“The Disappearance of Laci Peterson: Why Her Husband, Even If Innocent, Should Not Agree To A Lie Detector Test”

Attorney Jonna M. Spilbor writes for FindLaw.com. Excerpt:

In recent weeks, news shows have frequently turned to the notorious case of Laci Peterson – the pregnant Modesto woman who disappeared on Christmas Eve from the home she shared with her husband, Scott. While watching one such bulletin, I turned to my own husband, and said, “Honey, promise me something. If I ever go missing without a trace, and the police are breathing down your neck, do not, I repeat, do not, take a lie detector test. Okay?”

On the advice of counsel, he agreed. Sometimes it helps to be married to a lawyer – even if you are subject to cross-examination for not taking out the garbage.

It’s not as clear that Scott Peterson will follow the same advice. Thus far, he’s done a lot of talking; indeed, he’s even confessed to having carried on an adulterous affair just weeks before his wife’s disappearance. A few stretches and pulls by police, and a morsel like this becomes a possible motive. Still, Scott Peterson has yet to hire counsel.

Now Peterson is being pressured to take a polygraph. So far, he’s refused. But authorities are continuing to lean on him, arguing that he is not “cooperating.” He should keep on refusing – even if he’s entirely innocent.

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