Yea, I am not a total fan of DL's, but I have sued them with successful results. Basically for me, the jury is still out. I want to see how well it performs in the field when compared with PL's a wee bit more. Having said that, the benefits of DL is there is less "selling" of the control, and it is a more honest approach. I need more time to pick a side on that subject. But, I also come from a school, where the mantra was, right tool for the right job. I have had the same problem down here when it comes to people getting charts. The examiner, 9 times out of 10, knows who will be seeing the charts, and therefore avoid turning them over like the black death. Now, having said that, in the cases where I do see the charts, what those examiners don't realize, about 80% of the time, I see no fatal flaws in the test or charts. I do see minor mistakes, that we all make from time to time, that do not affect the outcome. The biggest things I see that offends me is when I see video and see deplorable treatment of an examinee. Of course this is opinion; I just think being a jackass to an examinee is unnecessary 99% of the time. But that is just me. I have seen some worrisome cases though; and as much as I would like to discuss those cases, ethically, I can't; of course. You see this in any profession though, and bad behavior is not exclusive to the polygraph industry. I have been careful to develop a reputation for being fair and unbiased; even to my detractors when looking at their charts. That is what fair and unbiased means, it means fairness to even the people who hate me, and frankly I hate right back. I even had to stand up for the usurper on a few occasions, one time recently. Pained me to do so, but fair and unbiased means that. I do my best to be square in my actions professionally, and treat people, on the same level. Sometimes, I am obligated to do so. Dan I think the problem that other examiners have with you QCing work, is you don't put off an air of being fair an unbiased. If you look hard enough at anything, you will find something wrong. Even if that one thing did noting to taint the outcome of an exam. I am not saying that you do this; but I am sure it is the perception people have when they see an examiner with, what seems to be, 100% hostility to the test and the profession as a whole. In the end, can you blame them?