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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke (Read 106461 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #75 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 2:16am
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Wandersmann, polygraph victimization extends far beyond federal government applications.

Such victimization is common in LE, PCSOT, and general retail polygraph "tests."

I find it interesting that the American Polygraph Association -- which has published multiple "model policies" for various testing scenarios -- has yet to publish a model policy for so-called "fidelity" testing.

Could it be that the APA lacks sufficient faith in the "test"?

I know for certain that polygraph cheerleader and APA past-president Barry Cushman -- a self-proclaimed polygraph scientist, police detective, and Christian pastor -- is opposed to fidelity testing.

The obvious question: Why?

For the past few years I've been advocating for a "bill of rights" for polygraph test subjects, which would sharply curtail polygraph victimization.

Indu$try opposition has been fierce.

Why the pushback?

My theory: Polygraph is mainly about one thing -- MONEY.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Wandersmann
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #76 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 5:45pm
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Dan Mangan wrote on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 2:16am:
I know for certain that polygraph cheerleader and APA past-president Barry Cushman -- a self-proclaimed polygraph scientist, police detective, and Christian pastor -- is opposed to fidelity testing.

Thanks Dan  Wow   A Christian Pastor ?  You've got to be kidding me ?  No wonder there are so many people who hate Christians.  I'm glad I don't go to church anymore (but I still believe).  One of my favorite Commandments plainly says, "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor".  Unless everyone this guy has tested has been independently proven to be innocent or guilty consistent with his finding, I'd say there's a real good chance he has borne lots of false witness against his neighbor and ruined said neighbor's life.  Although we are all sinners, it sounds like this guy willfully sins in a most egregious manner and profits from it.  My understanding of the Good Book indicates he'll end up in a warm place.   

        Sorry to proselytize, but I've had personal dealings with Islamic terrorists and self-righteous, phony Christians and I think the Islamic terrorists are better people.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #77 - Aug 3rd, 2015 at 9:46pm
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Wandersmann, Barry Cushman is a good guy. But, in my opinion, he's gone too far with this polygraph science narrative. If Barry were strictly an advocate for the utility of polygraph, I'd have no beef with that. But from what I can see this faux science madness is way out of control.

Oddly, given the PC times we live in, there is still a very vocal Christian element within the APA. (On the other hand, the organization is dominated by older white guys.) I have no idea how the built-in Christian themes -- dramatically illustrated by soulful invocations and benedictions at APA events -- is supposed to mesh with the science end of things.

Since becoming a polygraph examiner some ten years ago, I came to the conclusion that polygraph testing is inconsistent with Christian values. It became a real struggle for me. At one point along the line, I changed from being a polygraph examiner to a polygraph consultant. There's a big difference.

In my consulting practice, there is no client deception. All clients -- both direct and secondary -- are fully informed of the risks, realities and limitations of the "test." I school all parties on the pros and cons of the polygraph process, and point them to a range of literature for their further enlightenment.

By the way...once thus informed, over 90% of the prospective clients opt out of the polygraph process. Why? They realize, often with great reluctance, that polygraph's value is questionable at best.

That high washout rate is what the polygraph indu$try is so deathly afraid of.

For polygraph to endure, so must its surrounding myths.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Wandersmann
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #78 - Aug 4th, 2015 at 9:14pm
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Dan Mangan wrote on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 9:46pm:
Oddly, given the PC times we live in, there is still a very vocal Christian element within the APA. (On the other hand, the organization is dominated by older white guys.) I have no idea how the built-in Christian themes -- dramatically illustrated by soulful invocations and benedictions at APA events -- is supposed to mesh with the science end of things.

Interesting Dan.  It is amazing how history repeats itself.  These people are no different than the self-righteous zealots that burned witches in the 17th century.   None of the family members of the Salem prosecutors were ever accused or harmed.  In a similar vein, I've also noticed that bureaucratic elites and children of bureaucratic elites never have a problem with the polygraph.   I've seen lots of children of very high ranking government officials get jobs in their agencies and I've never heard of any big-shot's kids having a problem with the polygraph.  I'm sure if it ever were to happen, the polygraph examiner and the adjudication lynch mob would miraculously discover the chart to be NDI.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #79 - Aug 4th, 2015 at 11:49pm
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Wandersmann, such things as you have described -- IMHO -- go far beyond direct hires for plum jobs destined for certain connected people in various and sundry federal gummint agencies.

To illustrate my point, please visit -- the premier job search site in all of cyberspace --and do a keyword search on "polygraph."


Some background...

Before getting into the polygraph racket in 2004, I spent over twenty (20) years in high-tech industry.

I have a sneaking suspicion that a very talented s/w programmer, for example -- or any other essential job candidate who has the right goods -- might somehow have the skids grea$ed to get the critical gig.

But, this is sheer speculation.

I assure you -- and this is God's honest truth -- it's only a hunch on my part.

Hey, what the hell do I know?

I'm just a lowly polygraph operator.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #80 - Feb 17th, 2016 at 8:02pm
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American Polygraph Association elections are looming. Now there's talk from APA headquarters of moving the procedural goalposts yet again.

In the January/February issue of the APA magazine, released yesterday, APA president Walt Goodson floats a trial balloon calling for a discussion on eschewing the advances of technology -- which enables APA members to vote electronically, regardless of their location anywhere on the planet --  and going back to holding elections at the annual seminar, an event that attracts a mere fraction of the APA's total membership.

Worries good ol' boy Goodson: "With the current process, our membership is invited to cast a vote based on a 500-word candidate statement and a photo. Unless you know the candidate, there is little chance for interaction or feedback to clarify a candidate’s position on the issues.  We don’t have the luxury of televised debates, public appearances, and the media exposing the good, the bad and the ugly on our candidates. Thus, votes may be cast based on a photo and how well a candidate can write a compelling candidate statement."

Goodson's rationale is fatally flawed. As for any member seeking clarification on a candidate's positions, intentions or qualifications, that is easily remedied by sending an email or making a phone call. It's simply not an issue.

It seems to me that Walt longs for the days of an establishment-oriented electorate to coronate the next batch of politically reliable APA officers.

Otherwise, why would Goodson even consider efforts to summarily disenfranchise the vast majority of the APA membership?

By the way, when I ran against Goodson in 2014 for APA president-elect, I asked him to debate the issues with me in on-line polygraph forums. He ignored my request.

« Last Edit: Feb 17th, 2016 at 8:39pm by Dan Mangan »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #81 - Feb 17th, 2016 at 9:22pm
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As I was reading the article last night, I had a hunch your post would be present this morning. To play devil's advocate, I too have been frustrated in past union elections where I was supposed to properly evaluate a candidate by a blurb and photo. An interactive scenario is favorable. But, the logistics of being personally present at the seminar make it cumbersome for most members, especially the international members (which Mr. Handler makes a point of their importance in the same magazine issue). The solution would be to invest in WebEx or similar conferencing software so that others could join remotely. Also, you need to drop the name calling and innuendos (which by the way are not Italian suppositories).
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #82 - Feb 17th, 2016 at 10:43pm
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Goodson's regressive proposal to effectively disenfranchise the vast majority of APA members is yet another colossal misstep of the "new, improved" American Polygraph Association. 

Such a divisive move ranks right up there with the APA's board (reportedly) entertaining a virtual form of self-preserving nativism, designed to prevent non-U.S. citizens from ever holding office.

Lest we not forget the APA's recently abandoned goal: "To serve the cause of truth with integrity, objectivity and fairness to all persons."

It is becoming increasingly obvious why the APA leadership saw fit to dispense with that time-honored principle. Seems the polygraph bidness (politics and all) is primarily about power, control and money. Serving the cause of truth with integrity, objectivity and fairness to all persons?  Meh...that was then, this is now. Disgusting.

This latest blunder is yet another reminder that the APA's self-ordained illuminati -- and their dutiful lackeys -- have got to go.
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2016 at 10:58am by Dan Mangan »  
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #83 - Feb 18th, 2016 at 8:02pm
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Dan, if you were to be elected President of the APA, would that give you the power to enact all of these revolutionary changes?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #84 - Feb 18th, 2016 at 9:41pm
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Ugh, here we go again.  As if dealing with the ranting of the barking dog and the hair piece were not enough to put up with this year.

Dan, Walt brings up good points.  Ugh, I hate that I am put in a position to defend a Texas Examiner, but what's right is what's right.

It is impossible to make a rational decision about who to elect with a 500 word statement.  How can you know someones character based on that and a picture?  Also, I think making it so that you have to be present to vote, isn't moving the goal posts; in my opinion.  It is encouraging attendance and involvement in the annual conference.  

In any other association, including the NPA, if you are not there, you don't get a vote.  If I was not at the NPA conference this year, I would not have been able to vote for current officers.  I would not have felt disenfranchised.  If I couldn't make it, I wouldn't be able to vote.  If it was truly important to me, I would either make an effort to be there, or get on the phone and campaign for the candidate I did want in with people I know would be there to vote.  There are more ways to be politically active than just voting.

Personally, I think someone should not be on the ballot, unless they are at the conference to meet and greet people also.  This is simple Irish politics, Dan.  How can people like you, when you don't even show up and press the flesh with would be constituents? kiss hands, shake babies.... wait, stop, reverse that, kiss babies and shake hands.  lol

Sorry, had to insert a wee bit of my famous dark humor.

You do not endear yourself to voters by hiding away in a hole.  Again, this is politics 101.  Moreover, you are asking that people trust you to run an organization, that you don't even show up to meetings for yourself?  That is like phoning in an "in person" job interview, and expecting to get the job over someone who did show up.  

Dan, You would see a big jump in numbers if you started showing up and pitching to people, eye to eye, over mud slinging here.  Come on, even the people here at AP has to see how that makes sense.

The people who get elected, are the people who show up to the game.  You can't win the Stanley Cup, if you don't show up with your sticks.  I think it should be a rule, that to be eligible for nomination for office, you should either

1, be actively involved in a committee
2, be present at the last conference, and be present to the conference in which the voting shall occur.
3, or both of the above.

Sorry, even at the NPA, I would have a hard time voting for someone, into office, that is not active in the association, either showing up, or being active in a committee.  I certainly would never cast my vote to someone that wasn't there to accept office if he or she had run (unless there was a good reason for not being there;  death in family, or family emergence, etc.)

Your attack on Walt (I still can't believe I am put into a position to defend a Texas Examiner) is one diminutional  and unreasonable.  I hope you will read what I have wrote and see it as me giving you tips on being more electable and a better candidate.

As much as I would jump on the band wagon to attack the Texas polygraph illuminati, I will not do it when I feel the position is wrong or unjust.  I do not see his reasoning as "fatally flawed."  I think his reasoning makes sense on some level and is not entirely out of line.  

Now you having a different set of views, is also reasonable.  What is unreasonable, is you run for office, and then you don't even show up to meetings to explain your position face to face.  You say you want to debate the issues, then show up to the arena.  You can't say people will ignore or avoid you; because my meeting with Holden, with Oburke and a few other officers being right there next to us, would not have happened.  Holden is important enough to have avoided me there if he had wanted to, and I am sure he could have had people run interception also. 

Fact is, I was a place where host conversations were encouraged; and for the record, people did ask where you were.  People are interested to talk to you and hear your positions.  Having said that, it is your responsibility, as a candidate, to reach out to them to sell your ideas.  It is not up to them to reach out to you.

Run for office, Dan.  I am happy to see you do it, and I admire the fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight.  If you are going to be a candidate, fight to win; don't fight just for the fight.  

Someday, I will run for office in the NPA; that day is coming.  I wouldn't want anyone to vote for me, if I was never there, or have some role that showed my sincere desire to be involved in the support of the organizations positive endeavors.

I am not trying to discourage your candidacy, I am encouraging you to be a better, more winnable, candidate.

"There's two kinds of people in this world when you boil it all down. You got your talkers and you got your doers. Most people are just talkers, all they do is talk. But when it is all said and done, it's the doers that change this world. And when they do that, they change us, and that's why we never forget them. So which one are you? Do you just talk about it, or do you stand up and do something about it? Because believe you me, all the rest of it is just coffee house and bullshit."

Being a doer, takes a lot more than spouting off here.  Time to show up to the game, guy.

So, what's it gonna be?  Because you won't win an election like this.  You want to be Donald Tump, but you're acting like Ross Perot
« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2016 at 10:11pm by Joe McCarthy »  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #85 - Feb 18th, 2016 at 11:06pm
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Ex Member wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 8:02pm:
Dan, if you were to be elected President of the APA, would that give you the power to enact all of these revolutionary changes?

The power will come by way utilizing the office of APA president as a bully pulpit, co-opting the media, then shaming the board of directors into action.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #86 - Feb 18th, 2016 at 11:11pm
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Joe McCarthy wrote on Feb 18th, 2016 at 9:41pm:
Personally, I think someone should not be on the ballot, unless they are at the conference to meet and greet people also.  This is simple Irish politics, Dan.

Joe, I am not a politician, I'm a radical change agent who is steadily assembling an ideological insurgency. It's a totally different ball game that has its own playbook.
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #87 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 12:29am
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"Virtual ethnic cleansing", "ideological insurgency", "radical change agent", "shaming into action"...oh my!

I wish other APA members were more inclined to post here, I'd really like to hear some rebuttals. What say guys?--especially with the election looming?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #88 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 12:48am
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Ark, don't hold your breath. Those APA establishment "dedicated to truth" fakers are CHICKEN.
« Last Edit: Feb 19th, 2016 at 6:35am by Dan Mangan »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: American Polygraph Association Elections: Race for president-elect pits Daniel Mangan against Patrick O'Burke
Reply #89 - Feb 19th, 2016 at 1:26am
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Wow, is this what I was like in 2008?  Because if it was, no wonder why people got frustrated with me.   

Excuse me while I go and bang my head against a brick wall to absorb and understand what you just said.  I may need a bottle of Jameson and 10 Pints of Guinness to boot.   

Dan, here are the common tactics of an "insurgency."
Insurgencies differ in their use of tactics and methods. In a 2004 article, Robert R. Tomes spoke of four elements that "typically encompass an insurgency":[21]

cell-networks that maintain secrecy

terrorism used to foster insecurity among the population and drive them to the insurgents for protection

multifaceted attempts to cultivate support in the general population, often by undermining the new regime

attacks against the government (authority)

Subversion — subversion as a term that could be lumped together under the name modern warfare, "as being interlocking systems of actions, political, economic, and psychological that aims at the overthrow of established authority

Of course there are other tactics, but I think you maybe going for subversion here.  Regardless, under any tactic under the insurgency doctrine, one things is necessary as a "must have" in order to come out on top; the winning of hearts and minds.  Historically, no insurgency has been victorious with that one all important factor; the winning of heart and minds.   

Another problem you are facing, is once you are put into your despotic position, your game plan to use your new found seat of power as a, "bully pulpit," so you can "shame the Board of Directors into action," will fail as well.  Despots do not do well in true Representative Republics or Democracies.  You will not get anything done in the one year you will have, and you will not win a reelection with the manner you wish to run the show.

You're my friend and all, but I have to tell you, even if you do succeed, which I don't see happening at that point, your success will be short lived and you will have achieved little, if any of your core goals other than that of feeding your ego.

Let me ask you a question.  Are you doing this because you want to make polygraph better; or are you simply trying to institute anarchy for anarchy sake?  Because, the only thing I see, is you wanting to do everything to destroy polygraph, and little to improve it for the better of the industry and society in general.

All your goals for the industry seem destructive, over constructive.   

What are your positive goals?  How would it benefit me, to have you calling the shots?

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