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“Spy vs. Lie”

This Christian Science Monitor editorial advocates increased reliance on polygraph screening by the FBI. Excerpt: We will find spies and we will prosecute them,” said President Bush at his first press conference last week. But catching a spy red-handed, as the FBI apparently did with agent Robert Hanssen this month, is like trying to dazzle …

“Fire Freeh”

In this Washington Post op-ed piece, former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal writer Ronald Kessler says that FBI Director Louis Freeh should be fired for not having required routine polygraph “testing” for FBI counterintelligence personnel. Mr. Kessler obviously doesn’t know about “the lie behind the lie detector.” Excerpt: Back in 1994, just after the …

“FBI to Increase Polygraph Testing”

ABC News reports. Excerpt: Learning Lessons Attorney General John Ashcroft promised Wednesday to search for answers as to why Hanssen’s alleged spying went undetected. Ashcroft appointed former CIA and FBI Director William Webster to review FBI security procedures and recommend changes that could prevent future incidents. After the Ames spy case. the CIA overhauled its …

“FBI Polygraph Policy at Issue in Spy Case”

Los Angeles Times staff writers Eric Lichtblau and Eric Anderson report. Excerpt: WASHINGTON–Former FBI and CIA chief William H. Webster said Wednesday that he plans to examine whether the FBI–long reluctant to require periodic polygraph testing of its agents–should use polygraphs more aggressively to ferret out possible spies. Webster, who will assess the fallout from …

Bill Gertz on Use of Polygraph by FBI and Other Federal Agencies

In “Spy case reveals FBI failings,” Washington Times reporter Bill Gertz discusses the use of polygraph screening by the FBI and other agencies. Mr. Gertz seems to equate polygraphs with security, opening his article, “The arrest of Robert P. Hanssen on charges he spied for Moscow has exposed weaknesses in FBI internal security, including document-handling …

FBI May Consider Random Polygraph Screening in Wake of Hanssen Espionage Case

In an article entitled “Invisible on the Inside,” Walter Pincus and Vernon Loeb of the Washington Post report that the FBI may consider expanding its polygraph program to include random “testing” of personnel in the wake of the Robert P. Hanssen espionage case, and reveal that a plan has been on the shelf for three …