“Players to Take Tests”

The Associated Press reports on the case of Dunlap, Illinois high school athletes pressured to submit to polygraph “testing.” Excerpt:

DUNLAP, Ill. (AP) – Ten football players are fighting accusations from Dunlap High officials that they violated the school’s athletic code by attending a party where alcohol was served.

The student-athletes, most of them varsity football players, have agreed to take school-mandated polygraph tests, said William Collier, superintendent of Dunlap Community School District Unit 323.

Drinking or being in the presence of underage drinkers are violations of Dunlap’s athletic code, which both parents and students sign. Violators forfeit the remainder of their seasons and the first third of the next.

Four other students admitted their guilt, Collier said.

Collier said he’ll accept the other 10 students’ stories, but only after they pass the polygraphs. Collier also wants the parents to help pay for the polygraphs, which cost between $200 and $400 per test.

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