Polygraph “Test” Drives Innocent Steve Wilkos Show Guest to Attempted Suicide

Anca Pennington

On Wednesday, 11 December 2019, Anca Pennington, 30, of Omaha, Nebraska purchased three bottles of Tylenol, each containing 24 pills, after passing through security at Newark Liberty Airport in New Jersey. She then proceeded to a restroom stall, swallowed all of the pills, and laid down to die.

Earlier that day Pennington, a single mother of four, had appeared on the set of the Comcast-owned, NBCUniversal Television Distribution-produced Steve Wilkos Show in Stamford, Connecticut, where host Steve Wilkos had announced that she had miserably failed a polygraph test regarding whether she had burned her infant daughter with cigarettes. The show’s in-house polygraph operator, Daniel D. Ribacoff, had come on stage to support his polygraph results.

Daniel D. Ribacoff

Ribacoff, a member of the American Polygraph Association, has previously claimed on the show, “We have tests that are 99.4% accurate, which is way more accurate than most medical tests, and way more accurate than any jury trial.”

And in a 2016 Reddit “Ask Me Anything” thread, in response to a question Steve Wilkos averred, “The lie detector tests are like 99% accurate.”

In fact, however, polygraph “testing” has not been shown through peer-reviewed research to reliably work at better-than-chance levels of accuracy under field conditions. Alan P. Zelicoff and Steven E. Rigdon have conducted a peer-reviewed statistical analysis of the best available field studies of polygraphy. Based on that analysis, Dr. Zelicoff opines that “if a subject fails a polygraph, the probability that she is, in fact, being deceptive is little more than chance alone; that is, one could flip a coin and get virtually the same result for a positive test based on the published data.”

Steve Wilkos

As Pennington recalls, Wilkos told her on stage that she was disgusting, that she was never going to see her kids again, and that she was going to go to jail. The audience booed her.

Pennington recounts that she had looked up to Steve Wilkos as a father figure and had never questioned polygraphs. Afraid that no one would believe her and that she would lose her children, Pennington made the decision to end her life during the ride to the airport for her flight home, writing a suicide note on the sheet of paper with her flight information that was given to her by the show’s producers.

Lying on the airport restroom stall floor after consuming the Tylenol, whose active ingredient, acetaminophen, can cause fatal liver damage in sufficiently large doses, Pennington began to feel warm, and her heart started racing. She became scared, thought of her children, and called 911. An ambulance came. After nearly a week of hospitalization, she was released and returned home to Omaha, having escaped any permanent liver damage.

Photograph of Anca Pennington’s infant daughter’s lesions provided to The Steve Wilkos Show

While in hospital, Pennington showed nurses pictures of lesions on her infant daughter’s leg: lesions that she had suspected were pinch marks or cigarette burns inflicted by the daughter’s father, who had left them, or by the father’s new girlfriend, both of whom also appeared as guests on The Steve Wilkos Show and passed polygraphs. As Pennington recalls, the nurses immediately recognized the lesions as ringworm, a common fungal infection that is easily treated.

Later in December 2019, lesions reappeared on the infant’s leg, and a medical examination confirmed a ringworm infection, for which clotrimazole, an antifungal medication, was prescribed.

Before contacting The Steve Wilkos Show, Pennington had also contacted the Nebraska Division of Family Services regarding her suspicion that her daughter had been abused. In a letter dated 3 December 2019, a full week before her appearance on the show, but which Pennington states she received only after her return to Omaha, Children and Family Services specialist Nicole Powers reported, “Based on the information obtained during this investigation, it has been determined that the allegation will be listed as ‘Unfounded.'”

Pennington reports that on Wednesday, 22 January 2020, The Steve Wilkos Show contacted her and told her that the episode in which she appeared will air in February. Pennington stated that she was “devastated and traumatized.”

AntiPolygraph.org has written to Steve Wilkos Show producer Jillian Calandra, who coordinated Pennington’s appearance on the show, and polygraph operator Daniel Ribacoff seeking comment. At the time of writing, no replies have been received.

In May 2019, the long-running British tabloid television program The Jeremy Kyle Show, which bears similarities to The Steve Wilkos Show, was abruptly canceled after Steve Dymond, who “failed” a polygraph “test” conducted for the show, committed suicide.

In December 2019, Pennington shared her story in a series of video clips that AntiPolygraph.org has assembled as a YouTube playlist:

Update (28 January 2020): On 26 January 2020, The Steve Wilkos Show released a 30-second video clip titled “THE COLD HARD TRUTH…ALL NEW…ALL FEBRUARY LONG!” with snippets of episodes to be aired in February 2020:

At 22 seconds into the video, a few seconds of the as-yet-unaired episode in which Anca Pennington appeared are shown. Steve Wilkos is seen gesticulating at her and shouting, “You’re the one burning your children!”

Pennington replies, “I did not do that!”

The Steve Wilkos Show‘s apparent decision to air this episode, despite compelling evidence that no one burned her child, may be explained by the fact that February 2020 is a Nielsen “sweeps” period during which audience measurements are taken.

AntiPolygraph.org’s inquiries to Steve Wilkos Show producer Jillian Calandra and polygraph operator Daniel D. Ribacoff remain unanswered.

Correction: This article originally stated that Ms. Pennington’s appearance with Steve Wilkos and attempted suicide took place on Tuesday, 10 December 2019. This is incorrect. Her polygraph examination with Daniel Ribacoff was conducted on that date, and her studio appearance and attempted suicide took place the following day, Wednesday, 11 December 2019.

Comments 537

  • Every single person that goes on the show knows what they signed up for. If you can’t handle the results or aren’t stable enough to…. DON’T GO ON THE SHOW!!!! He’s put more people away and has helped more people than anyone else.

    • https://dirtycopsandpis.com/yanti-greene-a-k-a-michael-cruz-p-i-hired-by-dan-ribacoff-iigpi-accused-of-rape-guilty-of-criminal-and-civil-contempt-in-high-profile-long-island-sexual-assault-case/

      You do realize you’re wrong. Hell a guy who passed his polygraph is now sitting in jail after confessing to police he killed his girlfriends 15 month old daughter.

      • Wilkos is a hypocritical tyrant who banks on ‘being a cop means being a good guy’ which is contrary to reality. I have witnessed Wilkos propositioning women for sex in a hotel restaurant when he was away from his wife. Trust me he’s not the ‘good guy’ he likes to portray himself as. Let’s not forget he got busted for DUI but how many times did he get away with it? Why not give Wilkos a polygraph test about his adultery and/or his drunk driving? After he fails that test, he’ll be the first to claim polygraphs are not accurate, like I said, he’s a hypocrite and yet millions adore and trust in him but trust me people, it’s a con job… As far as those polygraph tests, accuracy is questionable at best and morally irresponsible at worst but the show must go on, as they say…

        • I totally agree if you answer the easy one correctly I know myself when the big question comes I will react to it it only a normal response to get elevated heart rate and skin get hot because your temper goes up I think the so called poly graph is a joke

        • I agree, he is 100% a hypocrite. Steve acts like he is so honorable, but yet lied about drinking and driving. He could have killed innocent people. I personally know someone who has been on that show too

        • And let’s let this asshole take a test about his Drunken car crash that he had that was also posted online !!
          He’s a hypocritical asshole !! I’ve been thinking of creating a story with another friend to create all kinds of information and take a test and have a different question asked in my head about something that really happened and lie about it and come up with a lying answer !! Then after he goes on with his ranting, since he will have guests there, We both come out and tell him that it was a made up BS !!
          It won’t show on air of course but, atleast his audience will know that Ribacoff’s lie detector is a FRAUD !!! And what about since Ribacoff says that its 99.4% accurate, what about that .6% !??
          I get so pissed off even hearing his name and voice !! Real POS !!

          • Dan Ribacoff was already caught for providing false lie detector tests on Wilkos show. U believe those false tests somehow got 2 convicted and sent to prison STEVE AND DAN NEED TO TAKE LIE DETECTOR TESTS. HORRIBLE AND CRIMINAL!

        • Sounds like someone with a problem with law enforcement in general. He got busted for drinking and driving and totaling his car and by the grace of God he didn’t kill someone. Does that mean he’s any different than any other person who has driven for years without an incident and one day shit didn’t go his way? No. Does that mean that he was able to get away with something because he is a former officer? Absolutely not. Cops are the good guys and just like any other profession there’s always bad guys in the mix. I don’t think Steve could have gone this long and not had his secrets come out. And also tell me how you happen to know he’s cheated on his wife? You people are so into this proof stuff that you must have something… didn’t think so.

          • But when he does these things and then turns around and chastizes others while acting like he is clean and has not done these things is what people have problems with.

        • Absolutely right, I can’t stand the POS! It’s all for ratings and we all know a polygraph doesn’t hold water in court!

        • I’m sure if you seen him trying to pick up women you would of recorded it cause it be worth a ton.

        • how would you have witnessed steve accosting women????

      • Lie detector tests are not admissible so I think that guy only confessed to avoid the death penalty imo. There’s a lot of innocent people sitting in prison right now that pled guilty or confessed to a crime they didn’t do because they don’t want to risk being found guilty and receive a harsher punishment. My husband was one of them

      • …you’re proving they’re point. their point is: the polygraph isn’t accurate!

      • First of all, anyone who turns people’s misery into cash is,in my opinion, a snake! And let’s not forget his two asshole cronies, Dan Ribicoff, and Rachelle Wilkos! Pitiful human scum!

      • First of all, anyone who turns people’s misery into cash is,in my opinion, a snake! And let’s not forget his two asshole cronies, Dan Ribicoff, and Rachelle Wilkos! Pitiful human scum! Oh, and just some food for thought: Steve has been on TV for what, about25,20 years? When have you ever, and I mean ever seen Dan get a test WRONG?

        • Steve Wilkos is just the dancing monkey for the man at NBCUniversal. If he would have died or been imprisoned after his DWI accident, there would have been another monkey to have replaced him in short order. Why Dan Ribicoff is not in prison at this time is beyond me. There is credible evidence that he covered up a serious assault of a surveillance target by two of his employees. Dan and family have no morals.
          Finally Earl, comparing Steve, Rachel and Dan to snakes is an insult to snakes.

    • She was 100% innocent dumbass.

    • Okay but this woman was innocent

      • It’s almost like you didn’t even read the article.

        The “burn marks” on Anca’s daughter was ringworm, but the Lie Detector test made it out to look like she burned her daughter, despite the contrary evidence.

        Lie Detector tests are already proven to be inaccurate, and aren’t even admissable in court.

        Also, I really would look more into Daniel Ribacoff, if I were you.

        The guy is a straight up criminal.

    • And that’s sad that’s how you see it – you know what your coming on for if you want the truth …… not for a lie detector to give a false result and then to have your name and face smeared on national tv – you realize all episodes are pre- recorded ever wonder how a lie detector could be right in every single episode for 15 years ? And at least 60,000 tests ???? It’s impossible statistically impossible according to Dan himself – a lie detector is 99.4 percent accurate or so they say which is actually wrong – that is their “combination accuracy” when using his lie detecting skills also – but again 99.4 percent – so so basically out of 100 tests … TESTS given not people , and sometimes they give out 3-7 tests per person – 1 is inaccurate ! And that’s if you stick to the numbers like religiously – it could be the second test and the 50th test out of 200 given are false ! And I understand entertainment I understand it’s a show and what not – but that innocent women suffered because of a testing mistake ! Now put yourself in that position your a mom of a child whose been abused , you know you didn’t do it ! So you go on Steve (stupidly but with good intentions ) to prove to your crazy mother in law thag your innocent with the worlds most accurate test- and then your test is the one out of 100 that is false- not only are you confused because you know you didn’t do it – the whole audience , Steve , and your family are barrating you for hours – it’s a load of shit idc who you are ! There are many whose lives were ruined because of that – and I agree he’s helped a lot of people but I’m so sick of this world being okay with the sacrifice of one for the benefit of many – your a god damn human being man ! It doesn’t matter if he’s helped a million if he’s caused the life long pain of only one fellow human being ! Two things then I’m done justifying stupidity – 1. police can’t use only lie detectors to put people in jail , ya know why ???? Well now it’s your chance to do a little educating for the reason …… and 2. 60,000 test given is over 60 people that had false results , and that’s putting it into a very low percentage ! Think about that number ! 60 ….60 mothers and fathers abused and “proven” to abuse their children , 60 people on national tv who went back to their hometown to have the rest of their 50 years plus of life spent living stigmatized – all for your entertainment – sick and twisted and the exact reason that human beings will never be able to get along with each other and create a nice peaceful society – drama crazed , moronic , and downright hateful uneducated people love seeing others fall and get crushed to make their own lives seem smoother – gag for real !

    • Helping people by putting them in Jail on false polygraph results? lol

    • If one isn’t stable enough to appear on the show. How would one know this? Are they expected to conduct their own psychiatric assessment. Perhaps they believe they are stable enough given they believe only the truth would be revealed.

  • Steve has not put anyone way since leaving the Chicago PD. He is no longer an officer of the court. Christians believe Jesus Christ has helped more people than anyone else.
    The only part of your generations I believe is no one should go on the Steve Wilkos show.
    The Steve Wilkos show is trash TV.

  • His fuck up show put so many people in sad place it’s a fuck up show putting a lots of people in jail for nothing I wouldn’t even go on that fuck up show ask him about him being drunk all the times

    • Steve is a piece of white trash…
      That’s right WHITE TRASH…
      YOU know those poly teat are not allowed as evidence in the court room ,but you chose to destroy people’s lives with bullshit poly test ..
      Burn in Hell for all the pain you caused those families….

      • Racist much?

      • Do true I been looking for closer for my deceased brother who deaf is labeled as a suicide he died from two broken air bones and a congestion to the back of his head no more marks on his body supposed to jumping out a car that his girlfriend was driving we tape a show 03-13-23 and she passed the polygraph let’s let Steve tell it piss me the fuck off my head’s so fuck up right now my brother you got hurt 03-25-21 and was pronounce that 03-27-21

  • In that polygraphy has never been shown by scientific review to be any better than 50 to 60% accurate, Wilkos and his buddy ( Ribacoff ) have created sufficient havoc in some lives worthy of serious liability . I suspect they have their quests/victims sign a wavier stating they will not hold the show or it’s host/crew liable for any damage due to their appearance. This , however will not hold water, as his assertion that polygraphy is 99% accuracy is not true and thus not acting in good faith, violates any contract on which the victims rely. In fact it may actually be a criminal offense to intentionally lie to cause injury . I suspect a good personal injury attorney could get something in the range of 5 to 10 million from the sponsoring network, without even going to court .

    • If that was the case half of America would be after those millions

    • Love this answer! I hope those who need to see this do. Too many people damaged by a man who enjoys belittling, humiliating, and lying to his guests for the sake of money.

      • Do true I been looking for closer for my deceased brother who deaf is labeled as a suicide he died from two broken air bones and a congestion to the back of his head no more marks on his body supposed to jumping out a car that his girlfriend was driving we tape a show 03-13-23 and she passed the polygraph let’s let Steve tell it piss me the fuck off my head’s so fuck up right now my brother you got hurt 03-25-21 and was pronounce that 03-27-21

  • Steve cannot put people away because polygraph tests do NOT hold up in court. He may have been able to have old cases reopened, but that is all he can do.

    • She’s telling the truth I just went on the show and failed for cheating and I was telling the truth I used to love the Steve show and now I wonder how many other people have felt how I am feeling and I wanna kill myself too ? but I have Babies myself and they need me that show needs to be taken down and thank god I didn’t go on the show for anything else I’d be in jail too ?

  • I bet 99.4% of ppl in these comments would fail a test lmao, no wonder yall are afraid of them.

    • It’s all about ratings-and there is a reason polygraph tests are not admissible in court, because they are not accurate. Like George Costanza said on Seinfeld- IT’S NOT A LIE IF YOU BELIEVE IT

  • YallFullOfBS. Excellent post that is a metaphor for the pseudoscience lie industry. First off, pulling the 99.4 percent fake stat out of your ass. The lie industry loves phony stats in the high 90’s. If you still stand by the 99.4%, please advise where you found that stat. Second, failing a test. Did you mean false positives like the test given to Ms. Pennington?
    Finally, about “yall being afraid of them.” Do you mean the terror of the victims being killed by Gary Ridgway after he “passed” a polygraph?

    • That’s crazy but true I been looking for closer for my deceased brother who deaf is labeled as a suicide he died from two broken air bones and a congestion to the back of his head no more marks on his body supposed to jumping out a car that his girlfriend was driving we tape a show 03-13-23 and she passed the polygraph let’s let Steve tell it piss me the fuck off my head’s so fuck up right now my brother you got hurt 03-25-21 and was pronounce that 03-27-21

  • This bitch jus trying to get sympathy , the person who wrote this article is the woman in that picture btw lol. Look up her name on YouTube

  • Cause y’all lie

  • Shelly House, cause y’all lie you are talking about polygraphists and voice stress analysts, right?

  • I am amazed that this rag of a show is still on the air! If anyone should be in jail, it is Steve and Dan! There are so many gullible folks out there that are “drinking the Kool Aid” that it is ridiculous! How can he look in the mirror after ruining so many lives? Fake polygraphs and chair throwing have made this snake rich.

  • I’m just waiting for someone to get ahold of Wilkos and beat the crap out of him on stage, in front of everybody. I enjoy the show. It’s my guilty pleasure. But Ribacoff is full of shit if he thinks polygraphs are 99% accurate. If you believe otherwise, you’d be a great guest on the show. I’ve taken polygraphs before, was guilty as sin, yet I passed with flying colors.

  • For all you believing in the show and polygraph Steve went on a podcast himself and said he would never take a polygraph. It’s just for tv. He’s out here ruining lives.

  • Steve says he’s “never failed at anything since [he] joined the Marine. He never mentioned that he had two short-term marriages before his third & current marriage.

    Btw, thank you for your service, Steve, as a Marine & as a police officer.

  • You published this, an article proclaiming this woman’s innocence, on the basis SHE said a nurse said it looks like ring worm? Do you know what ringworm looks like?Was the daughter even treated for ringworm? You’re taking her word for literally everything. It doesn’t even look like ringworm.

    • The show is full of shit. How about the one episode where a lady went missing, and her mother failed the lie detector test about the whereabouts of her missing daughter, and harming her, and here she was alive and well, unharmed and was living in Texas! But yet she failed the test about harming her. Smh. The test is not as accurate as u think

  • Bracken, you may want to work on your reading comprehension. Ms. Pennington’s children were treated with an anti-fungal by medical professionals, and the Nebraska Department of Family services also advised no abuse was indicated. We are not taking the mother’s word; we are merely following the facts.
    Daniel Ribbacoff will not admit he made a mistake, and he will also not admit that the polygraph is not a legitimate scientific instrument.
    In regard to the last part of your post; please advise where you received your medical diploma and what date you personally inspected Ms. Pennington’s children.

    • Anthony your response is right on point. I like it.

      • Hi Steve, respect your show. You have brought cases to seek justice. Furthermore, the recent case with seizure/dogbit. I think your team should ask was it anyone else in the house of the disagreement/attack.
        Thank you Steve maybe the family of the mother of the child and the mother as well as family can get closure. If ruled out dogbit due to not familiar with persons having medical issues as seizures?. Was there ANYBODY else in the home at the time of scene for his mother, the son mother of the discease father and the family. Thank you. Ms. V

  • Steve Wilco or whatever his name is seems like a money hungry LIAR he knows how to beat the lie detector, he did it before! He is always bragging about being a cop! WOW! I bet a racist cop that did a lot of wrong doings against blacks. How many took that damn test and it was a lie? Even Dan was found out to be a jerk liar! That show is a disgrace! Steve you will answer to a higher power for all the lies on that show, so you don’t fool everyone and you will pay one day! That show has an idiots shouting STEVE! STEVE! they are told to do it, and I can’t wait until Steve pays for all the LIES he and Dan told! Dan too I pray both of them get what’s coming to them!! SCAM JOB THE WHOLE SHOW!

  • I am convinced the women in the picture wrote this article as well. I’ have viewed her YouTube page. Oh boy! Even the correction in this article jumps from December 10, 2019 to appearing on the show December 11, 2021. Talk about proof read. According to her YouTube comments she aparently doesn’t have custody of her children present day. It’s hard to believe this isnt a “poor me” search for sympathy!

    • Anca Pennington is not the author of this article. Thank you for pointing out the error in our correction at the end of the article. December 11, 2021 was incorrect; the correct date is December 11, 2019. This error has now been corrected.

  • Anca Pennington’s only mistake was in assuming Steve Wilcos and Dan Ribacoff are honorable men. They are not. Steve has problems with alcohol and could have killed someone when he flipped over his Lexus while driving drunk. He also appears to have issues with marital vows.
    Dan is the principal of an organization whose agents were credibly accused of raping a surveillance target and Dan tried to cover up the crime by attempting to erase texts. Also, Dan is prejudiced against African Americans as evidenced by the racist cartoons he sent his co-workers. Also, Dan apparently has no problem with his daughter Susan running bogus lie detector tests to exclude African Americans from positions on the New York Transit Authority.
    Anonymous, I can back up my statements. Can you back up yours?

  • This woman deserves to sue Steve Wilkos for deflamation of character. She is a good person that is judged based on a lie

  • I had ringworm as a child, and that does not look like ringworm. It does look like burns

  • There are about 40 types of fungus that can cause ringworm, so many different looks are possible. More importantly, medical professionals determined the marks on Ms. Pennington’s children were a type of ringworm. An antifungal was provided to the children. I trust medical professionals more than Ribacoff, who is a liar, racist and condones/hides apparent criminal actions of his employees. If Ribacoff told me the sky is blue, and the grass is green on a summer day, I would look out the window.
    On the first comment you made, this brings up concerns about authorities doing an end run around the Constitution. I do not know the facts of your husband’s case, but I can see how a plea bargain can be made with the caveat that an accused would avoid prison time, or longer prison time, with the caveat that a polygraph or VSA test be given as a “compliance” measure. If the test is “failed,” the accused goes to prison without the Constitution right of a trial.

  • He will answer for all the injustice. If not now at a later time the Lord above will take care of him.

  • So stupid. If you’re REALLY trying to off yourself, you aren’t going to do it with Tylenol, not even 72 of them. Idiot.

  • Interesting, and where did you attend medical school, and do your residency?

  • I know anca personally and knw for a fact she would never do that to her children and thats facts i knw this b/c i’m her ex anca baby im here for u always i love you baby just hang in there and be patient dont give up on me now stinky butt… i seen her with her children i’m more than a ex as well to… i wish i was there for u …

  • That stupid show needs to be cancelled. Sensationalistic crap with horrible fans.

  • To me I never believed in polygraphs innocent people has been been in prison for crimes they have never committed. DNA is the best. Steve wilkos is a disgrace!!He should be banned from ? forever!!

  • I was just following up on the Jordan Neely/Daniel Penny case whereas Neely was accidently killed when he was threatening passengers on the subway.
    I then remembered how Susan Ribacoff was using the polygraph to exclude black candidates from consideration as NYC transit police officers.
    Most of us that live in large cities are being overwhelmed with crime, and we need more police, therefore, the last thing we need are the racist Ribacoffs finding ways to keep future police officers off the street.
    Perhaps if the NYC subway was better patrolled, Neely would still be alive today. Because of polygraphists, we are losing several potential police officers to a discredited pseudo-science and forcing citizens to self-police, leading to unnecessary deaths. Thanks so much, Susie and Danny.

  • Be sure to sign the petition to cancel Steve Wilkos to help prevent other innocent people from being harmed.


  • All I can say, Is that you can’t believe everything you read anymore……
    Hands down I, self admit that I just came across this article, have not read everything on this thread. I am curious if she is legitimately innocent, she has a civil case. Has she sued the show? If not…. Why not?

  • As I said many times before on this forum, I am not a lawyer, but I suspect the guests sign a waiver and somewhere in the contract it is written that this is an entertainment program, not a show that tries to determine guilt or innocence. However, several of members of the audience believe that Steve Wilcos is a serious investigator, and not the dancing monkey for the man at NBC Universal.

  • Ribacoff is making up the 99.4 percent accuracy of his polygraph tests. If his tests where that accurate, he would have the source publicly available. Real studies place various lie detector tests at about 50%, basically a coin toss. Many polygraph and VSA operators make up statistics, such as Baker (a fake Ph.D) and Humble (another fake Ph.D).
    I would like to challenge Ribacoff to publicly take a polygraph on the Wilkos show and have him answer questions about his racism, his apparently looking the other way when his employees were credibly accused of sexually assaulting a surveillance subject and his ties to Scientology when he was also credibly accused of stalking Leah Remini.
    Ribacoff would never agree to a polygraph test since he knows that polygraphy is junk science.

  • Anti polygraph to my understanding Anca did have an attorney at one point but for whatever reason he never followed up. It could have been the contract the show deceived and pressured her into signing that protected them from a lawsuit.

    • I think the issue of why people in the lie industry, such as Daniel Ribbacoff and Charles Humble do not get sued more often is because they have examinees sign agreements that they will not sue the examiners and manufactures. I can see how this would be high hurdle for a small time lawyer to overcome.
      What I am looking for is a law firm with deep pockets and a team of investigators to pursue another option. Mainly, attack the examiners and manufacturers for knowingly lying about their credentials (i.e., degree mill doctorates and knowingly pushing fake science. In other words, flat out lying. I am sure the examinees are led to believe the so-call lie detectors have an accuracy rate better than 95%, when in fact the devices have the accuracy of a coin flip at best. To me this is a fraud, and I am hoping that attorneys will see past the pre-test contract hurdle. I am hoping for a few legal victories to start setting a precedent.

  • He’s a bully… he complains about how men treat women and people treat kids but he has no issue swearing at them telling them to shut up, belittling women. He’s disgusting! I was watching his re runs but changing the channel.

    I am a single mom and never would I air my stuff on his channel. He blames victims for being a victim.

  • Steve also defamed another guest named Samantha Delcamp with his fake polygraph. To learn more, watch this video:


  • Steve Wilkos show has a moral obligation, maybe even legal, to say that the lie detector tests ARE NOT 100% ACCURATE. He should stop misleading an ignorant audience into believing that the tests are evidence that a person did something wrong.

  • Trying to seek morality out of someone like Steve Wilkos, the Steve Wilkos show, NBCUniversal and the lie industry is like trying to get blood out of a turnip. All of these organizations only goal is to make money by exploiting desperate and/or naïve people. I challenge anyone to find any morality in any of the above groups.
    Legally, the Steve Wilkos show has been untouchable to date. The producers probably have the guests sign contracts where they promise not to sue. Eventually a plaintiff lawyer is going to find a chink in the armor. Those of us with a few gray hairs remember how the tobacco industry used to be untouchable.
    I don’t remember anyone saying any lie detector is 100% reliable except for “Dr.” Elwood Gary Baker and his DVSA. Of course, his device is 50% reliable at best. Most people in the lie industry cook up stats in the high 90’s because not even DNA is 100% reliable.
    I have said this countless times before, there is not a such thing as an “instrument” that can tell if someone is lying.

  • Im shocked. I was enjoying the Steve Wilkos show. But I do believe what has been written that polygraphs are not reliable. I dont know if I will continue watching the show or not. I feel very bad for the people who have been hurt by polygraph results.

  • So many false statements on here! People saying steve lied about DUI, he openly talks about it on the show often saying he has stopped drinking at all. Says he got in trouble and explained why. That is how I knew about it happening. Secondly, lie detectors are absolutely admissible in courts in many states in certain courts, etc. He has put many people like child molesters away after proving them to be guilty on show. Google it. Anyhow, no proof on cheating on wife, but let’s face facts, he is a human being, not God. No one should idolize anyone, therefore, seems like many on here act like they are perfect but let’s not cast stones of your slate is not clean. JS, always so easy to judge a “celebrity ” to a higher standard, but they are mere people like anyone else….

  • Kat, allow me to set you straight: Your hero Steve Wilkos bullied a young lady to such as extent he nearly caused her death due to overdose based on a bogus polygraph test. Wilkos knows polygraphs are junk science as he admitted such on a radio show.
    Polygraphs are only allowed in court if both sides agree to have them admitted. Any criminal must be convicted in a court, not on a trashy TV show.

  • I can’t believe there are still people on here who are defending this Wilkos creep. He himself drunkenly admitted he beat a polygraph and will never take another one ever again.


  • This is bs. The polygraphs are 99% accurate which is a lot better than our current injustice system!! People don’t LIKE THEM because it denies the guilty party their right to a defense where they can hire crooked attorneys who only want to WIN WIN WIN ?. THAT’S THE ONLY REASON YOU DON’T LIKE THEM. If you have enough money, our INJUSTICE system gets you off with a paid for lying defense attorney who only has to provide a shadow of a doubt with LIES. I think we need to polygraph a LOT of people in power as well. Meanwhile, innocent prisoners are KILLED due to our injustice system that pushes plea “deals” and scares defendants into pleading guilty. GET OUT OF HERE WITH THIS RIDICULOUS WEBSITE.

    • Your understanding that polygraphs are 99% accurate is incorrect. Polygraphy in fact has no scientific basis. It frequently results in innocent people being wrongly branded as liars, and on the other hand, it is easy for liars who understand the trickery behind the “test” to beat it.

    • M, where are you getting your data? Are you implying that all polygraphists have a 99% success rate? If so, can you let us in on where you found the research using exhaustive studies that were peer reviewed?
      It appears that you are making assumptions. That is a very bad habit to have, and I strongly recommend that you do a modicum of research before you make statements in areas of which you are obviously ignorant.
      Is our justice system perfect? No. Do guilty people get off, and some innocent people get incarcerated? Yes. Some falsely imprisoned people have exonerated by DNA. DNA testing is a real science. Polygraphs and the related voice stress analysis are both pseudo-sciences more akin to voodoo dolls and Ouija boards than actual science.
      For this reason, we have many people in the lie industry with fake doctorates, such as Humble, Baker and Gelb.

  • M posted a few things as fact that are actually only opinion.

    One, “The polygraphs are 99% accurate which is a lot better than our current injustice system!!” Polygraphs are a little over 50 percent accurate. About the same as flipping a coin. They are fully dependent on the abilities and biases of the person administering the test as well as the condition of the person taking the test. People with anxiety have a tendency to fail, even when telling the truth, while sociopaths tend to pass, even when lying. If the person administering the test is highly skilled as well as very unbiased, which is highly unlikely since their biases tend to lean towards who is paying them, the chance of the test being accurate can be as high as 80 percent. Of course, on the flip side, if the person administering the test is poorly trained and has biases, the accuracy falls to as low as 25 percent or even lower, zero percent. The one thing it isn’t is 98 or 99 percent accurate and definitely not 100 percent. This is why there’s not a court in the country that allows the results to be used as evidence in court. They can’t be used if they show guilt and they also can’t be used if they show innocence. Polygraphs are flawed technology that’s no more accurate than flipping a coin.

    Two, “People don’t LIKE THEM because it denies the guilty party their right to a defense where they can hire crooked attorneys who only want to WIN WIN WIN ?.” I’m not sure if you’re aware of this or not but I’d guess not, district attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, federal prosecuters, and prosecuters in general are all attorneys (many of them crooked) that only want to WIN WIN WIN. That’s literally the job of an attorney. Guess who pays for court appointed attorneys. The court. A court appointed attorney has no skin in the game like a DA. A DA wants to win so that they get reelected. A court appointed attorney gets paid by the court, win or lose. Even a hired defense attorney has less skin in the game than a DA because they’re not trying to get reelected.

    Three, “THAT’S THE ONLY REASON YOU DON’T LIKE THEM.” The reason people don’t like polygraphs is because they’re not accurate. You can flip a coin or roll the dice and get results that are just as reliable.

    Four, “If you have enough money, our INJUSTICE system gets you off with a paid for lying defense attorney who only has to provide a shadow of a doubt with LIES.” That’s not how the law works. A shadow of a doubt is not the bar for conviction. The bar is beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Five, “Meanwhile, innocent prisoners are KILLED due to our injustice system that pushes plea “deals” and scares defendants into pleading guilty.” That’s simply incorrect. Innocent prisoners are killed due to many things but very unlikely due to a plea deal. Plea deals will typically take the death sentence off of the table. What plea deals will do is cause either convince an innocent person to plead guilty because the prosecution has overcharged them and offers to remove charges if the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge or convince a guilty person to testify against someone else (doesn’t matter if the other person is guilty or not) and help to convict that person.

    You were right about one thing though. You started your comment with, “This is bs.” After reading through your comment, I’m forced to concur that everything you wrote is BS.

  • I believe what Anonymous said about Wilkos philandering around on his current wife Rachelle. He was having an affair with one of my friends from before and another commentator reported that this was actually the very reason his 2 former wives Rosae and Hannah divorced him. Look it up, multiple sources report that they left him because of “trust issues”. Mrs. Wilkos knows her husband is a snake who is driving innocent people to suicide and yet neither of them are doing anything to make things right…does this sound like a genuinely happy marriage? I wouldn’t be surprised if Rachelle was cheating too.

  • It looks like Steve and Dan has victimized another innocent guest, and drove an actual child to attempted suicide this time. Please sign this new petition to protect the most vulnerable of the show’s victims – children – from being further abused:


  • If Wilkos did all those things said on this blog I’m sick to see this wacko has a show . I mean really plus that girl baby had ringworm not burns even more disturbing that he still has a show . He should be in jail himself he looks like a pervert !

  • Every Steve Wilkos Show YouTube video description should state peer reviewed published data indicating the rates of FALSE positives and FALSE negatives for so-called “lie-detector” tests. As stated previously, for Wilkos (and Dan) to claim anywhere close to 99% accuracy is ludicrous—a lie 🙂
    The Wilkos subject matter is often highly charged with the potential of great harm to show guests should they receive an inaccurate polygraph interpretation.
    Most people aren’t aware of the fallibility of even well controlled, standardized, validated scientific testing systems—they all have inherent performance limits in terms of accuracy and variability of results.

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