Tag «Christine Blasey Ford»

Neither Tara Reade Nor Joe Biden Should Take a Polygraph “Test”

In an interview with Tara Reade, who has accused Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, Megyn Kelly asked Reade (at 37:37) if she would be willing to take a polygraph “test”: Kelly: If I can just go back for one second to Blasey Ford.Reade: Yes.Kelly: Because we mentioned her—Reade: Yes.Kelly: …

The AntiPolygraph.org Podcast: Episode 1 – Polygraphs and the Kavanaugh Nomination

In this episode, podcast host George Maschke discusses Professor Christine Blasey Ford’s polygraph examination in connection with her allegations against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, critical journalism on polygraphy inspired by this development, a proposed polygraph dragnet at the White House, a recent interview of polygraph critic Doug Williams on the Lions of …