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“CIA Faces Up to a Better Lie Detector”

John Geralds reports for Excerpt: Two US research teams developing software that can recognise and analyse facial expressions have caught the attention of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), as a potential tool to build a better lie detector. Professor Terry Sejnowski, who leads one of the research teams in the Computational Neurobiology Laboratory …

“Bay Area Officers Turn to Voice Analyzer”

Sean Webby of the San Jose Mercury News reports. Excerpt: Bay Area police departments are snatching up one of the latest technological tools in crime-solving — a computerized voice analyzer that’s supposed to determine when the bad guy is telling a lie, just by the sound of his voice. But critics say this $10,000 device …

DoDPI General Question Test Documentation “Most Likely Has Been Discarded”

In response to to’s Freedom of Information Act request dated 10 June 2001 for all Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (DoDPI) materials describing the General Question Technique (GQT), whether on paper, videotape, computer media, or in any other format, the Defense Security Service (DSS) claims that DoDPI has probably discarded any information about this …

Gary Condit on Polygraph “Testing”

Connie Chung of ABC News PrimeTime Thursday asked Rep. Gary Condit about polygraph “testing” in the congressman’s first public interview since the disappearance of Chandra Levy. The following is an excerpt from the 3rd part of the 3-part transcript: CHUNG   Um, why won’t you take a polygraph test administered by the police? And why …

Polygraphs for Congress?

In an article entitled “FBI agents urge more scrutiny for Condit,” Washington Times staff writer Jerry Seper reports that members of the FBI Agents Association have pointed out to the Senate and House intelligence committees the hypocrisy of requiring FBI employees to submit to polygraph interrogations while Congress exempts itself from this requirement. Excerpt: FBI …