LOL, so I just got back from my retest on my polygraph and was accused of countermeasures. They even gave me the yes test towards the end. So like before, I know the magic voodoo box isn't real. And to be honest, I didn't really care about getting hired at CBP, I just wanted to have other options as Im in the process for a few local police departments. He got really really pissed off that I passed a local police polygraph. He asked me if I had taken any other polygraphs and I said yea, I took one for a police department outside of Minneapolis and he started raging about how he doesnt care if I passed that, this is the only one that counts. So he had me do the exact same process as last time. I stared at a spot on the wall and had to nod my head yes or no. He kept commending me on being able to sit still. So, we get through the first two portions and on the third he starts to get really angry. He goes to the yes test, and then the test is cut and we move immediately into post test. He immediately said I failed all portions of the polygraph and Im withholding some serious information. I played it cool, politely disagreed and informed them that I was being truthful and forthcoming, I also tactfully implied that no amount of badgering or accusations would get me to admit otherwise. They then accused me of mental countermeasures. He said something along the lines of "what were you thinking about?" "there is evidence you were trying to change your physiology." I politely replied that I was only focused on answering the questions that were being asked of me. He then stated that he knew I was manipulating the data as my heartbeat was abnormally high during certain questions which points to abnormal physiology and countermeasures. At this point, I knew I was toast and asked them point blank. "Sir, can you tell me what questions my heartbeat increased for, because I can say with certainty that the integrity questions you asked me about whether I'm a good person or not did cause me some discontent as my self esteem isn't always the highest." He responded with a "you tell me what questions, you were manipulating the test." In which I then responded "No, sir. In fact I am confused. You told me at the beginning of the test that the machine was infallible and could detect lies regardless of how much anyone tried to cheat the test." He looked at me stunned at that point. I then followed up with, "you said my heartbeat was off the charts for certain questions. From what you explained to me, that happens when you are lying. What reason would I have to speed up my heartbeat for any of the questions, both questions about crimes and integrity questions, knowing that it would cost me employment with the CBP?" This is when he got really really angry with me. The funny part, is that he had my eqip and knew I graduated Law School and specialized in litigation. He didn't say a word, then stood up, dismissed me and didnt even shake my had to thank me for coming in. Just opened to the door and told me how to get out of the building. So I knew I failed, and I put him on the defensive in his own interrogation which offered me a slight amount of vindication. But then it got me wondering when I left.....What would they do if you came in there to test, and you were an American Polygraph Association certified polygrapher? That would make for a very very interesting session.