Author archives

Merrillville, Indiana P.D. Buys Into CVSA

In an article entitled, “New equipment will give police edge on liars,” staff writer Erin Howard of the northwest Indiana Times reports. Excerpt: MERRILLVILLE — Lie detection is one of many methods police use to solve criminal cases, and the Merrillville Police Department will soon have the latest lie detector technology at its disposal. The …

$200,000 Settlement in Case of Employee Fired for Refusing Polygraph

The Bucks County, Pennsylvania Courier Times reports in an article titled, “Collection firm settles civil rights case.” Excerpt: Bristol Township’s municipal wage tax collector Berkheimer Associates and the collector’s parent firm, H.A. Berkheimer Inc., have settled a federal civil rights lawsuit for $200,000, a source confirmed yesterday. Township resident Diane Radicke, a former Berkheimer Associates …

Charges Against Police Sergeant Who “Failed” Polygraph Dropped

South Florida Sun-Sentinel staff writer Jon Burstein reports in an article entitled “State drops case against Boynton officer accused of molesting family member.” Excerpt: Criminal charges against a Boynton Beach police sergeant accused of molesting a family member have been dropped, the State Attorney’s Office said on Tuesday. Any case against Sgt. Frank Ranzie would …

“NO and then YES”

Gerard Wong of The Straits Times reports that Singaporean goalkeeper Shamsuri Ahmad has agreed to submit to a mandatory lie detector “test.” Excerpt: CLEMENTI Khalsa goalkeeper Shamsuri Ahmad saved himself from a sacking by the S-League last night when he agreed at the last minute to go for a polygraph (lie-detector) test. The 32-year-old custodian …

Singapore: Soccer Player Refuses Mandatory Lie Detector Test

Patwant Singh reports for MediaCorps News in an article entitled “S.League: Clementi goalkeeper refuses mandatory lie-detector test.” Excerpt: Clementi Khalsa goalkeeper Shamsuri Ahmad has become the first player to refuse a mandatory polygraph test and was called up for a disciplinary committee inquiry by the Football Association of Singapore on Monday. … FAS had recently …

“Sex Predator Foiled Two Lie Detector Tests”

Bryan Johnson of KOMO TV in Seattle, Washington reports. Excerpt: KING COUNTY – A prosecutor says released sex predator Joseph Aqui had two extramarital affairs and looked at pornography on the Internet. A hearing under way in court in Seattle will determine whether Aqui violated terms of his release from the special commitment center. Aqui, …

“Pandora’s Box”

US News and World Report provides some background on the so-called “lie-detector.” Despite its use by over 20 federal agencies, polygraph “technology” (circa 1915) has never been proven to determine truth from deception with better than chance accuracy under field conditions. Excerpt: Most U.S. courts ban their use as evidence. A federal law bars private …