Author archives

Byron Halsey Freed 22 Years After False Positive Polygraph Results, False Confession

In “Freed After 22 Years,” Jonathan Casiano and Mark Mueller of the Newark, New Jersey Star-Ledger report on the case of Byron Halsey, from whom it now appears police extracted a false confession to the molestation and brutal murder of two children after he wrongly failed a polygraph examination. DNA evidence exculpates Halsey and has …

White House Spokesman Tony Snow to “Study” Answer to Republicans Demanding Polygraph of Sandy Berger reports in a story titled, “Polygraph for Sandy Berger to be Studied” Excerpt: A spokesman for President Bush says a demand by Republicans for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to follow through on former White House insider Sandy Berger’s promise to take a polygraph test regarding the classified documents he took from the National Archives …

Department of Energy to Begin Random Polygraph Screening of Thousands

Despite a 2003 finding by the National Academy of Sciences that “[polygraph testing’s] accuracy in distinguishing actual or potential security violators from innocent test takers is insufficient to justify reliance on its use in employee security screening in federal agencies,” an internal memorandum to employees at Los Alamos National Laboratory posted on the blog, LANL: …

Daytona Beach News-Journal Discredits Voice Stress Analysis

In a 28 April 2007 editorial cryptically titled, “Wired Policing Stresses Voices, More,” the Daytona Beach News-Journal skewers local law enforcement agencies’ reliance on voice stress analyzers: As the urban legend goes, police interrogating a suspect put a colander on the suspect’s head, run wires from the colander to a copy machine, make a meaningless …

Jack Trimarco on KNX 1070 News Radio, Los Angeles

On Tuesday, 10 April 2007, polygraph examiner Jack Trimarco was a guest on Los Angeles radio station KNX 1070’s “Money 101 with Bob McCormick” program. A half-hour, 27 mb MP3 podcast is available for download. Mr. Trimarco uttered a glaring falsehood about human physiology that stands in need of correction. About seven minutes into the …