But if we are going to accuracy and reliability.
Again, you should be talking to examiners who refuse to take a polygraph examination to resolve an ongoing dispute. A test that would have ended this whole issue, once and for all, within two hours, a long time ago.
Instead, they opted to take the long way around and go with a prolonged libel and slander campaign which has lasted for ten years, and has only strengthened my resolve.
Maria Hubbard claims that, "Correctly administered, a lie detector test utilizing the polygraph examination, can be 87% to 94% accurate when a trained polygraph examiner uses a reliable and validated testing format." Her actions say different.
She is also, according to her website
"Full Member of the American Polygraph Association; Currently a Member of the Texas Membership Committee; Awarded Certification of Advanced Training and Specialization/Post-Conviction Sex Offender Testing" Why would a Committee Member of the APA, with advanced training, run from a polygraph when she knows it to be so accurate and reliable?
Hmmmmm I don't know.
Call her and ask her. Don't be shy everyone, I'm sure she would love to talk to and educate people on the accuracy and reliability of the test she sells, but wouldn't dare take herself.
Talk about a true leader. Leading by example. Such an inspiration.
Call John Rios, current past president of TAPE, and member of the APA. Ask him why Maria and other ranking members of TAPE are afraid of polygraph.
Opppppps I forgot, we already have the good New Braunfels, TX, Detective Rios, on video regarding this matter. What did he say? An examiner who's afraid of taking a polygraph, is someone who, "has something to hide."
So clearly Mr. Rios believes in polygraph, Having said that, one can safely assume from his statement, that if he couldnt convince Maria or anyone else to take the test, maybe they have something to hide.
Who else can we ask?
OOOOOOOOOOO Clayton Wood, the Current President of TAPE and member of the APA. He is the president of a polygraph association. Let's see if he will comment on the accuracy and reliability of polygraph. Surely he will be in defense of the 93% accuracy rate. Of course, then he will have to explain why he refused to take a test. Yea, I doubt he'd answer questions.
OOOOOOO Here is a good person to ask. Andy Sheppard..... Yea, he would be awesome. I bet you can find his number in the APA Directory.
Anyway, he's an APA polygraph instructor, former Texas DPS polygraph examiner and instructor, former JPCOT Committee Chairman, former Presiding Officer of the Texas Polygraph Examiners Board, former Chairman of the TAPE Ethics Committee, Member of the APA.
Wow I bet he would be able to tell you anything you want to know about the accuracy and reliability of polygraph Dan. I bet he will defend the accuracy rates; but again, problematic. Given that he too ran and hid from the polygraph challenge.
Not good Andy, not good. Doesn't exactly, inspire confidence that even you, are afraid of the test you sell.
Gosh, there are so many examiners, who scream about the accuracy and reliability of polygraph, but yet, recently ran from it like one would run from a train wreck.
Yet, these people, who would no doubt defend the 93% accuracy rate, you might even find a chucklehead who will defend the 98% number, won't back up their confidence with action.
Hmmmmm maybe they know something I don't. You know Dan, maybe the test might not be as accurate and reliable as they say. I mean wow, some of the names involved are respected people in the field, and if they don't trust polygraph, why should anyone else?
They can continue to lead by hypocrisy, by telling people, "hey look how accurate and reliable this test is. Now give me money." All along thinking "I wouldn't take this test no matter what the cost."
I'll lead by example. I don't expect any of my examinees to take a test, that I haven't offered to sit for myself; and trusted my life with the results.
What is wrong with that picture?
Yes Dan, asking me about my belief in the accuracy and reliability of polygraph is like asking if the Holy Father believes in the Trinity. Its, like asking if Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever. It's like asking if there are any bodies in Boston Harbor, or the Charles River. Is the sky blue? Is the grass green? Did Bill Clinton have sexual relations, with that girl, Monica Lewinsky? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES.
(NOTE: It's a common joke in Boston about people wearing cement shoes in the Harbor or in the Charles River. So anyone who wants to make silly phone calls, tell them I know where Jimmy Hoffa is too..... ugh....

I would never gamble my future on something that I feel won't save me or sustain me.
When you ask me about the accuracy and reliability of polygraph, you become the dog that caught the car; chew on the tires all you want, in the end, all you'll have to show for it is a broken tooth.
Now let's explore the implications of countermeasures with this also.
One would think, if there is anyone who would be good at countermeasures, it would be a polygraph examiner, right? Espically polygraph examiners who are soooooooo smaht and educated; like Maria, Andy, Claton, Richard Wood, etc etc.
Solution would be simple, pull countermeasures, everyone passes, then I look like an idiot because there is no final and conclusive outcome. I would be forced to shut up, because they passed.
If countermeasures work, and work so consistently, why did they not take that route? Would it not have truly been the path of least resistance?
Hell, lets look how far back they could have ended this. On April 20th 2008, I posted the first offer to test.
They could have ended this years ago.
If countermeasures worked so well, why did they not just end it then and there? It would have been over, I wouldn't have lasted a year in this business after that kind of an embarrassment; because that would have dogged me until I gave up and quit.
If countermeasures work, consistently, both when you want to prevent a false positive, and when you want to outright beat the test, undetected, why wouldn't the very people, who know more about the actual practice and administration of polygraph not use that to their benefit? Thereby shutting up a whistle blower who is rocking the boat and ruining a good scam.
These people claim to be true experts on polygraph, some of them even wrote the JPCOT and APA guidelines. Yet they wouldn't risk a test performing countermeasures. What does that say about the true effectiveness of countermeasures, and that they can be performed consistently, and without detection?
Wow, I just made the best case on why countermeasures may not work as consistently and without detection as anyone ever has. EVEN THE POLYGRAPH EXPERTS WON'T TRY IT. Because believe me, if they knew they could do it and get away with it undetected, with everyone watching, this group would have done it.