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Iraqi Fabricator Passed Polygraph

False intelligence information provided by an Iraqi informant that Iraq possessed mobile biological warfare laboratories was believed in part because the source had passed a polygraph “test.” The bogus information was used by the Bush Administration in making the case for war, and was cited by Secretary of State Colin Powell in a pre-war speech …

“Rule on Marijuana Sparks Rift for Police”

This article by Albuquerque Tribune correspondent Aubrey Hovey includes a discussion of the Albuquerque Police Department’s policy of polygraphing applicants in an attempt to ascertain their truthfulness with regard to past drug use. Excerpt: A marijuana-induced “buzz” is floating around the Albuquerque Police Department. Past drug use by potential police recruits has caused a rift …

CIA to Polygraph Saddam Hussein?

In an article titled, “CIA Poised to Quiz Hussein,” Washington Post staff writers Dana Priest and Thomas E. Ricks mention that the CIA team that has planned the interrogation of ousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein includes “operations officers, polygraphers and psychiatrists.” It thus seems likely that CIA polygraph operators will at some point “flutter” Saddam …

CIA Using Polygraph to Screen New Iraqi Intelligence Agency

In an article titled, “Iraq Spy Service Planned by U.S. To Stem Attacks,”Washington Post staff writers Dana Priest and Robin Wright mention that “[t]o vet Iraq’s former intelligence officials, the CIA has flown polygraph machines to Iraq.” Agents for the “new” Iraqi intelligence service are to be recruited largely from the ranks of Saddam Hussein’s …

West Australia Court of Criminal Appeal Rejects Polygraph “Evidence”

The Australian Associated Press reports in an article titled “Mallard to stay behind bars” that the West Australia Court of Criminal Appeal, upholding Andrew Mark Mallard’s conviction for the murder of Perth jeweler Pamela Lawrence, has ruled polygraph “evidence” to be inadmissible. The WA Court of Criminal Appeal is the highest Australian court that has …

“Expert Blasts Use of Polygraph Tests at Joliet Sex Offender Center”

Associated Press writer Mike Robinson reports on the use of polygraphs by the state of Illinois in this article reported by Polygraph tests used to help decide whether to free sexually violent offenders held at a state center in Joliet after finishing prison sentences are unscientific and even “biased against truthful people,” according to …

“Suspect Awaiting Polygraph”

Christopher Bobby reports for the Warren, Ohio Tribune Chronicle. Excerpt: WARREN – Murder defendant Gentry Freeman has agreed to take a polygraph exam that his attorney says could free him. Common Pleas Judge Andrew Logan authorized the agreement last week between prosecutors and defense attorney Sarah Kovoor. The test will be administered sometime Wednesday by …