This letter was sent by certified mail to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld on 29 January 2001:
GEORGE W. MASCHKE HART NIBBRIGKADE 22 2597 XV DEN HAAG NETHERLANDS Monday, 29 January 2001 THE HONORABLE DONALD H. RUMSFELD SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1000 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20301-1000 Dear Secretary Rumsfeld: Congratulations on your recent confirmation as Secretary of Defense. I wish you all the best as you take on the responsibilities of that office for the second time in your life. I especially admire the wit and wisdom expressed in your "Rumsfeld's Rules" which I found on the DoD website: In your rules for the Secretary of Defense, you wrote: "Reserve the right to get into anything and exercise it. Make your deputies and staff realize that, although many responsibilities are delegated, no one should be surprised when the Secretary engages an important issue." I am writing this open letter to you to bring to your attention a matter that I believe deserves your personal engagement: waste, fraud, and abuse in the DoD Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph (CSP) Program, the ostensible purpose of which is to deter and detect espionage, sabotage, and terrorism. The counterintelligence-scope polygraph format used by DoD since 1994 is the Test for Espionage and Sabotage (TES), which was developed by Dr. Sheila Reed at the DoD Polygraph Institute (DoDPI) in the early '90s. Dr. Reed conducted three laboratory studies intended to determine the accuracy of the procedure. Her first study suggested that the TES was 88.9% accurate with truthful subjects and 83.3% accurate with deceptive subjects. Her second study suggested that the TES was 98% accurate with truthful subjects and 83.3% accurate with deceptive subjects. But her third study, which also considered examiner influence on test outcomes, suggested an accuracy rate of only 84.8% for truthful subjects and 77.9% for deceptive subjects. The accuracy rates suggested by Dr. Reed's 3rd study have serious policy implications. Let us suppose that 1 person in 1,000 is a spy, saboteur, or terrorist. Let us suppose next that we screen 10,000 persons using the TES, applying the accuracy rates suggested by Dr. Reed's 3rd study. Of the 10 spies, saboteurs, or terrorists in the population tested, about 8 will be correctly identified as deceptive. But some 1,520 innocent persons will also be wrongly identified as deceptive. For every spy or saboteur correctly identified, 190 innocent persons would be wrongly accused. The odds of any person who "fails" the TES actually being a spy or saboteur would be about 1 in 200! Dr. Reed concluded that the DoD security screening program should be halted. In reward for her candor, DoDPI officials took action to revoke her security clearance, and she was compelled to leave DoDPI in 1995. DoDPI also suppressed publication of Dr. Reed's report of her 3rd TES study. (Her first two studies were published as reports DoDPI94-R-0008 and DoDPI94-R-0009, respectively). Dr. Reed has told me that the data collected in her 3rd study indicated that examiner bias plays a significant role in TES outcomes. While Dr. Reed had prepared a preliminary report of this 3rd study before leaving the Institute, DoDPI sat on it rather than forwarding it to DoD for approval, as per DoDPI's standard practice. DoDPI's parent agency, the Defense Security Service (DSS), refused to release any materials related to this study when I requested it under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) last year. DSS's file number for this FOIA request is FOIA #064- 20(2). DSS's refusal to release these documents under the Freedom of Information Act is cause for concern. DSS Office of Freedom of Information and Privacy chief Leslie R. Blake at first withheld these documents (which are unclassified) on the ground that the study was not yet complete, adding, "[t]here is no estimated date of completion at this time." In appealing Mr. Blake's initial denial, I pointed out to DSS Director Gen. Charles J. Cunningham, Jr. (ret.) that it seemed clear that DoDPI had no intention of ever completing Dr. Reed's 3rd study. Gen. Cunningham upheld DSS's initial denial, claiming that release of any information about the study would harm DSS's decision-making process. Mr. Blake later informed me that the information withheld consisted of only two 14-page reports. If these were truly the only documents in DoDPI's possession that responded to my request, then DoDPI must have destroyed Dr. Reed's research materials, which she told me filled several boxes. It also seems likely that the two 14-page reports cited by DSS are too short to include Dr. Reed's draft report of her 3rd TES study. Dr. Reed is not the only researcher whose warning about the DoD Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph Program has gone unheeded. It was the consensus of DoDPI's scientific advisory board that polygraph screening is without validity. This independent board had reviewed and provided comments on DoDPI's academic curriculum and intramural research program. Former DoDPI director Michael H. Capps promptly dismissed the entire scientific advisory board upon his appointment in 1995. The dismissed members were John Furedy, William Iacono, Ed Katkin, Christopher J. Patrick, and Stephen W. Porges. They were provided no explanation for their dismissal. In addition, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Drew C. Richardson, who holds a doctorate in physiology and is the Bureau's top polygraph expert, testified before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts on 29 September 1997: 1. [Polygraph screening] is completely without any theoretical foundation and has absolutely no validity. Although there is disagreement amongst scientists about the use of polygraph testing in criminal matters, there is almost universal agreement that polygraph screening is completely invalid and should be stopped. As one of my colleagues frequently says, the diagnostic value of this type of testing is no more than that of astrology or tea-leaf reading. 2. If this test had any validity (which it does not), both my own experience, and published scientific research has proven, that anyone can be taught to beat this type of polygraph exam in a few minutes. 3. Because of the nature of this type of examination, it would normally be expected to produce large numbers of false positive results (falsely accusing an examinee of lying about some issue). As a result of the great consequences of doing this with large numbers of law enforcement and intelligence community officers, the test has now been manipulated to reduce false positive results, but consequently has no power to detect deception in espionage and other national security matters. Thus, I believe that there is virtually no probability of catching a spy with the use of polygraph screening techniques. I think a careful examination of the Aldrich Ames case will reveal that any shortcomings in the use of the polygraph were not simply errors on the part of the polygraph examiners involved, and would not have been eliminated if FBI instead of CIA polygraphers had conducted these examinations. Instead I believe this is largely a reflection of the complete lack of validity of this methodology. To the extent that we place any confidence in the results of polygraph screening, and as a consequence shortchange traditional security vetting techniques, I think our national security is severely jeopardized. Although Dr. Reed's research indicates that the TES should have a high false positive rate, in practice, just as Dr. Richardson testified, "the test has now been manipulated to reduce false positive results, but consequently has no power to detect deception in espionage and other national security matters." The Department of Defense Polygraph Program Report to Congress for FY 2000, prepared by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence) has recently been published and is available on-line at: In FY 2000, 7,890 DoD and contractor personnel underwent polygraph security screening, not including NSA and NRO. This report indicates that the only individuals who "failed" their DoD polygraph screening tests were those who made significant admissions. Everyone else "passed." Thus, the key to passing is to simply to make no significant admissions! The report states: Approximately 71 percent of our polygraph tests are conducted as a condition for access to certain positions or information under the DoD Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph (CSP) Program. The DoD CSP Program is authorized by Public Law 100-180. The purpose of the CSP Program is to deter and detect activity involving espionage, sabotage, and terrorism. The DoD conducts CSP examinations on military personnel, DoD civilian employees, and DoD contractor personnel. Of the 7,890 individuals examined under the CSP Program in Fiscal Year 2000, 7,688 showed no significant physiological response to the relevant questions (non-deceptive) and provided no substantive information. The remaining 202 individuals provided substantive information. Of these 202 individuals, 194 received a favorable adjudication, three are still pending adjudication, five are pending investigation, and no one received adverse action denying or withholding access. The report goes on to clarify: There were 7,688 individuals whose polygraph examination results were evaluated as no significant response to the relevant questions (non-deceptive). The remaining 202 individuals yielded significant responses and/or provided substantive information. This report makes it clear that the polygraph charts are not being used to determine whether individuals pass or fail: if the individual provides no "substantive information," then any physiological responses he/she may have shown to the relevant questions are deemed not to be significant, and the individual "passes." If the individual provides substantive information, then he/she "fails," regardless of polygraph chart readings. While the report claims that "[t]he purpose of the [Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph] Program is to deter and detect espionage, sabotage, and terrorism," it seems that the only spies, saboteurs, or terrorists who will be deterred or detected by it are those who are stupid enough to make admissions. Dr. Reed was right when she said that the entire polygraph screening program should be shut down. Some may argue that DoD must continue to rely on these unreliable polygraph "tests" because there is no better solution. But you should know better. As you noted in "Rumsfeld's Rules": "For every human problem there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong." (H.L. Mencken) "If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact, not to be solved, but to be coped with over time." (Shimon Perez) Polygraph screening is a prime example of a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong. The problems of espionage, sabotage, and terrorism are better coped with through conventional counterintelligence and force protection methods than through the make-believe solution of polygraph screening. Mr. Secretary, the DoD Counterintelligence-Scope Polygraph Program is at best a farce, and at worst, a massive fraud. I urge you to engage this important issue personally. Sincerely, [signed] George W. Maschke PS: A copy of this letter will be made available on-line at: