I'll direct you to the 2011 metta analysis study. I am however, and I am not alone here, disappointed in the lack of follow up studies of any notoriety, unless someone can point any out on the polygraph side of things. Sadly, when you are ostracized and blacklisted, CEU options are limited. Having said that, I sleep just fine at night offering the service that I offer, which has been fair, independent, and unbiased to all. I must be doing something right, because the blacklisting and slander campaign is till going here in Texas, despite my testing outperforming the vast majority of my competition, time and time again. And to think; I don't have to treat people badly or have a high inconclusive rate to achieve this. Having said that, when there are examiners out there like some of my competition here in DFW, if the problem is systemic, how could accurate numbers be compiled to begin with? It seems to me, before any reliable study can even be entertained, the industry must first address the proven problem, for which there can be no denial exists (at least here in Texas), of examiners performing tests with the motivation of padding numbers or being lazy; and performing tests outside of standards. There is the truth. Now everyone is angry, and I don't care any more. Fair, Independent, and Unbiased, means just that. On the other ned of the spectrum, Dan, come on 100%? Come on.... Seriously? Here is the plain and simple truth, that you will not like, and don't want to hear. POLYGRAPH ISN"T GOING ANYWHERE! It will always be here Now to tell the truth to the industry, simply because I can and there is not much more they can do to me anymore. In short, I stopped believing that giving a fuck is getting me anywhere. Having said that, I am out for myself now. I have decided that pissing off both sides with the truth, is the best thing to keep my integrity and reputation for being unbiased, intact. I have no friends, and have decided to embrace it and let it keep me warm like a blanket. Both sides are in need of some serious waking up to your own realities. The problem is, both sides are polarized to one side or the other, not a one of you, including you Dan is willing to listen, be reasonable, and fix the things that are broken to a point where no one is really happy, but everyone, agree to disagree. I swear I would enter into a state of shock, if either side ever said to the other, "gee you have a point" If we don't start policing our own, INCLUDING those who are in comfortable seats of power in the establishment, we will lose all credibility, all the public trust, and another eppa is not only a prediction, it may be a forgone conclusion. The industry needs to step up, man up, and clean up. We need to start seeking out people of integrity and character, because all the PhD's in the world, don't mean a damn thing, if we don't have examiners of good character that mean more to the industry over than the entitled establishment who care more about the protection of their fiefdoms than the protection of the industry's integrity. Integrity does not mean circling the wagons and protecting the unethical and fiefdom lords. It means a fair and open market, where examiners compete on a level playing field. Standards and rules are enforced. Anticompetitive behavior is not tolerated, and those who practice in anti competitive behavior get shunned, and examiners who believe that everyone earn their own way, are embraced. Competition breeds a better environment, for the examiner and the examinee. Examiners should be held to our own test when necessary. I do not advocate the destruction of this industry. What I do advocate is an industry where there is more accountability, transparency, responsibility, and integrity. We should be an industry, where we set the standard of character; where we are the examples. Because what we look like in some areas, is an industry of hypocrites. So there it is.