Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it. (Read 137904 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Chuckles

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After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Mar 17th, 2011 at 3:09am
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I was feeling pretty nervous since I found out that I would have to take another polygraph test. Finally the day I have been dreading had arrived, but I preparedby reading up on it on I HIGHLY recommend that website, especially the included PDF book, "The lie behind the lie detector." That book explained to me exactly what the different questions were for and how to answer them in a way that would ensure that I did not appear deceptive to the guy giving me the test. 

The previous time I failed the polygraph test I was full of anxiety and fear going in there. I was intimidated by the process and felt like if I wasn't 1000% squeaky clean with the purity of Christ that the machine would be able to detect my sins. When he asked me if I had had any contact with minors, I knew that I had not done anything wrong, but it was in the back of my mind that I had chatted with a few minors here and there, at church, at stores. Even though I knew that I hadn't done anything even remotely wrong, I second guessed myself and worried that I wouldn't pass the question (and I didn't). 

This time I followed the advice from the book and showed up early, well groomed and well rested, with something to read so I wouldn't appear fidgety. I shook the polygrapher's hand and acted friendly, polite and respectful. I didn't give one hint of the disdain I felt for him and his bullshit profession. compares polygraphers to "witch doctors," and that is a great comparison, because they only have power if you believe they have power. On the outside I was respectful, but on the inside I was scoffing at his self importance and wasted life of bullshitting people all day. 

The test went exactly like the book described it. The polygrapher started off by giving me this threatening speech about how he is very good at his job and the machine is very accurate in detecting the physiological responses that liars naturally give off. The speech is designed to make liars feel tension and fear, but I knew from my preparation that the polygraph is unreliable and highly subject to interpretation by the polygrapher. He assured me that he was not a mind reader and it was all up to the machine, but I knew that I already had half the battle won by being neat, calm and willing to cooperate. I did not make any of the mistakes that many nervous people do, like saying I didn't sleep well last night or saying I am usually an anxious person. I just told him that as long as the questions are clear, I should have no problem answering them. 

When he hooked me up to the machine I knew that none of it made any difference at all, except for the breathing detector he strapped across my chest. From the moment that the breathing detector straps were attached to the moment he unhooked me I monitored my breathing. My breathing was a slow waltz. In two three, out two three, in two three, out two three... 

When he asked me if I was in a chair I answered and kept on breathing the waltz 

When he asked me if it was February I answered and kept on breathing the waltz 

When he asked me if I had ever in my life lied to get out of trouble (besides the few things I we had discussed) I recognized a "control" question. He knew that everyone has lied some time in his life and I couldn't be 100% sure of my answer. I answered "no" then bit my tongue and imagined someone getting their guts stabbed open in a vicious attack. I stopped breathing for 4 seconds before quietly returning to the waltz. My mind spun, was I doing the augmentation right? Had I bit my tongue enough? Did he notice my mouth move? 

When he asked me if I have been unsupervised around minors I said no and went back to breathing the waltz while thinking of petting my dog. 

When he asked me if I have ever yelled at someone in anger (besides the few things we had discussed) I recognized another "control" question and again augmented my response. This time I remembered to think the violent thoughts faster, but forgot to bite my tongue for a second. I did remember to not breathe in for four seconds again. I had the same worries that I had not augmented enough or correctly. 

When he asked me if I have been looking a pornography or sexy pictures I said no and again waltzed and mentally rubbed my dog's tummy. 

And so on for three cycles of questions. Whenever he asked an irrelevant question I just answered and stared at the wall. Whenever he asked a control question I answered as honestly as I could, but those questions are made to make you feel nervous, because you know there are a few examples of yelling at people or lying that I didn't cover in the pre-test interview. Answering the control questions was hard for that reason, plus I had to remember to think scary thoughts, bite my tongue, screw up my breathing. After all that, the relevant questions were easy to answer, almost relaxing. I answered and then immediately forgot what the question was as I imagined my dog frisking towards me across the field. Breathing the waltz is so easy after a bit of practice. 

As you probably know, the polygrapher compares the control questions to the relevant questions and as long as the control questions are more squiggly than the relevant questions you are telling the truth. I'm sure that my control questions had way more squiggles than the relevant questions. 

At the end when he asked me if there were any questions that I was worried about, I mentioned that the question about yelling in anger might have thrown me off, because I was thinking of my pal Gregory taking my car without permission. I had yelled at him, because friends don't steal from friends. If he had just asked me I would have given him a ride. I told him I was worried that my anger might have effected the results. I knew better than to theorize why I might have some wiggles on the relevant questions. He dropped it after that - apparently there were no suspicious wiggles. 

The polygrapher asked me how I thought I did over all and I told him that I felt really confident this time. I told him that I have really done some thinking since my last polygraph exam and I feel quite confident that I passed. He said I passed with flying colors. 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Lunger

Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #1 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 3:28pm
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Maybe you should just stay the crappity smack away from minors, freak!

Please tell me that they were at least girls!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Chuckles

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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #2 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 6:38pm
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Hello Lunger,

Yes I am a freak, but I am a freak who did his homework and learned how to beat the polygraph. The particulars of my case are not relevant to the discussion. Since you are reading these pages, I assume that you have a polygraph test coming up. I urge you to put aside your moral judgement, because being a morally good person will get you no where with the polygraph test. 

The person who is most likely to fail a polygraph exam is someone who trusts in the professionalism of the polygraph examiner and assumes that having nothing to hide will ensure a good result from the exam. This is a most dangerous misconception. Allow me to illustrate my point with this hypothetical question. Imagine that someone hooked you up to the machine and asked you:

"Did you rape a boy?"

Perhaps you could just calmly reply "no" to that question, but it is likely that you would be upset to even be asked such a question. Maybe inside you would be thinking, "How dare they ask me such a question? I am no freak like Chuckles!" It would be very likely that you would be judged "deceptive" in such a case.

But if you had done your homework you would have been prepared for the question. You would have known that the examiner is a liar and a bullshit artist. You would be breathing according to your preplanned pattern. You would simply say "no" and return to the breathing pattern and the preplanned soothing thought (maybe thoughts of reclining in a nice bubble bath). In this case the squiggles from your "no" answer would not be significant compared to the control questions.

I hope you have done your homework about control questions. You can think crazy thoughts, bite your tongue, change your breathing pattern to the "altered breathing pattern" that you picked from "The Lie Behind the Lie Detector." If you are like me you will be anxious, wondering if you are augmenting enough or too much, and that anxiety will be to your benefit, making your control answers produce even more squiggly lines. These squiggly lines will be larger than the squiggly lines associated with the question about boy rape, and thusly the polygraph examiner will be able to conclude that you are not guilty of raping a boy.

Of course YOU already knew that you were not guilty of any such thing. Anyone who knows you knows that it's insane to accuse you of such a heinous crime. But your innocence would not protect you in a polygraph exam. Reading "The Lie Behind the Lie Detector" and preparing for your test is the only thing that will protect you. 

I wish you the best. Thanks for giving me an emotionally charged example to work with.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box DoesItMatter
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #3 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 7:30am
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First off, let me point out the obvious. You are trying way to hard at playing the Hyper-Intelligent sociopath. Just stop, your making yourself look bad. Secondly I would like to point out that 99.99% of polygraph examiners look for CM's. CM's are the quickest way to fail the polygraph. For anyone reading this I HIGHLY advise just completely blanking your mind, just go into auto pilot, and answer with the obvious "right: answers (easier if you are devoid of a conscience, or you can at least distance yourself from it). Now back to you Captain Try-Hard, I would also like to point out that amidst your gloating about beating an apparently mentally challenged polygraph examiner and your guilt of molesting children, you posted a picture of yourself next to your name. I can only hope for the well-being of the socio underground (lol, no really) that you are in fact a fat, middle-age, balding man and the picture is what you want to look like. You’re making socio's look bad man...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Chuckles

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Don't hate me because your propaganda has been disproven
Reply #4 - Apr 3rd, 2011 at 7:59pm
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I actually tried the blank mind and answer truthfully approach three times. In the first and third tests I was declared deceptive, when I know in my heart that I was telling the truth. I can't prove it to you, but this conversation isn't about me or how bad I look or if I am mentally challenged or whatever. The real issue at stake is the unreliability of the polygraph. You have to admit that many, many people have come up deceptive when they were telling the truth, including people who were later exonerated. There have also been cases when people passed the polygraph when it was proven later that they were lying. It's an unreliable and easily fooled test and no amount of personal attacks from you is going to change that fact.

The idea that countermeasures are easy to detect is propaganda put out by the polygraph industry. If they were so easy to detect, then why haven't they taken the countermeasures detection challenge?

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #5 - Apr 4th, 2011 at 6:09pm
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Indeed, no polygraph operator has ever demonstrated any ability to detect the kind of polygraph countermeasures outlined in The Lie Behind the Lie Detector. Countermeasure "detection" consists of guesswork and browbeating the examiner for an admission.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #6 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 4:06am
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Examiners do detect countermeasures on a regular basis.  There is no guess work on the type Chuckles used, they are abundantly obvious to any experienced examiner.   

It is strange that you would post on this thread George, I have been following this one closely because something just jumped out and hit me when I read it.   

Still analyzing it for my own personal reasons.  Will get back with you when I actually decide what it is about the postings that caught my attention.   

Chuckles,  I do not need to accept any challenge or prove anything to you or anyone else.  I am confident in my abilities.  I did compliment you and you missed it or chose to ignore the compliment and focus on the one statement 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #7 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 5:04pm
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Examiners do detect countermeasures on a regular basis.There is no guess work on the type Chuckles used, they are abundantly obvious to any experienced examiner. 

Please tell me which attributes of a mental countermeasure response distinguish it from a normal response. I am curious, because there is no scientific data publish on this anywhere.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #8 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 5:24pm
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bite your tongue, change your breathing pattern to the "altered breathing pattern"

"mental countermeasure"

These are not Mental, they are physical.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #9 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 6:29pm
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bite your tongue, change your breathing pattern to the "altered breathing pattern"

"mental countermeasure"

These are not Mental, they are physical. 

I agree that those who may attempt this kind of countermeasure without being adept its execution may generate a chart with anomalies or artifacts. But, if someone like myself, who knows the standard pneumo reactions like apnea, suppression, inhale/exhale ratio etc were strapped to your instrument, you would never be able tell in a million years.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #10 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 6:51pm
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Also, to all you examiners and trolls. By engaging in such spirited conversation with those who are in the know scientifically, you become your own worst enemies. You attack us with a double-edged sword. While we can absorb your hatred and cheap shots, the unexpected result is further promulgation of the truth to those whom you wish to keep in the dark.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #11 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 8:53pm
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Thank you.  An individual that has scientific knowledge of polygraph may be able to defeat polygraph, there are no scientific studies that support or defeat your supposition.  Possibly you would be willing to engage such a study?  I would be interested in the result of this type scientific study.  

I am not a troll, have demonstrated no hate in my posts, and there have been no attacks from me.  Your information has been on target regarding some of the problems with polygraph use in multiple issue examinations.  

I inform persons using "screening examinations" to use caution and make no decision based only on polygraph results.  I further advise them to use single issue examinations when possible.

A multiple issue "screening" examination that has significant responses to relevant issue questions can and should be reduced to a single issue examination when possible.  Of course there is a possibility of sensitizing a subject to the relevant question.   
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #12 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:34pm
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An individual that has scientific knowledge of polygraph may be able to defeat polygraph, there are no scientific studies that support or defeat your supposition.

I don't think a scientific study is needed. Simply tell me which attributes of a countermeasure response distinguish it from a normal response.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #13 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:38pm
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A multiple issue "screening" examination that has significant responses to relevant issue questions can and should be reduced to a single issue examination when possible. 

It should always be done if you want to be compliant with the successive hurdles criterion as suggested by the APA.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: After failing the polygraph before, I learned how to beat it.
Reply #14 - Apr 5th, 2011 at 9:53pm
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I have not had an opportunity to evaluate and compare responses using mental countermeasures vs normal reactions generated from a deceptive response.  Over the next few days I will conduct a non-scientific experiment and attempt to test your supposition.   

I cannot answer your question at this time.
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