Tag «National Academy of Sciences»

“Telling the Truth About Lie Detectors”

Dan Vergano reports for USA Today. Excerpt: A long-time law enforcement favorite, the lie detector, now finds itself sweating the hot lights of scientific inquiry. Crime dramas have long depicted the polygraph’s tangle of wires and wiggling chart lines uncovering lies during a hard-boiled criminal interrogation. As suspects are questioned, the device checks for sweaty …

“Domenici Wants Review Committee to Weigh Polygraph Benefits to DOE Lab Security”

In a press release occasioned by the commencement of the National Academy of Sciences’ polygraph review, Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM) expresses his concerns about the Department of Energy’s use of polygraphs: “I hope the work of this committee, backed by the NAS, will give us an objective analysis of polygraphs, and help determine the necessity …

“National Academy Begins Polygraph Study”

Steven Aftergood reports in today’s edition of the electronic newsletter Secrecy News: NATIONAL ACADEMY BEGINS POLYGRAPH STUDY The National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences is undertaking a new review of the validity and reliability of the polygraph, or “lie detector.” The 18 month review, which was proposed by Sen. Jeff Bingaman and …

“DOE Agrees to Fund Bingaman-Urged Polygraph Validity Study”

A press release from Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM). Excerpt: Bingaman first suggested a comprehensive review of the science behind polygraphs last year when he opposed DOE’s plans for expanded polygraph testing of its employees. In October 1999, Bingaman proposed and won Congressional approval of an amendment to a key appropriations bill calling for the National …