Author archives

Australia: TV Report Angers Judges

David Darragh reports for the West Australian on the appeal of convicted murderer Andrew Mallard, who has sought the admission of polygraph results. THE Court of Criminal Appeal has criticised heavily what it described as emotive and one-sided television news reports of convicted murderer Andrew Mallard’s appeal that could influence witnesses at the hearing. Mallard’s …

Indiana Governor Rejects Convicted Murderer’s Request for a Lie Detector Test

Joe Gerrety reports for the Lafayette, Indiana Journal and Courier in an article titled, “Gov. O’Bannon denies clemency for Trueblood.” Excerpt: Gov. Frank O’Bannon denied condemned triple murderer Joseph L. Trueblood’s request for clemency, making his Friday morning execution a near certainty. “The judicial system has provided Trueblood repeated opportunities in multiple appeals to challenge …

“Condemned Killer Asks for Polygraph”

Shannon Tan reports for the Indianapolis Star. Excerpt: MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. — With just days to live, Joseph L. Trueblood asked Gov. Frank O’Bannon on Tuesday for a polygraph test to prove the Death Row inmate has been telling the truth. Trueblood insists his lawyers told him he would not face death when he pleaded …

“Polygraphs: Worse than Worthless”

Dr. Alan P. Zelicoff comments on polygraph screening in this Washington Post op-ed piece. Excerpt: In 1999, in the midst of alleged leaks of nuclear weapons information from his department’s national laboratories, the secretary of energy, Bill Richardson, set out to show that he could be “tough” on national security matters. He sought congressional funding …

“CIA Does Not Reveal Truths Regarding Polygraph Tests”

The Daily Northwestern published the following letter by George Maschke in response to Sheila Burt’s 16 May 2003 article, “CIA recruiters more Moneypenny than Bond”: CIA recruiter Elizabeth was less than candid when she told Northwestern students that “those who tell the truth have nothing to worry about” regarding the polygraph. The National Academy of …

“DOE Plan Keeps the Lie Detector: Security Needs Override Questions About Reliability of the Polygraphs”

Frank Munger reports for the Knoxville News-Sentinel. Excerpt: OAK RIDGE – It’s a real-life variation of the game truth or consequences. The Department of Energy figures the potential consequences of a security breach in the nuclear weapons program are so grave that extraordinary precautions must be taken. That includes truth testing for key employees. Despite …

CIA Recruiter Tells Students Truth-tellers Have No Reason to Worry About Polygraph

Sheila Burt reports for the Daily Northwestern on the campus visit of two CIA recruiters, Marcus and Elizabeth, in an article titled, “CIA recruiters more Moneypenny than Bond.” Excerpt: …applicants must go through a rather extensive interview process before becoming official CIA agents. The process includes a background check, a lie detector test and a …

“Polygraphs – Truth or Lie?”

Chris Ingalls reports for Excerpt: SEATTLE – The polygraph promises to find the answer and that’s why it is widely used in Washington state to screen potential employees for high-security jobs. But there are new doubts about whether lie detectors really work. In today’s security-conscious environment, much of the tax money is used to …