Informant Who Provided Accurate Info on Uday and Qusay Hussein’s Location Was Doubted Because of Failed Polygraph

Romesh Ratnesar reports for Time magazine in an article titled, “Hot on Saddam’s Trail” that a truth-telling Iraqi informant was disbelieved because he “failed” a polygraph “test.” Excerpt:

…The noose around Saddam began to tighten on July 19 when U.S. forces received a tip about the whereabouts of Uday and Qusay. At the time, the source was not regarded as reliable. (According to a senior U.S. military official, the informant failed a polygraph test.) But intelligence units soon picked up an electronic signal that suggested the possible presence of high-level resisters in the same location in Mosul that the source had identified. Just after they began investigating the tip, U.S. forces were approached by Nawaf al-Zaydan Mohammed, a Mosul businessman who told them the brothers were staying at his house….

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