SanchoPanza wrote on Sep 27
th, 2008 at 3:03am:
Notguilty1, You are wrong about polygraph being a scam and as to your claim that any attempt to keep polygraph going is futile, well you are wrong about that as well.
The combined efforts of you Dr. Maschke and all the rest haven't been able to change ANYTHING about polygraph in the last 8 years. The petition that boasts 1333 signatures to "end polygraph screening" has less than 1200 signatures if you don't count voided lines, joke names, first name only and duplicates. The petition started in 2002 and has averaged less than 200 signatures a year. All of your complaints have not caused a single agency that was using polygraph to stop and you can't really say that you have prevented anyone from implementing its use either. Recent research indicates that honest people who try to use Dr. Maschke's techniques to help themselves pass are actually more likely to fail. If they are caught attempting countermeasures on a pre-employment test, their credibility is destroyed. You are probably doing more harm than good to otherwise truthful examinees.
Every year that has existed the number of courts admitting polygraph results has still increased. Every year the number of states using it to monitor convicts on parole has still increased. All the while polygraph research marches on. Ignoring the research that has occurred since the NAS report won't make it go away and you should realize that your chance of abolishing the use of polygraph in your lifetime is somewhere south of a snowball in Hades.
As to me being alone here, If I needed any help to deal with your severe lack of knowledge and near total absence of anything remotely resembling intelligence I would hire a jackass and teach him how to type. You are living proof that it can be done, and I'm willing to bet that the one I train will have fewer typing errors.
Sancho Panza
Again I need to educate you about if nothing else, my views.
Fact is that Polygraph IS nothing more than a interrogation tool. That the "test" relies on the examines belief that is can actually detect deception.
There have been many personal experiences posted here of people who in fact have failed the test and been truthful. I am as you know one of them.
I have no interest in counter measures and did not attempt any during my polygraph. I was amongst those you rely on that believed I had nothing to worry about since I had nothing to lie about.
I do not know if they work and have never advised anyone to try.
As a matter of fact, I have discouraged posters here that intended on lying to even take the polygraph and job, regardless of polygraphs ability to detect the lies.
I do know however that since the machine does not detect lies I can see how some may be encouraged to help their chances better than a coin toss.
I Can't say if I would or wouldn't attempt it.
Again, my message here is not to promote counter measures but to deter the use of polygraph as a lie detector which it is not. And to show the lie that is polygraph.
Your insistence that our attempts to eliminate polygraphs are futile means nothing since if enough people get informed ( a concept that petrifies you I'm sure) the polygraph will not work as currently used
" an interrogation tool dependent on the ignorance of the examinee to be effective at obtaining a confession" all others who refuse to confess are just rejected regardless of their truthfulness.
Lastly Sancho, you personal attacks on me just go to show your fear of what I have to say. You have tried to glorify yourself through many avenues that have nothing to do with polygraph and if your knowledge in those fields rival your stand on polygraph I shutter to think what you actually know.
I will not participate in a personal attack volley with you since my message is not aimed at you but to inform and possibly educate those like me that have suffered in some way at the hands of people like you.
If your assessment of me was in fact correct, " having a severe lack of intelligence" and akin to less than a jackass then what pray-tell does that say about your continued responses to my posts Hmmmm?
You should really compose yourself if you're to be taken with any kind of seriousness here.