Category «Voice Stress»

“Police Using Voice Stress Analysis to Detect Lies”

Associated Press writer Michael Rubinkam reports on the pseudoscience of voice stress analysis. Excerpt: PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Police want to know if a suspect is lying, but the polygraph test comes back inconclusive. What’s an exasperated interrogator to do? Increasingly, law enforcement agencies are using a technology that measures “voice stress” — small frequency modulations …

“Lying Technology: Now in Morgan County [Missouri]: New-Age Lie Detector Measures Micro Tremors”

Marsha Paxson gullibly reports on Computerized Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) for the Lake Sun Leader of Camdenton, Missouri. Excerpt: MORGAN COUNTY – The same type of lie detection machine used to test former President Bill Clinton when he claimed not to have had sex with Monica Lewinksy is now being used in the arsenal against …

“What Goes Around Goes Around Again”

Ken Brownlee writes about voice stress analysis for Claims magazine. Excerpt: My wife came back from shopping yesterday and told me she had been listening to Clark Howard, the nation’s Number One Cheapskate, on WSB, an Atlanta radio station. She told me that he had said that Lloyd’s of London had decided to take statements …

“Vocal Stress Can Betray You in a Lie”

Julie Novak uncritically reports on Computerized Voice Stress Analysis in this single-source Narragansett Times article. Excerpt: NARRAGANSETT – If you want to tell a lie, don’t tell it to Narragansett Police Lt. Vincent Carlone. The department’s head of detectives has learned how to analyze vocal stress, and with the assistance of a laptop computer he’s …

“Cops Seek Voice of Truth”

Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania Press Enterprise writer Michael Reich reports on Computerized Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA). Excerpt: HAZLETON — When someone lies to police here, a “truth verification” machine might be able to sense the fib by recording changes in a person’s voice. Hazleton Police Chief Edward Harry says the machine has led to confessions in 75 …

“Police Use of Voice Stress Analysis Generates Controversy”

Margie Wylie reports for the Newhouse News Service in a well-researched article on CVSA. Excerpt: Police departments across the country are buying the controversial Computer Voice Stress Analyzer, which its manufacturer claims can tell when a person is lying merely by the sound of his voice. When a suspect speaks, a computer program “listens” for …

“Insurance Claimants to Face Lie Detector Tests”

Robert Winnett writes for The Sunday Times of London on the plans of British insurance companies to use voice stress analysis to evaluate the veracity of claims. Excerpt: THE voices of claimants who telephone their insurers after an accident or theft will go through a lie detector under radical plans drawn up by some of …