On Wednesday, 17 June 2020, “Dr.” Charles Humble’s NITV Federal Services, LLC, which markets the scientifically baseless Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) to governmental agencies, filed in a Florida court an amended complaint in litigation against competitor Elwood Gary Baker, who runs Baker Group International, and his associate Michael Savage, who runs Expertos VSA, Inc. The original complaint was filed on 25 May 2015.

It should be noted that no voice stress analysis technique has any scientific basis, be it NITV’s CVSA, Baker Group International’s Digital Voice Stress Analyzer (DVSA), Dektor’s Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE), or Nemesysco’s Layered Voice Analysis (LVA).
In the lawsuit, brought before the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach, NITV alleges that Baker and Savage have been marketing their competing voice-based lie detector in violation of U.S. export regulations and seeks as much as $1,000,000 (or potentially more) in damages.
NITV’s amended complaint includes the following two counts:
Economic Damages Against Defendants due to Violation of Florida Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act
- Plaintiff hereby restates the allegation set forth in paragraphs 1 through 46 as if fully set forth herein and further alleges as follows:
- Both BAKER and SAVAGE, individually and by and through EXPERTOS INC and EXPERTOS SA, have exported from the United States or re-exported VSA technologies either to or between various foreign locations including Mexico, Central America, South America and South Africa.
- Upon information and belief, none of the Defendants named herein have received such US Government approved Export Licenses for the multiple sales they have made from the US to foreign countries and/or between foreign countries, and are knowingly and actively engaged in the commerce of selling US Government Export Controlled commodities to various foreign governments, foreign commercial entities, and foreign national end users who have not been properly scrutinized to be granted an Export License.
- The Defendants are in violation of Federal export laws, under the EAR, as well as violations of the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. §§ 41 et seq.
- The failure to comply with Federal Export Law and violation of the EAR, constitute an unfair and deceptive act and unfair practice under the Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Act.
- Defendants’ [sic] BAKER and SAVAGE, individually and by and through EXPERTOS INC and EXPERTOS SA, deliberate and knowing efforts to export, distribute and sell the DVSA/FVAS outside of the United States without a United States Government approved Export License, constitutes a violation of 15 CFR § 730-774 under the EAR, and constitutes a criminal conspiracy to violate federally promulgated export laws, regulations and directives.
Due to Defendants’ unfair and deceptive actions in circumventing export licensing requirements, Defendants have been able to expeditiously enter foreign markets to the competitive disadvantage and economic damage of NFS. - Due to Defendants’ unfair and deceptive actions in circumventing export licensing requirements, NFS has lost numerous sales to BAKER and/or SAVAGE by and through EXPERTOS INC/EXPERTOS SA.
- NFS’s damages are directly proximate to Defendants’ violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and the Florida Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices Act, Florida Statute 501.201 et seq., and specifically 501.211 of the Florida Statutes.
- NFS is entitled to an award of attorney fees and costs associated with the bringing of this action pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and Section 501.2105 of the Florida Statutes.
WHEREFORE, NFS respectfully requests that this Honorable Court:
A. Enter a money judgment of $1,000,000 against Defendants or an amount equal to the actual damages suffered by Plaintiff by reason of the violations alleged above, pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and Section 501.211 of the Florida Statutes;
B. Enter an order requiring Defendants to pay Plaintiff’s costs and reasonable attorney’s fees pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and Section 501.2105 of the Florida Statutes; and
C. Direct any and all further relief this court deems just and equitable.
Injunctive and Equitable Relief Against All Defendants
- Plaintiff restates the allegations in paragraphs 1 through 46 and further states:
- As alleged herein, Defendants have engaged in a continuous course of violation of 15 CFR § 730-774 under the EAR and Federal Trade Commission Regulations.
- Defendants will continue to violate 15 CFR § 730-774 under the EAR and Federal Trade Commission Regulations causing irreparable harm to Plaintiff, the public, United States national security, and efforts by various foreign governments to combat criminal enterprises by supplying unscreened end users with technology that can be used to thwart law enforcement, military and/or national security efforts unless enjoined.
- Plaintiff does not possess an adequate remedy at law to prevent Defendants’ conduct as alleged herein from continuing.
- Plaintiff has a clear right to its request for injunctive relief and the public interest will be served as Plaintiff seeks to prevent continuing violations [sic] 15 CFR § 730-774 under the EAR and of the Federal Trade Commission Export Regulations which directly damage Plaintiff, the public and others.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that this Honorable Court:
A. Grant a temporary and permanent injunction against Defendants BAKER, EXPERTOS INC, EXPERTOS SA, and SAVAGE, enjoining the Defendants from exporting, demonstrating or selling its DVSA/FVAS product to foreign customers or potential customers both inside and outside the United States without a United States Government approved export license;
B. Enter an Order awarding Plaintiff costs and reasonable attorney’s fees pursuant to the Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and Section 501.2105 of the Florida Statutes;
C. Order Dissolution of EXPERTOS VSA, INC.;
D. Order Disgorgement of any and all monies received by Defendants’ [sic] in connection [sic] their violations of Federal Trade Commission Act 15 U.S.C. Section 41 et seq., and Section 501.201 of the Florida Statutes; and
F. Direct any and all further relief this Court deems just and equitable.
The claim is Case No. 50-2015-CA-005885-XXXX-MB in the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. Other notable filings in the case include the transcripts of video depositions of Elwood Gary Baker and Michael Savage.
It should be noted that in 2009, the same court awarded Elwood Gary Baker $575,000 in a defamation suit he brought against NITV, LLC. NITV to date has shirked payment of this judgment, and Baker’s efforts to collect continue. That action is Case No. 50-2005-CA-001771-XXXX-MB.
In addition, NITV is the defendant in a federal fraud suit, Fletcher v. NITV LLC, filed on 18 May 2020.
Update 24 June 2020: In 2006, NITV was ordered to pay $77,000 in penalties for export violations similar to those that NITV now alleges E. Gary Baker et al. to have committed. Documentation of this action is available on Archive.org’s mirror of NITVCVSAExposed.com, a website that in May 2019 was ordered taken down pursuant to a federal lawsuit brought by NITV against Arthur Herring III and Dektor Corporation.
Good Reporting and Earth Shattering!
If NITV was selling to commercial and private companies the government would have already prosecuted them for fraud. Since law enforcement never did any due diligence and bought this equipment on pure emotion and hype, no one wants to admit his police agency was duped. This is how and why so many minorities were abused by the police as they acted on emotion. The taxpayers in the cities that purchased the CVSA should be outraged and raise holy hell with city and county administrators. It makes me wonder how many of my Black and Hispanic brothers were screwed over with this CVSA. Keep up the good work and consider giving us a donation if you can.
Reggie, I am one of your white brothers that was screwed over by CVSA and I did raise holy hell, and possibly had a role in having the equipment removed from the department that I worked with, and still work for. I agree with you 100%, LE was duped and pride, especially false pride is a powerful emotion. Cops prize themselves that having supposedly bulletproof BS detectors. Well, let’s just say Chuck and company made police forces and their administrators look like a bunch of idiots.
AP has done an outstanding job of bringing this modern day witchcraft into the light of day.
This could get nasty. Next thing you know, Baker and Humble will accuse each other of having fake doctorate degrees.
“Dr.” Humble must really be in desperate. Must really be feeling a financial pinch and needs to raise money by selling more witchcraft boxes and getting legal settlements by competitors. Helicopters don’t come cheap.
I read over the materials from AP last night concerning the lawsuit against “Dr.” Baker and company and I see the so-called NITV company getting themselves into a hopeless quagmire. Basically, Charlie is throwing rocks in the glass house of voice stress analysis and the whole “lie detection” industry.
I am no where close to being a lawyer, but I understand about discovery. Charlie claims per the complaint I read last night that NITV has possession of academic/scientific studies “proving” the effectiveness of the CVSA. Doesn’t take a legal eagle to know opposing lawyers are going to demand those studies and totally rip them to shreds.
What is Charlie’s end game? Sure, he won the case against Dektor, but really, what was the point? The principal of Dektor was pro se, legalese for representing himself. The old cliché is that someone whom represents themselves has a fool for a client, but a more accurate analysis would be one is represents himself is piss broke. Dektor appears to be judgement proof, or legalese for in fact, being piss broke. But, but Charlie may say, uh, uh, “Dektor can’t bad mouth me anymore. So, Charlie may be right on that point to a degree, but he can’t shut up AP – remember that letter from last year written to AP demanding that AP shut down their web site? Sorry Charlie, AP is still up, and you appear to be going down.
I am enjoying these two charlatans duking it out, and running up legal expenses. I hope through discovery more information about the crookedness of the lie industry comes to light.
In fact, the only downside I see of the lie industry tearing each other to shreds is not having enough assets left to pay out legal settlements to the victims of these witchcraft boxes such as Steven Crowe, et al.