Author archives

“Inland Private Investigator Mans Machine of Truth”

John Welsh of the Press-Editor profiles NBC “Meet My Folks” polygraph operater Nick Savastano in this puff piece. Excerpt: RIVERSIDE – Private investigator Nick Savastano gets double takes all the time. In airports, malls, supermarkets, wherever. Folks always think he looks like that guy on television. The one from “NYPD Blue.” You know, Detective Sipowicz. …

“The Telling Truth About Polygraphs”

Polygraph operator Dee Moody is interviewed by credulous San Mateo County Times staff writer Erin Sherbert. Excerpt: Q: How do you know if someone is lying or telling the truth, just by a polygraph test? A: We’re measuring significant changes in your physiological responses. Your responses are involuntary. You can be sitting totally still and …

Russia: “Lie Detector, a Silent Talker”

Ilya Tarasov interviews reserve intelligence colonel Vladimir Galkin for Excerpt: Would it make sense to take a decision to oblige Kremlin officials to undergo lie detector tests? First of all, we must clearly understand what purpose we pursue by organizing such tests. As experience of American special services shows, lie detector tests are obligatory …

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to Be Interrogated with Polygraph?

In an article titled, “You can bet Mohammed will talk,” New York Daily News columnist Zev Chafets suggests that alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will be subjected to polygraphic interrogation. Excerpt: Polygraphs…are not only admissible but indispensable. “They won’t let him say a single word without being hooked up to a lie detector,” says …

“The Disappearance of Laci Peterson: Why Her Husband, Even If Innocent, Should Not Agree To A Lie Detector Test”

Attorney Jonna M. Spilbor writes for Excerpt: In recent weeks, news shows have frequently turned to the notorious case of Laci Peterson – the pregnant Modesto woman who disappeared on Christmas Eve from the home she shared with her husband, Scott. While watching one such bulletin, I turned to my own husband, and said, …

“Pentagon Foresees Expanded Polygraph Testing”

Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy discusses the National Academy of Science’s polygraph report in his Secrecy News e-mail publication: PENTAGON FORESEES EXPANDED POLYGRAPH TESTING Despite escalating criticism concerning the validity of polygraph testing, the Defense Department may seek to increase reliance on the polygraph as a security and …

Israel: “A Lying Test”

Ha’aretz published the following letter from co-founder George Maschke: A lying test Regarding “Cellcom CEO puts execs under the grill” by Hadar Horesh, February 7: Yitzhak Peterburg’s decision to force senior Cellcom executives to submit to polygraph tests or be fired is a mistake. Polygraph “testing” is simply unreliable. The dirty little secret behind …

Israel: “CEO’s Decision to Polygraph Execs – At Behest of Cellcom Board”

Ha’aretz reports. Excerpt: Cellcom’s shareholders are the ones behind the controversial order of the mobile operator’s brand new CEO, Yitzhak Peterburg, that company executives undergo lie detection tests as a precondition for their continued employment, after a series of leaks to the press. Specifically, the shareholders ordered Peterburg to halt the rash of leaks, which …

Israel: “Polygraph Requirement Leading Cellcom VPs to Consider Resignation”

Efi Landau reports for Globes [online]. Excerpt: Cellcom VPs are opposed in principle to Cellcom president and CEO Dr. Yitzhak Peterburg’s order that company executives take a polygraph examination, but do not dare to publicly oppose him. Peterburg wants to discover who leaked information to the press last week. Peterburg himself was examined on Friday, …