Author archives

Polygraphing of Greensboro City Council Begins

Greensboro, North Carolina News & Record staff writer Eric Swensen reports on the first day of polygraph “testing” of the city council: Polygraphs off to unusual start By Eric Swensen Staff Writer GREENSBORO — One council member says she passed, one wouldn’t say how he fared, and the mayor blamed the newspaper as the City …

Melissa Mahle on CIA Use of Polygraphs

In a blog entry titled “Leakscape,” retired CIA officer Melissa Mahle discusses, among other things, the unreliability of the polygraph: The polygraph is a very blunt instrument and not accurate. If an officer registers any discomfort on a question, the polygrapher will hone in on the issue. After being asked the same question 100 times, …

The Tennesean Supports State Ban on Polygraphing Rape Victims

In an editorial titled, “Don’t accuse rape victims,” The Tennesean voices it support for legislation that would outlaw the wrongheaded police practice of requiring those who report having been the victims of rape to submit to a lie detector “test” before investigating the complaint: Monday, 05/01/06 Don’t accuse rape victims A rape victim shouldn’t be …

Can We Trust Polygraphs?

Former CIA and State Department analyst and frequent news commentator Larry Johnson raises the question and forwards a letter from’s George Maschke. This article is also posted on Johnson’s blog, No Quarter.

Greensboro Polygraph Follies Update

Polygraph “testing” of eight of nine Greensboro City Council members appears set to begin this week in an ostensible attempt to discover who amongst them provided an investigative report on the city’s former police chief to the local News & Record newspaper. To date, none of the city council members have responded to George Maschke’s …

Polygraphs Target Leak Cases

Andrew Zajac of the Chicago Tribune reports on the CIA’s reliance on the polygraph in its efforts to detect and deter unauthorized truth-telling. This feature article is cited in its entirety: Polygraphs target leak cases U.S. intelligence, FBI use tool to police their ranks, but some say it is vulnerable to abuse By Andrew Zajac …

Dana Priest on Polygraphs

Dana Priest, the Washington Post intelligence reporter whose Pulitzer Prize-winning exposé on the CIA’s secret prison network set up to evade U.S. and international law led to a polygraph hunt for leakers at CIA, answered, among others, a question about polygraphs in an on-line chat session held on Thursday, 27 April 2006: Gaithersburg, Md.: With …