Censorship and Cover-up
This post was censored on the Officer.com forums on ~ July 20, 2018, despite the fact it did not violate forum rules. If you feel it should not have been censored, leave them a message here (
The original post made on January 16, 2018 is not archived on Google, but is attached to this post as file “USSS Applicants Consider Refusing a Polygraph Exam from Special Agent Ellen Ripperger - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ Officer.com Page 1 Original”. It indicates at that time the post was reported to the moderators and asked to be removed, but the moderators found it met the rules for posting, which it did. Many of the comments posted to the thread speak volumes with regard to the individuals making them in terms of their value on the importance of ethics, their intelligence, and a near institutional mindset to accept the misconduct of law enforcement officers without question. It represents the increasing distrust of Law Enforcement, and serves only to drive the incorrect stereotype that the majority of police officers are dishonest, arrogant, dumb, and break the laws with impunity that they are paid to enforce.
Shortly after the Original Version was posted, the moderators did later remove 8 of the 15 posts (many of them derogatory posts about the author), but left the original information intact. This version is archived on the web here (
https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eq2WwKpLegoJ:https://forum...) and attached as: “USSS Applicants Consider Refusing a Polygraph Exam from Special Agent Ellen Ripperger - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ Officer.com Page 1 After Censor.pdf”.
The post remained up for 7 months until the author shared more information to refute skeptics that no malfeasance had occurred. It demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that either perjury was committed by USSS personnel or evidence ordered produced by a judge was destroyed. The post was then removed in its entirety. One must ask why, and why now? Why was the post up for seven months and found not to violate the terms and conditions until after the new evidence was posted? If a new post was problematic, why was it not simply deleted from the thread as others had been? The most logical answer is that someone very powerful told them to remove it, or there would be consequences. The archived post can be viewed here (
https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yliDWvJ8SE8J:https://forum...) and is attached as “USSS Applicants Consider Refusing a Polygraph Exam from Special Agent Ellen Ripperger - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ Officer.com Page 2”.
The real question becomes could this really have happened? Did the United States Secret Service really have personnel either perjure themselves or destroy evidence (an audio recording of a polygraph exam) to hide what actually goes on during a polygraph exam, and what is typical behavior toward people who undergo a polygraph exam?
Well, past performance is the single best predictor of future behavior. If the Secret Service has done this in the past, and has a culture which condones illegal and unethical behavior, than it become exponentially more probable that this did happen. An instance where DHS OIG issued a report of the Secret Service retaliating against an agent by wrongly denying his security clearance can be downloaded here (
https://www.oig.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/assets/2017/WRRI-I15-USSS-SID-01777-... ) and is attached as “WRRI-I15-USSS-SID-01777-092217_0.pdf”.
Illegal and unethical behavior is articulated as the norm at the United States Secret Service in this article on Federal News Radio located here (
https://federalnewsradio.com/tom-temin-commentary/2015/10/dhs-ig-unloads-widespr...) which references this report here (
https://www.oig.dhs.gov/assets/Mga/OIG_mga-092515.pdf) and attached as “OIG_mga-092515.pdf”.
The judge who originally ordered the USSS to produce the Audio Tape of the polygraph now seemingly has had a change of heart. When the tape produced by the USSS was corrupted, she found it plausible that this could be an accident despite the fact that for this to happen it would have had to be a black swan event (See Post #16 on located on the cached version of Page 2 on the officer.com forums located here). Even more concerning, she wants to rule on the case before OIG concludes its investigation on if evidence was in fact destroyed by the government that was ordered to be produced under discovery for the plaintiff. The rush to dispose of the case only occurred after public posts were made about the case; prior to that she had no issue sitting on the case for years.) It is hard to believe that this could occur in the United States of America, but it is; and it will keep occurring, because no punishment is ever inflicted on those who are corrupt. America is now little better than a third world dictatorship when it comes to corruption.