapher extracted a false confession. Excerpt: Newly released court documents show that a federal judge in Manhattan briefly considered appointing a special prosecutor to investigate how the F.B.I. …

“Judge Releases Documents in [Abdallah Higazy] Case”

Associated Press correspondent Devlin Barrett reports. Excerpt: NEW YORK- A federal judge believes he was misled by the government before he ordered the detention of an Egyptian student suspected of involvement in the Sept. 11 attack, newly released documents show. U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff on Thursday unsealed more than 100 pages of court papers …

Bristol Co., MA: “Former Southeastern Regional School District Official Passes Lie Detector Test, Denies She Stole Money from District”

Brockton, Massachusetts Enterprise staff writer Maureen Boyle reports. Excerpt: For two hours, Barbara Ataman sat in her lawyer’s office last month and underwent a polygraph examination. “Did you steal money from the Southeastern Regional School District?” the former transportation supervisor for the school district was asked. “Did you plan with anyone to steal money from …