Curiouskat, I was on federal probation (and freely admit it) when I was poly'd. Also was CVSA'd twice. You always get a pre-interrogation interview, and you always will (according to the polyboy) "have trouble" with at least one question. They'll pick one, and usually won't show you the screen/paper tracing...
My solution? No admissions, no explanatory statements (just gives them more to ask about), no nothing. That's post-test. Same goes for pre-test.
I submit some CM's work better than others. Mental CM's give you some advantage over physical because they can't be caught- period. Physical CM's have their place, too, but... read TLBTLD, know it, and know yourself and your physiological responses to both CQ's and RQ's before you go full guns for a physical CM strategy... imho...
...remembering that the polygaffer is not your pal or someone on your side. At best, they're someone looking for admissions. At worst, they're out to disqualify you from whatever you're there for, twist your words into double-helixes, or glean info for legal or other purposes...
No comment on my success rate for beating polys

However, calmness, blanking your mind (esp during RQ's), and pumping up your reactions to CQ's has, ah, been of assistance to me. That, and knowing the whole process and all its merdum tauri (Latin), was a large help. We fear what we don't know a lot more than what we do know.
One thing I have done that isn't much spoken of is the tactic of answering CQ's ("Have you ever lied to make yourself appear better or savvier to someone else?" was one I had once) both honestly (which is a yes) -and- augmenting my response anyway. It must have played with that guy's mind something fierce. He wanted a lie of no, of course, but I was flat truthful with him. However, I still realized that I needed to augment, so I did. And I passed, with a very half-hearted try of "trouble" on a side issue. Bing bang boom.
..."If you know your enemy (polygrapher) as yourself, you will be victorious in 100 out of 100 battles."- Sun Tzu. Know TLBTLD. Know yourself. If you do, what others have used is almost immaterial, unless you're facing some similar situation calling for an unorthodox CM...