Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background? (Read 59728 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box MARY PRICE

FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
May 28th, 2017 at 11:26pm
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Can any member here help me or tell me if either one of these people are competent?  Not members of FL Polygraph Assoc for either or them as they said that is a dues racket?

Mike Alawait Tampa FL: ;
He seems to be everywhere in FL?  He said he would do it for $400 but I had to show up the same day!

Denny Connors Orlando FL:
His phone always goes to voicemail but did tell me he would do it for $375.00 as he left me a message back.

These two remind me of the secret squirrels as they talked to me like they have some kind of magic truth box. 

I called he said he could have one of his contractors to help me. he said these two men were not even qualified to be in his polygraph network.  problem is these two seem to be the only two advertising in tampa Orlando? He said it would be $600.00.

This is for a test for my 10 year old son - accused of stealing.  After finding and reading on this site my mind is spinning!!

thank you for whatever you can tell me Undecided

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #1 - May 29th, 2017 at 4:48am
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Don't subject your son to a lie detector "test." Polygraphy is a pseudoscientific fraud. Polygraph chart readings are evidence of nothing, and it is quite common for truthful people to "fail."

Polygraph operators are bottom feeders running a scam. Steer clear of them all. It doesn't matter whether or not they are members of a polygraph association. These associations exist to protect their members, not the public.

See our book, The Lie Behind the Lie Detector, for more on why you shouldn't trust any polygraph operator:

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #2 - May 31st, 2017 at 3:21am
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10 year old child, and you want to polygraph him?  WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?  Follow up question.  If these examiner knew that the subject was going to be 10 yoa, WHAT THE crappity smack ARE THEY THINKING?

(again, if they knew)

I would never........ ever............ EVER!!!!!!!!!! subject a 10 year old child to a polygraph test.  EVER.  


WTF are people thinking?  You don't put a 10 year old child in the polygraph room, I don't care if he is accused of stealing the US Constitution, or the Crown Jewels.  

Do I know people will be pissed at me for saying all this?  YES. And if you are pissed, ask yourself why.  start with this

Is putting a 10 year old child, though a very adult interview and interrogation process a good idea?

Come on people, even Dr. Phil wouldn't even think of such a thing.  

Why is this even a conversation?  


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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #3 - May 31st, 2017 at 3:32am
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This is for a test for my 10 year old son - accused of stealing.

Mary, were you a perfect child at 10? All kids lie and steal at some point in their lives. It's calling growing up. Stop making issues out of normalcy otherwise the universe will give you something legitimate to worry about.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mary Price

Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #4 - May 31st, 2017 at 3:41am
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I was looking for help, not sarcasm or profanity.  I had no plan to do this. Prinicipal was pressuring me. These two characters are the main ones in this area and the only ones that would do a young person.  Denny Connors (Orlando FL) and Mike Alawait (Tampa FL) I think the last one is an Arab.The others I called either did not answer the phone or did not return call.  This is a strange business you people are in.  I was hopin that some person in FL would see posts I made and be able to give me ammo on these characters that I could throw back in the face of the principal.  I am disabled and on a disability pension and my next move is legal aid as I want to protect my son.
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #5 - May 31st, 2017 at 4:21am
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Forgive me, but the absurdity of this makes it hard to give a measured response. Now that you provided slightly more facts, I see that the Principal is the one who should be tarred and feathered. Has the school system finally gone over the deep end?

My previous post, though somewhat lacking in tact, was sound advice. Any legal action, in my opinion, should have the goal of removing the Principal from his job.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #6 - May 31st, 2017 at 5:05am
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Should have hired a lawyer in the first place.   

Send a 10 year old child into a polygraph room.  People like you make me sick.   

Some people make me want to vomit

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mary Price

Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #7 - May 31st, 2017 at 11:53am
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Dear Ark:

Thanks.  This principal is also doing the same thing to three other kids.  He came from Texas and a very arrogant and vulgar individual.   

The lawyer that myself and two other parents are going to see today plan to go after him.   

Thanks for your response as I did not get all of my facts right the first time.  I have MS and I have good days and bad days.
Thank George as well as I did try and download that book but my system time out. 
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #8 - May 31st, 2017 at 5:28pm
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Joe McCarthy wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 5:05am:
Send a 10 year old child into a polygraph room.  People like you make me sick. 

Joe, your [é]ire should be directed at the polygraph examiners who are willing to accept a 10 year old as a subject. Should you not police your own? Remember, that many ordinary folks like Mary have little knowledge of the polygraph other than what's they've seen on TV or in the movies.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #9 - May 31st, 2017 at 9:14pm
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Ex Member wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 5:28pm:
Joe McCarthy wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 5:05am:
Send a 10 year old child into a polygraph room.  People like you make me sick. 

Joe, your [é]ire should be directed at the polygraph examiners who are willing to accept a 10 year old as a subject. Should you not police your own? Remember, that many ordinary folks like Mary have little knowledge of the polygraph other than what's they've seen on TV or in the movies.

You of all people should know my efforts to have us police our own.  In fact my pleas for the industry to' reasonably, police our own; and the warnings of the consequences of not doing so, have left me blacklisted, ostracized, and near bankruptcy. 

I actually stand up for better policing in the industry, and I pay an actual price for it every day.  With all due respect, until you live a month of my hell I am forced to suffer for "the right thing." 

Do not preach to me about this industry and its need for responsible policing from within.  Not a single person on the message board knows what I have been though, in the name of the "right thing" and how often frankly I regret it.

It will be 10 years in August of this year, that I will have been around.   In the beginning of 2008, will be the 10 year anniversary of me becoming the most honest and hated polygraph examiner in all the world.  

Do you know how I survived this long?  Because I had to be better than everyone else, just to scrape by.  I had to care about my examines and my vocation, more than anyone else.  I had to put 110% into EVERY TEST, even when I was exhausted of putting my face into the raping machine that is the Texas Polygraph Industry.  

Every time these people had someone make a bogus call, or send a bogus email, to get me to bite to do something unethical for money, as much as I needed that money, my integrity always meant more.  

I have gotten phone calls to test the 10 year old kid, many times; I get about 2 or 3 of them a year.  I am never sure if its one of these ass clowns down here or if it is for real.  In any case, I tell them the same thing I told Mary.  I am not shy about telling them what I think anything, that would undermine my integrity; and each and every time the conversation ends with the phrase, "GO crappity smack YOURSELF."

What I left here on this thread was kind compared to what was there last night.

You bring up TV and the movies.  I'm sorry to be so blunt, but if you believe what you see on TV and the movies, then you deserve to be hit upside the head with a tac hammer; because clearly Darwin dropped the ball and missed that person entirely.  

If she is stupid enough to believe what she sees on TV and the movies, then I have a 7 course roadrunner meal waiting for her in my office.  It was prepared by a coyote that professes himself to be a, "Super Genius."

Moreover show me one movie or TV show that shows any realistic interoperation of a 10 year old child taking a polygraph examination.  Go ahead, I'll wait.

I am not a fan of the word, retard, but, anyone who would think that polygraph is appropriate for a 10 year old child, is more fitting of that title than any mentally disabled person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  In fact, most mentally disabled people that some people would refer to as "retards" are Rhodes Scholars compared to anyone that would think it be a good idea to give a 10 year old child a polygraph examination.  

Lastly, let me tell you EXACTLY where she lost 150% credibility in my mind.

and Mike Alawait (Tampa FL) I think the last one is an Arab

What the crappity smack does that have to do with anything?  

What does being, Arab, have anything to do with if someone is a good examiner, or a good person?  She lost all credibility in my mind, boom, right there. 

Personally, she owes Mike an apology for the passive aggressive racist implication, in my opinion.  

Having said that, we only know what she told us was said.  

Now I am going to do something I have NEVER done before on this message board, so brace for impact; this will likely never happen again.  I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to the examiners in question; that they may not have been told all the details of the case.  I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt, to the examiners in question, that reading it here, was the first time they became aware that the subject may have been a 10 year old child.  

Wow, I can't believe I just typed those words.  That is the first time, that the benefit of the doubt, wasn't to the complaining party first.  The first time in 10 years.  

Now, having said that, if what she said is true, ANY examiner willing to administer a 10 year old child a polygraph examination, barring a court order, should be brought up before an ethics committee and disciplined.  

Any principal that thinks a polygraph examination is appropriate for a child, should never work in any school ever again and should have every disciplinary case he or she has been involved in reviewed.  

Any parent that would entertain the idea of a 10 year old child being polygraphed, should be sterilized; so as to avoid the further dumbing down of the collective gene pool.  I stand by my opinion.

Anyone who would even entertain the idea, should be ashamed of themselves.  
« Last Edit: May 31st, 2017 at 9:45pm by Joe McCarthy »  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #10 - May 31st, 2017 at 9:32pm
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I want to say so much more about where I feel the industry is going.  But I will save that for another time, in a different string.

I promise two things

1, I will tell the truth


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #11 - May 31st, 2017 at 10:59pm
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Joe McCarthy wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 9:14pm:
Now, having said that, if what she said is true, ANY examiner willing to administer a 10 year old child a polygraph examination, barring a court order, should be brought up before an ethics committee and disciplined. 

Are you going to exhibit the same zeal toward this end as your diatribe against Mary? You have their names, find out if the allegations are true and if so, get the ball rolling.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #12 - May 31st, 2017 at 11:45pm
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I'm almost insulted that you ask the question.   

Name one time that I haven't stood up for the right thing?  Name one.

Having said that, of course they are not going to say, "yup, we did and said it all."  WTF man.

Unless I hear confirmed tapes, I can't say I'm going to her side here.  I don't know these examiners personally and they have done me no wrong and I have no relevant, consistent proof or evidence in which to even question them about it, not that they would even talk to me.   

If I did have reliable evidence, I should point out that any rant I would go on would be treated as this one will be; it will be ignored by the per on or people who need to wake the crappity smack up, and smell the maple-nut crunch.

If I can't get anyone to do anything about what is happening in Texas, with the mountains of undeniable evidence I have against TAPE the flying monkeys, what makes you think I can get any ball rolling with them?

At least in Texas, I have a legitimate gripe.  Outside of Texas, it seems, all i can do is run to the end of my chain and bark, and hope someone hears me for a change.

Does that mean I wouldn't go off, of course not.  I'm hated for being fair independent and unbiased in the industry.  On the flip side, I am some times hated by you guys for being fair independent and unbiased; and this will just have to be one of those times.

Even if they were willing to do the test, God I hope not, she shares some responsibility or being so stupid and weak minded for entertaining the idea.   

Bottom line, there is more than enough tumidity to go around for everyone here.   

If she wants to protect her kid, she needs to get a lawyer.  Tell the kid to not talk to anyone without a lawyer, no matter what they say to try to trick him.  have the lawyer explain to the kid, IN 10 YEAR OLD LANGUAGE, what he should do if they try to trick him.

lastly, never trust anyone but you to do the right thing.   

people will often do the wrong things, because it's always easier than doing the right thing, every time.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #13 - Jun 1st, 2017 at 12:05am
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Joe McCarthy wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 9:14pm:
In the beginning of 2008, will be the 10 year anniversary of me becoming the most honest and hated polygraph examiner in all the world. 


Let's see how honest you are, Joe...

Scientifically speaking, how accurate is the polygraph "test"?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: FL Polygraph Examiner Denny Connor & Mike Alaiwait Background?
Reply #14 - Jun 1st, 2017 at 12:17am
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according to your study? lmao

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