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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) FBI Investigative Specialist/SSG (Read 99183 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: FBI Investigative Specialist/SSG
Reply #45 - Aug 30th, 2013 at 7:46pm
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Fair Chance wrote on Aug 30th, 2013 at 1:10am:
I waited for a new SSL before posting. George, you might want to do it more often than every year.

FYI,'s server presently supports Perfect Forward Secrecy if you connect using the latest versions of Firefox (including the Tor Browser), Chrome/Chromium, or Opera. However, sessions established using Internet Explorer or Safari will not be so protected.

I am indeed considering changing the certificate on a more frequent basis.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box CraigBroward462

Re: FBI Investigative Specialist/SSG
Reply #46 - Mar 28th, 2019 at 2:20pm
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Sorry to revive an old thread but I am seeking current info on FBI SSG. If anyone is willing to talk please let me know.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Binford

Re: FBI Investigative Specialist/SSG
Reply #47 - Jun 24th, 2019 at 10:39pm
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Many SSG personnel [not all] are usually hired into what is known within the bureau as Professional Support Positions, generally GS-11 positions. SSG personnel often work directly with Special Agents. They are not issued weapons, nor do they carry a badge. They are however, given bureau cars, credit cards, bureau credentials that look nearly identical to Special Agents. Additionally, they hold TS security clearances. Support personnel attend squad meetings, and are a big part of case workload to include big arrests. They are also allowed overtime if authorized. 

There are various specialties within SSG units and its assigned personnel. For the most part, SSG support personnel are treated no different than SA's, and in some cases, respected more than some agents within SO and SSG units.

A typical day in the life of an SSG support employee is a very interesting and at times, exciting career. It all depends on what you find exciting. If you are assigned to an SSG unit, you will be treated the same as if you were a special agent. Make no mistake about it, SA’s trust, depend on, and rely heavily on their support personnel.

SSG personnel do a lot of surveillance support, photography, and generally works with special types of surveillance and counter intelligence, surveillance equipment, electronics, cameras, computer specialists, various types of analyst, video, audio, etc., etc., and the list goes on.

Do not be fooled into thinking an SSG position is not a desirable job, they are good positions that can lead to other things within the bureau. Look at it as getting a foot in the door, and remember, SSG support positions can lead to higher paying GS support positions out-side of an SSG/SO unit.

Good luck with your future FBI endeavors. .

Knowledge is power, educate yourself on how polygraph exams are administered. 

Triple x

Triple x,

Have you had any experience as an investigative specialist or know folks in the position?

Is do you know of any of the negatives about the job?


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