Also, consider the National Academy of Science report
http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309084369 which recommends scrapping pre-employment testing altogether.
They estimate that, for every liar they actually detect, there will be a hundred or more innocent people who fail the test while being truthful. That from the nation's top scientific researchers.
The goal of a pre-employment test is not to test the veracity of a few relevant test questions, the goal IS TO SEE WHAT THEY CAN GET YOU TO ADMIT TO, no matter how minor, or insignificant. They will blow it out of all proportion if they have to, to justify a "fail". Then again, they might not use it at all. You just don't know, so why risk it.
It is little different than a police interrogation with a fancy machine used as a prop to intimidate you. Oh yeah, another difference, no crime has been committed. IOW, it's a witch hunt.
As you can see from Mr. Sackett's (a polygrapher) response they want you to get everything off your chest, no matter how minor, so they can use it against you, if necessary. They are skilled interrogators. They are very good at getting you to make embarrassing admissions. Don't fall for it.
What you did IS NOT CHILD PORN! Sounds like normal high school behavior of a young man. When I was in HS in the 60's, we'd go "beaver huntin". The only reason our "shots" weren't recorded for posterity is that we didn't have cell phones or the internet back then. But to a polygrapher, with a "reaction" on the machine to account for, it will warrant further exploration and discussion.
Now, if you were a middle-aged TEACHER, taking photos of young students and posting them on the web. That WOULD BE child porn.
Stick to reality! Don't get sucked into the topsy-turvy fantasy world of polygraphy.