Israel: “Cellcom Execs to Take Lie Detector Test”

This short article from Globes [online] is cited here in full:

At a special management meeting called today, Cellcom president and CEO Dr. Yitzhak Peterburg announced that, due to a wave of information leaks, all Cellcom managers would be required to undergo a polygraph test if they wished to continue working at the company. Peterburg emphasized that no one was exempt from the procedure, and that he would be the first to be tested by the lie detector.

Peterburg added that Cellcom was a commercial firm operating in a competitive environment, and that employees on all levels were committed to maintain maximum confidentiality. He said that the company had an obligation to ensure that senior officials who were “damaging and sabotaging company activities would not continue in their posts at Cellcom”.

Cellcom’s spokesperson said that the measure was intended to protect all those staff members who did their work faithfully and were mindful of confidentiality.

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