Category «Polygraph»

“D.A. Targets Irondale: Drug Case Against Official’s Son Probed”

Taylor Bright of the Birmingham Post-Herald reports on the scandal in Irondale, Alabama in which the mayor has ordered wide-ranging polygraph “testing” of municipal employees. Excerpt: The mayor of Irondale has gone on the offensive to find the person who released a police report naming a city councilman’s son in a marijuana trafficking incident. Jefferson …

“Irondale [Alabama] Plans Lie Detector Tests: Mayor Orders City Hall Polygraphs to Trace Leaks”

Staff writer Anita Debro reports for the Birmingham News. Excerpt: Irondale Mayor Allen Ramsey is ordering all City Hall employees to undergo a polygraph test to determine who may have leaked confidential police information. Ramsey said Tuesday night he will submit to the testing and he is also asking members of the Irondale City Council …

Australia: TV Report Angers Judges

David Darragh reports for the West Australian on the appeal of convicted murderer Andrew Mallard, who has sought the admission of polygraph results. THE Court of Criminal Appeal has criticised heavily what it described as emotive and one-sided television news reports of convicted murderer Andrew Mallard’s appeal that could influence witnesses at the hearing. Mallard’s …

Indiana Governor Rejects Convicted Murderer’s Request for a Lie Detector Test

Joe Gerrety reports for the Lafayette, Indiana Journal and Courier in an article titled, “Gov. O’Bannon denies clemency for Trueblood.” Excerpt: Gov. Frank O’Bannon denied condemned triple murderer Joseph L. Trueblood’s request for clemency, making his Friday morning execution a near certainty. “The judicial system has provided Trueblood repeated opportunities in multiple appeals to challenge …

“Condemned Killer Asks for Polygraph”

Shannon Tan reports for the Indianapolis Star. Excerpt: MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. — With just days to live, Joseph L. Trueblood asked Gov. Frank O’Bannon on Tuesday for a polygraph test to prove the Death Row inmate has been telling the truth. Trueblood insists his lawyers told him he would not face death when he pleaded …