1  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Re: How Did CIA Officer and Serial Sexual Abuser Brian Jeffrey Raymond Get Away With His Crimes for So Long?
 on: Yesterday at 12:31am 

2  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Off-Topic Posts / r/SecurityClearanceTalk: A New Subreddit for Uncensored Discussion
 on: Sep 17th, 2024 at 2:32pm 
Unfortunately, the popular r/SecurityClearance subreddit on Reddit.com is heavily censored by the moderators, and candid discussion of polygraph matters is not allowed.

As a remedy, AntiPolygraph.org has created an uncensored subreddit for discussion of security clearance matters. All are welcome to follow and participate in r/SecurityClearanceTalk:


3  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Action Alerts and Announcements / AntiPolygraph.org is Now on SimpleX
 on: Sep 14th, 2024 at 10:52am 
You can now reach AntiPolygraph.org anonymously and securely using SimpleX, a free, open source, encrypted messaging service that requires no user information and has no user IDs. The app is available for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux.

To reach us via SimpleX, download the app, create a profile, and then add our profile. You can do this either by clicking the link below or by using the app to scan the QR code below:


4  Employment Forums (Non-polygraph related) / Police, Sheriffs', and Corrections Departments Applications, Hiring, and Employment / Re: Poly for Animal Control
 on: Sep 10th, 2024 at 11:31am 
Does anyone know if they drug test the same time as the polygraph test? I've only done the delta pen, but it's been about 3-4 weeks since I've done it (which was before I even applied). I said no to all the illegal drug use questions on the pre-employment questionnaire (because the delta pen is not illegal; you just get it from the local gas station lol), but I'm afraid I'll fail the drug test because of it. But if I reschedule the polygraph test, I feel like it would look sus or they just won't reschedule and that's it.

Every time I have taken an initial pre-employment polygraph for federal agencies, the drug test was given the same day either before or after the poly.  Kind of like a surprise.  It has always been a piss test though the CIA also will draw your blood and test for HIV, but they don't tell you this.  I have never had a hair follicle test for drugs but if you are worried just shave your head bald. 

You can pass a piss test for THC if you are clean for 30 days.

5  Employment Forums (Non-polygraph related) / Police, Sheriffs', and Corrections Departments Applications, Hiring, and Employment / Re: Poly for Animal Control
 on: Sep 4th, 2024 at 2:19am 
Does anyone know if they drug test the same time as the polygraph test? I've only done the delta pen, but it's been about 3-4 weeks since I've done it (which was before I even applied). I said no to all the illegal drug use questions on the pre-employment questionnaire (because the delta pen is not illegal; you just get it from the local gas station lol), but I'm afraid I'll fail the drug test because of it. But if I reschedule the polygraph test, I feel like it would look sus or they just won't reschedule and that's it.

6  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Post-Conviction Polygraph Programs / Re: advice know i know
 on: Aug 20th, 2024 at 8:38am 
I think you can perhaps be calmer now that you understand that the polygraph cannot read your mind. And now that you understand the true function of probable-lie "control" questions, you can be sure to augment reactions to them.

Your chances of passing will also be better now that you understand that breathing slowly and evenly in an attempt to remain calm is something to be avoided.

7  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Post-Conviction Polygraph Programs / advice know i know
 on: Aug 19th, 2024 at 11:26pm 
I feel like I would've been set up better going in blind since probable lie questions would've been real for me and since I have nothing to hide on relevant questions I would've been fine. But now that I know how this works, I feel like I will think I will get more nervous at relevant questions thinking I should keep the response down and then undershoot CMs on control questions. Any advice on calming down on relevant questions now that I know how this works?

8  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Re: Korbein Schultz - TS/SCI-Cleared Army Sgt. Pleads Guilty to Espionage - Passed Poly?
 on: Aug 15th, 2024 at 8:17am 
It's certainly possible that Schultz would have been required to pass a polygraph examination in connection with his work as an army intelligence analyst. However, to my knowledge, there is no public information available regarding whether, and if so when, Schultz was polygraphed.

9  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Policy / Korbein Schultz - TS/SCI-Cleared Army Sgt. Pleads Guilty to Espionage - Passed Poly?
 on: Aug 14th, 2024 at 10:23am 
Did Korbein Schultz pass a poly?  He had a TS/SCI clearance and was selling secrets to China.  He was convicted yesterday.



10  Polygraph and CVSA Forums / Polygraph Procedure / A Few TS/SCI + Poly Questions
 on: Aug 12th, 2024 at 12:16pm 
I am posting here because the questions I have always get banned on other sites like Reddit on the /r/securityclearance sub and others, especially when the word "polygraph" comes up.

Several months ago I received a conditional job offer from a big company but I have heard nothing since.  The job requires TS/SCI with a CI poly.  I have a few questions here which I have numbered so if you can answer each that will be great.

1)  I have not heard anything for many months since I submitted the SF86.  Does the polygraph always come first or is there a chance the investigators have already started my background check?   

2) They had me submit the SF86 via postal mail paper copies filled out (via typed on computer) instead of the e-Qip.  The company reiterated that I was to postal mail in the SF86 forms and not send them electronically.  Usually the DOD does eQip but this company said that the "customer" wants the paper forms. What does this mean; could the "customer" be a spy agency? 

3) I am currently abroad but will be back in the U.S. within a few months.  Can anything with a clearance happen while I am outside of the U.S, or must they wait until I am back in the U.S. to start the process?

4) I have foreign travel, once lost a job due to a failed poly, and have a misdemeanor (not related to sex, drugs, or alcohol).  All this happened about 10 years ago and I have had no other issues since. Do you think this is an instant disqualifier?

5) Is there a backlog in clearances or are they just running behind?  I have heard crickets since I submitted my SF86 forms.

I welcome all responses, subjective and objective.

- Juice
