1  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Share Your Polygraph or CVSA Experience / Re: Passed Maintenance Polygraph, Thoughts
 on: Yesterday at 4:40am 
The "have you lied to your PO in the last 6 months" is a control question.

2  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Share Your Polygraph or CVSA Experience / Re: Everyday Sadist - Worst Polygraph Ever?
 on: Jun 30th, 2024 at 4:22pm 
Due to my posts on AntiPolygraph.org as well as other social media websites, I was contacted by an individual who recently took a polygraph with Dan Caputo, and reports a very similar experience. In addition, him and others who have taken polygraphs with Caputo have revealed a disturbing trend of emotional outbursts, inappropriate lines of questioning, harassment, threats, verbal abuse, and other behaviors that have been described as "unhinged." 

I've attached a screenshot and text version of the email I was sent below, and am in the process of reaching out to others and filing public records requests for more information. It appears that this rabbit hole goes pretty deep.

I was told by a friend to email you about my experience with Dan Caputo. 

So in my life I've taken several polygraphs and this was by far the most bizarre one.

So upon going in The interview was pretty brief probably about 10 to 15 minutes ask questions about age address, length of time at company prior to applying for new position. 

Asked me if I had eaten or drank anything, I'd had a couple cups of coffee and he seemingly got pretty perturbed. 

Which by the way, coffee on a polygraph is a non-starter has no effect on blood pressure or heart rate like people would assume and it most definitely does not change physiology.

He had a pretty arrogant attitude the whole time. 

He then had me wait out in the lobby for about 10 to 15 minutes, then came back and got me. 

Before starting the exam he gave me a half ass lecture about how he's there to help, that he's on my side, been doing this 17 years, etc. His little bit of masquerade psyop bs. I asked him to cut it out and proceed with the exam.

Several of the questions were irrelevant and way out of the ballpark, including asking if I had children in my basement, if I had ever touched a child, etc. extremely inappropriate especially for CI polys. I've never had questions like that on ANY poly I've ever taken.

He did not even ask any relevant questions such as foreign nationals, viewing unauthorized documentation. 

His fixation seems to be on sexual stuff, and unauthorized communications. 

On the second half of the polygraph, he started to become belligerent and raise his voice telling me to quit controlling my breathing when I was breathing normally. 

He then proceeded to continuously grill me on sexual questions and unauthorized communications he began yelling and screaming at me.

I figure if he wasn't able to get any sort of response is why he continued to do so and became combative, at that point he paused the exam and explained to me that he was going to conduct a head turn test. Partially up for yes and partially to the right side for no. This is a counter-measures to mess with results, examiners tend to do this because they don't like the results and can't get the desired reaction they're looking for. If they do this, 100% guarantee you will fail, because now its a tell they're incompetent.

At this point I disconnected the leads, at which time he proceeded to yell at me that the test was not complete and I told him I will be letting my employer know. 

He told my employer it was a partial pass.

My Dept Head sat down with me this morning at 6am chuckling to himself, Caputo didn't ask any relevant security questions and Dept Head was completely blown away by what was asked. Apparently, Caputo has done this alot on Polys and our company has stated they definitely won't use him for polys anymore.

If you need anything more, I'll do my best to answer any questions. This guy certainly appears to have some obsession with sex, and to be unstable."

3  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / CVSA and other Voice Stress Analysis Applications / Re: NITV CVSA Sold for $250.00 on Gov Deals Website
 on: Jun 30th, 2024 at 2:11am 
I think it would be cool if you made some Youtube videos with your CVSA.  This would probably get you a threat letter which also would make a cool video.

4  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / CVSA and other Voice Stress Analysis Applications / NITV CVSA Sold for $250.00 on Gov Deals Website
 on: Jun 27th, 2024 at 6:13pm 
Richland PD sold there NITV CVSA II for $250.00 on the Gov Deals website.  See the link below.  Copy of the webpage is attached in case link changes.


The CVSA II was sold up to 2019 on various Dell Computer systems.  The CVSA II program had the FACT installed.   

Richland PD uses polygraph according to the employment application posted on the department's website.

5  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Re: Ex FBI Agent Convicted of Child Sex Crimes
 on: Jun 26th, 2024 at 11:58am 
Whoa?!  Why isn't this story on the justice.gov site?  Did any major news sources cover it?  An FBI pedophile who passed the polygraph should be national or even international news!   The stupid U.S. government keeps trying to keep these stories quiet.

6  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / CVSA and other Voice Stress Analysis Applications / Re: S.F. Chronicle Investigative Article on CVSA Use in California
 on: Jun 24th, 2024 at 8:49pm 
Here is an example of an actual lawsuit in U.S. District Court that involved Arkansas Dept of Corrections over the usage of the CVSA.  Bianca Fletcher was fired from Arkansas DOC after failing a CVSA.   

The Plaintiff in this case sued NITV LLC and Federal Services LLC.   

Current and former inmates of any CA DOC facility as well as employees that were harmed by usage of the CVSA should take note of this case.   

The case was settled out of court, so the amount is unknown in this particular lawsuit.   Note the link to the actual case. 


7  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Ex FBI Agent Convicted of Child Sex Crimes
 on: Jun 24th, 2024 at 1:17pm 
And we have another federal poly-passing criminal!   Former FBI Agent Christopher Michael Bauer’s was arrested in 2021 on charges of incest with a minor, sodomy in the first-degree and sexual abuse of a child under the age of 12.  At the time, he was an Alabama state trooper who had been booted from the FBI's New Orleans field office following several claims of sexual misconduct, according to Alabama prosecutors.  On Friday, June 14, 2024, Christopher Bauer was found guilty of sodomy and sexual abuse of a child less than 12 years of age. 

On April 23, 2021, the victim, told a friend that she was being abused by Bauer, who she testified had been sexually assaulting her since she was 5-years-old, the prosecutor said.  So do the math.  The girl was under 12 at the time of the arrest, so the sexual abuse was going on for up to seven years.

Bauer had been suspended without pay and lost his security clearance at the FBI's New Orleans office in late 2018, a senior FBI official later confirmed to the AP. A co-worker had accused him of raping her at knife-point, the outlet reported.

I wonder how many FBI polygraphs Bauer passed during his crimes.  The Alabama state troopers also have to take polygraphs so Bauer passed those as well. 

Man, the polygraph really is a complete joke!




8  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Re: Accused Spy Alexander Yuk Ching Ma: Yet Another Catastrophic Failure of Polygraph Screening
 on: Jun 20th, 2024 at 4:17pm 
Did Alexander Ching Ma actually have access to real classified information during this eight-year sting?  Did they fake his security clearance, polygraph passing, and just give him menial unclassified work (disguised as classified?) during this time?

None of this is clear at present. All we have to go on are the scant details mentioned in the Memorandum of Plea Agreement.

9  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Re: Accused Spy Alexander Yuk Ching Ma: Yet Another Catastrophic Failure of Polygraph Screening
 on: Jun 20th, 2024 at 3:17am 
Did Alexander Ching Ma actually have access to real classified information during this eight-year sting?  Did they fake his security clearance, polygraph passing, and just give him menial unclassified work (disguised as classified?) during this time?

10  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / CVSA and other Voice Stress Analysis Applications / S.F. Chronicle Investigative Article on CVSA Use in California
 on: Jun 13th, 2024 at 5:50am 
As noted on the blog, the San Francisco Chronicle has published an excellent investigative article on the use of CVSA by law enforcement agencies:


In the event you have any difficulty with a paywall, an archived copy of this article is also available here:

