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American Taliban Soldier John Walker Lindh to be Polygraphed as Part of Plea Deal

P. Mitchell Prothero of United Press International reports that as part of a plea agreement between John Walker Lindh and federal prosecutors, Walker Lindh “will be required to cooperate with investigators, take repeated polygraph examinations, and appear as a witness in any trial at which he might be needed.” Prothero’s article on the plea deal …

“What’s the Truth About Polygraphs?”

Madelaine Vitale reports for The Press of Atlantic City (New Jersey). Excerpt: The prosecution’s key witness in the Lloyd Massey II triple-murder trial failed a polygraph. The jury never heard about the lie detector. While polygraphs are considered valuable tools in helping law enforcement rule out potential suspects in crimes or focus on a particular …

“Challenging an American Icon”

The Japan Times Online published the following reader’s letter: Challenging an American icon Regarding the June 21 Washington Post article “Private eye who found Levy bone declines lie test”: If most people challenged or disregarded the place of the polygraph test in American police investigations the way that private investigator Joe McCann is reported to …

Lie Detector “Tests” for St. Louis Parking Division Employees

Doug Moore of the St. Louis Post Dispatch reports in an article titled, “City fires three employees, charges them with stealing from meters.” Excerpt: Three St. Louis city workers have been fired and charged with stealing quarters from parking meters. As a result, the treasurer’s office is asking some of its other employees to submit …

Anthrax Probe “Person of Interest” Dr. Steven Hatfill Reportedly Failed Security Clearance Polygraph

In an article titled, “Who is Steven Hatfill” published on the American Prospect website, freelance writer Laura Rozen reports that Dr. Steven Hatfill, whose home the FBI recently searched in its ongoing anthrax investigation, allegedly lost his security clearance following a failed polygraph examination (although he reportedly passed an FBI polygraph interrogation regarding last year’s …