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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing (Read 160697 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #105 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 7:28pm
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The defendants’ lawyer, as of today, has failed to surrender the defendants’ IP addresses for comparison.  The surrendered IP addresses of the defendants would not be released under any condition and I announced that publicly.  By the way, I have lived up to every agreement I made during this action.  There is still avoidance.
I personally find this interesting to say the least.  This kind of avoidance has become motis operandi since this whole thing started.  Delay releasing information until the point is moot.  Finally my lawyer sees the pattern too. 

Therefore, subpoenas will be issued to Yahoo, Verizon, and Comcast to give us the identities of the IP addresses.   

1.      I can not trust the information they give to there lawyer will be true and accurate information.  If any of them are offended by what I said they need to ask themselves why.  If I am wrong than there is nothing to be offended over.

2.      An agreement was made to have the information and a singed agreement done by mast Friday.  They have welshed on that agreement (big shock), therefore can no longer be trusted.

3.      They obvious think this is just going to “go away”, it won’t.

4.      They don’t take me seriously when I say I am going to do something or they are arrogant enough to think they are untouchable.  They are mistaken.

It is my understanding that the lack of cooperation on behalf of the defendants will be brought to the Judges attention also.  We will more than likely have some of the information back before then so I will just have to expose the offending party or parties in open court.  And then duck when the preverbal crap hits the fan.   

Or option B, the offending party/parties come forward on their own while there is still time.  If this happens we can sit down and try to handle it all as quietly as possible, and I might not press criminal charges and I take no responsibility for what the judge himself may do.  Civilly is another matter, but I can be reasoned with there as well.  Even formal civil action can possibly be avoided.

I think option B is easier and less stressful for everyone, don’t you lieguytoo?   

Subpoenas go out tonight.

Oh yea, one more thing.  It is confirmed that lieguytoo was not using an anonymous or secured server.  We have been told by professional law enforcement officers who specialize in computer crimes, that the IP’s can be traced with subpoenas.

This is not going away; lets all do this the easy way over the hard way.  The time on the offer is running down


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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #106 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 9:05pm
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the fighting irish

I have been following this from the very beginning and I have nothing to gain whether you win or lose. I'm just trying to hone my legal knowledge. I have nothing to do with or have any interest in SO polygraphs. I believe the polygraph's ONLY utility is to gain confessions. Therefore, I have some questions and statements.

1. It appears, by your postings, that you really don't want to go to   
    court and are offering deals to the defendants.

2. Why are you posting your plans of action? Forewarned is 

3. I believe you possess a knock out punch. So why are you dancing
    and jabing on the internet? Deliver the knock out punch in court.

4. If I was the defendants lawyer, I would be making copies of your 
    postings here and make them Exibit A stating that you were trying 
    to pressure my clients into a plea. I believe you are making a 
    mistake in this area.

5. If anyone made a threat on my or my family's life, I would
    prosecute to the fullest or take care of business myself. The latter
    would be more likely in my case.

6. Does your lawyer approve of your postings on this site?

I have a lot more questions but, I wouldn't want you to divulge any more information than you already have. I am pulling for you to open a closed network. And no, I am not willing to be an internet juror.

Please let us know the court date. I would drive 500 miles to take in the proceedings. I could learn a little about state court jurisprudence. I already know the federal court system.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #107 - Sep 21st, 2008 at 11:06pm
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I just wanted you to know that I was not ignoring you.  These are good questions that I will answer.  I have been putting out some fires and preparing for the discovery of the identity of lieguytoo.  The subpoenas are finally ready to be served and the actins are prepared and ready to go.

The answer to one of your questions is very simple.

Forewarned is forearmed; this is true.  I like to give people the opportunity to avoid anytime I can.  This way when I act, no one can say they were shocked or surprised.  Moreover in most cases all they can do it sit there and watch me coming because that don’t have a defense.  This will be the case with lieguytoo.   

Apparently there is someone out there who is not taking me seriously.  They don’t think I will find out who he is, or they think this will just go away.  I have seen a lot of activity on their side lately; this tells me that they are nervous about the lieguytoo situations.  Rightfully so if the information I gathered is correct.   

I’ll go into greater detail later and answer the rest of your questions.  Please bare with me until after a few things play out.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #108 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 7:11am
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Verizion has informed me that they will comply with a subpoena regarding the sources of the IP addresses which released to me a couple of months ago.

I was informed last week they will release the information after December 10th so long as the person who is tied to the IP addresses does not file a motion in court to stop them from releasing the information.  It is my understanding that no such motion was filed so I am expecting the information any day now.

Lieguytoo has, thus far, not even attempted to resolve the issues of theoristic threats, libel, witness intimidation, racism and disparaging commentary directed toward my new wife.   

He stated on another message board which talks about hiding ones IP addresses that everything he said was true.  He also inferred that he did noting wrong, unethical or illegal according to the tine of his postings.  I hope he can prove this because his window of opportunity to settle this matter behind closed doors is now passed.

Because the IP addresses originate in Houston and the Dallas area, I feel it is safe to assume that there is not just one person involved with the lieguytoo screen name.  I am also sure they have been informed by verizion that the information will be released to me and this information will be in my hands more than likely by the end of this week.  I know for a fact they have been monitoring this message board to look for any new postings.

This person or people have been given every opportunity to do the right thing, apologize, and take responsibility of their actions.  Time and time again the arrogant belief that I will not find out who lieguytoo has been their house of straw, stick and bricks which they have used to hide.  Hurricane season is ending late this year for this person or people as Hurricane Joey is slowly approaching and there will be no way to escape that storm surge like the people in Houston managed to do.   

I will make the identity of lieguytoo, the examiners who are associates with lieguytoo and the company which lieguytoo owns or is employed after I speak with legal counsel who specializes in libel and defamation issues.  I also intent to press full criminal action allowable under the law on the person or persons involved as well as make the Presiding Judge involved with my case aware of the identities and will ask for what ever action which can be taken to be looked at and addressed.   

So much for anonymous servers.  Game over

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #109 - Feb 24th, 2009 at 3:38am
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‘Once I though I was out, they pull me back in!”

I had hoped that when all this was supposed to have ended last year, I would never have to address what has become the worst year of my life ever again.  Apparently most of the defendants in the suit seem to think that they can walk all over me and I won’t do anything about it.  They will so find that I am no pushover.  

On July 9, 2008, I posted that the suit with the majority of the sex offender providers is over.  In October of 2008, the rest of the parties settled.  The settlements that were made were made for everyone best interests so we could all put our swords away and stop what would have undoubtedly had turned into an endless and costly war.  I am here to tell you that over seven months later, all of the sex offender providers with the exception of Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Medina and about half of the polygraph examiners have either ignored or outright engaged in behaviors counter to the intent and sprit of the settlement agreements.

I am sure no one on this message board is shocked by this.

I make this public update after there have been countless efforts to settle the matters privately.  All efforts have been met by the involved defendants with un-repentance and a sense of entitlement that they are not accountable for their actions or obligations in which they agreed to.  I am willing to bet that if I had been engaging in activities which are contrary to my obligations which have been clearly laid out in the settlement agreement, I would be held responsible and accountable.  Since the agreement was proposed and agreed to in July, I have received no more than 10 polygraph examinations from all of the providers in question.  In fact, I have been informed that on at least one occasion, a person who used my services when he chose to do so was dismissed from his group therapy by Ezio Leite.  I have also been told that probationers have been told that they are not to use my services because “he sued my ass”.  

In December of 2008, a Fenian Polygraph Services representative was sent to PSY where she was told that there would be some patents of theirs whom would be calling to make arrangements to receive services.  I gave the above named individuals the benefit of the doubt and awaited the phone calls we were told were imminent. The phone calls did not come and we readdressed the issue of bringing the defendants into compliance with the settlement agreement.  It is my understanding that this back and fourth lasted for a few weeks and ended when the defendants simply stopped taking our calls in January of 2009.  

They offer settlement and I live up to every thing I agreed to and they live up to nothing except walking away.  Looking back, I would have rather rolled my dice with a jury.  But they offered a deal which they knew they would not live up to.  I was swindled and coned.  Even with an agreement they took Christmas presents from under my Son’s tree and continue to take food off my table like a bunch of cowards and sneak thieves.  

These are the people whom Tarrant County, Texas depends on to help keep sex offenders in compliance with their probation and/or parole conditions.  

Eric Holden and Behavioral Measures entered into an agreement in October of 2008 which essentially ended all actions in the suit.  In that settlement, it was agreed that I would not release anyone from liability upon the discovery of the identity of Lieguytoo should the identified person or companies or persons connected with the identified person be a defendant.

Eric Holden and Behavioral Measures now refuse to complete the final documents because they want to change the terms after it was discovered that one of the sources of the Lieguytoo posts came from the business address of Behavioral Measures.  I know.  Everyone is just shocked.

I pointed my finger straight at Behavioral Measures and I was right.  Of course, given Mr. Holden’s past, I do not think it would have taken a rocket scientist to figure out that he had a hand in it.

Mr. Holden and his new lawyer, Evan Shaw, will attempt to convince a Judge that they should have a “do over” in negotiating the settlement agreement.  Apparently, they feel the agreement they approved of is now unfair because they are now connected to the libelous public postings and possibly illegal private messages which was made by one of his most trusted employees.  I guess it is Behavioral Measures policy that it is all fun and games until you get caught.  Then break out the smoke and mirrors to redirect attention away from Mr. Holden.  

It seems Holden wants me to hold him free of responsibility or we start from the drawing board.  That is fine with me, If Holden et al wants a trial after all, I am all for it.  If there is going to be a “do over” it will be for everyone and not just for him.  I have a lot more evidence now than I did last year.  I know that Wood & Associates is still getting the vast majority of Tarrant County probationers and now I can prove it through the actions of Strain, Leite, Braun, Dean, and Shahan.  I can also prove that there is deeper involvement with the CSCD’s.  All the polygraph examiners wanted to pull the “united we stand” bit from the very beginning.  Now, they will have to accept the “divided we fall” alternative because Holden wants to be Al Gore.  

This is what happens when you want to, how did Noah Webster put it; “teach Joe a lesson.”  They made the deal together; now let them sit together deal with the aftermath together.  It will be hard to teach me a lesson when some people’s egos and greed have made it clear that the restriction of trade and monopolistic practices do exist.  It is a pretty hard accusation to deny when your actions speak louder then your lies huh?

I am also under the impression that Holden will not finish the settlement unless the issue of lieguytoo is settled with it.  They want to keep it in Tarrant County.  GREAT IDEA!  There is another high profile internet blogging defamation suit in Tarrant County that is currently ongoing.  This simply means that the two defamation cases would exist symbiotically.  What happens to one case directly affects the other.  The other case involves a high profile trial lawyer who has been defamed by a group of “anonymous” bloggers.  Tarrant County is a great place for a case like this.

Holden and Shaw are tougher than even they thought.  They are testing themselves and do not even know it.  Great idea, I can not wait to hear Judge Evens’ reactions when he hears that Shaw wants to keep this in his court.  Wow, this Shaw guy has some balls to be brave enough to look into Evens’ eyes and say that the case should stay in that court.  But I guess it is better for Shaw to take a chance with Evens rather than face a Dallas Judge with his reputation.  
What is funny to me is his choice of new attorney.  Apparently Mr. Shaw has had some problems with allegations of trying to intimidate people to get his way himself.  It has been alleged that Mr. Shaw has stalked a Dallas County Judge after the Judge refused to recuse himself after Mr. Shaw filed a motion asking the Judge to do so.  You can read about Mr. Shaw’s alleged woes involving influencing or intimidating persons involved with a court action in which he is not getting his way.

I guess birds of a feather do flock together or Mr. Holden is unaware of Mr. Shaw’s past.   Either way, in regards to credibility, Mr. Holden may need to rethink his position.

I will be filing suit against Behavioral Measures and Mr. Holden for the issues involving lieguytoo.  I have been given no other option.  

I get the feeling that some of the parties involved in the upcoming hearing are simply waiting until they have succeeded in forcing Texas’ only independent unbiased verifier or the truth out of business leaving only the “lie detectors;” most of whom seem to be far from independent or unbiased.  I guess there is always Federal Court to settle this anti trust suit and this time I will force everyone to trial.  There will be a winner and a loser and a jury will decide.  

Once again, some of Lieguytoo’s posts have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to have come from the business address of Behavioral Measures, according to records provided to me by Verizon.  I am still awaiting identifications from Comcast which will be provided after the defamation suit is underway.  

Given this information coupled with Mr. Holden’s past documented questionable behaviors, I feel Mr. Holden’s presence on any APA committee or on any decision making board becomes troublesome.  I feel that Mr. Holden should step down from any office or committee membership which he holds until these questionable character issues are resolved.

I said it and I’ll say it again.  Until his character issues are cleared up, Mr. Holden or anyone Mr. Holden had direct influence over is a potential liability and thus should be asked to step down from any office or committee which have direct or indirect influence of polygraph policy or rule making.

I said it here and I’ll say it to his face.  There are people are afraid of Eric Holden.  I am not one of them.  In my opinion, he is all fluff and no substance.

When I think about it, most of these people are real idiots.  If they had passed me about 5 to 10 tests now and again, I would have a very hard time proving anything.  But ego got the best of everyone; even after I outperformed both Wood & Associates and Behavioral Measures; again and again.  Even throughout the suit I would have tossed tests my way.  That way if it did go to a jury, the jury would have said; “what is this guy complaining about, they are sending him tests.”  

Over and over again they have had a chance to prove me wrong, especially within the past month when I extended the deal of $100.00 maintenance and monitoring tests until Saint Patties.  Not one single person from their groups called for a test.  Now, is someone going to tell me that people, who already have a hard time making ends meet, can not wait to spend $200.00 to $250.00 for a test that they can get for $100.00?  How believable does everyone think that will seem to a Judge?  That by it self shows that they are intentionally ordering their people not to use my services, Ezio et al  keeps making my case for me.  I am glad they do not make a living by being chess players they would be broke

As long as they all stand together or stand silent and profit from another person’s lack of integrity, I will paint them all with the same brush.  You would think they would learn that I have no fear of any of them by now.

The question is not how far am I going to take this; the question is, do I have the intestinal fortitude to take this as far as is needed to assure I walk away with my head held high?

I have been silent when I thought there was a peace.  Now that I know this peace was built on lies it is time to get the war machine moving again.  Now they will be forced to consider the alternative.  I am still here and in business and I am not going away anytime soon; even if it means me dieing broke and destitute.  

I will not be conned again by a bunch of lowly sneak thieves, a gaggle of fidlen bens.  

Hey Ezio, Lawren, Michael, Heather and Sean; how do you justify your mantra of “no new victims” knowing that there is a distinct possibility that your very own golden boys may be allowing offenders to fall through the cracks?  If the offenders fall through the cracks, do the victims fall with them?  How do you people sleep at night?  How does Tarrant County sleep at night knowing that these people stand between their children and convicted sex offenders; not all of whom are following their treatment programs or the law?  

I am glad these therapists sleep well at night.  I guess they or someone they love must not live near any registered offenders.  I hope their money buys them peace of mind and their egos keep them warm.
« Last Edit: Feb 26th, 2009 at 11:20pm by Joe McCarthy »  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #110 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 8:08pm
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  
Our justice system never fails to amaze me.  Apparently, agreements are not agreements in America.  I have been told that you learn a new thing every day.  Today is no exception.  Settlements are only good so long has it benefits the party whom wants to change the deal midstream.  My new nickname for Eric Holden is Gore.  When something does not go his way, he wants a “do over.”  Well, he got it.

The case will go to trial after all.  Because of the filing error my lawyer made, there was a summary judgment placed against me and now the trial is over if I filed the suit in bad faith.  It is a trial I feel the polygraph examiners will lose, but apparently Holden wants to spend the money.   

This is a warning to everyone out there.  If you make a deal with Holden or Behavioral Measures, get it in writing right away.  If you don’t, then he may try to change the deal when your agreement no longer benefits him.   

If he wants to go to the mattresses, he’s got it.  Sadly I am forced into the decision that all the polygraph examiners made the deal together.  Now they will have to finish this together.  After all they wanted to stand together to “teach me a lesson”.  Now they will have to live up to what their lawyer told me back in the summer of 2008.   

What I am curious about is that if Holden et al was so right and I was so wrong, then why did he send a character assassin after me?  They thought that I would not find out that it was them.  When they did realize that I had proof, they try to stress me out more by changing the rules.  They want to wear me down in the hopes that I will tuck tail and run like others in the past.  While this would have worked last year, now it just pisses me off and makes me stronger in my resolve that some of these people are persons of bad character and need to be exposed for what they are.

Speaking of bad character, the Judge brought something to everyone’s attention yesterday.  Apparently, some “anonymous” correspondence was received by him in January of 2009.  This correspondence addressed issues that are actually non-issues, about my wife.  The Judge described the correspondence as “cowardly” and all attorneys were strongly admonished because this is considered ex parte communications with the Judge.  It is my understanding that any ex parte communications with the Judge is highly inappropriate and frowned upon across the board.

Now here is the interesting twist.  The person who mailed this cowardly inappropriate correspondence was not the smarted bulb in the bunch.  He used a Pitney Bowes postage meter.  All Pitney Bowes postage meters have a unique account number assigned to them.  All you have to do is call the consumer affairs division of the post office, give them the number, and they will tell you who it belongs to.  Guess who it belongs to?  If you guessed that the meter belongs to Behavioral Measures, then you would be correct.  This guy is dumber than the criminals he polygraphs.   

Eric would not make a good criminal.  Don’t worry Eric.  Practice makes perfect.  Now we have Behavioral Measures and Eric Holden connected with numerous “anonymous” and ‘inappropriate” communications with not only a Plaintiff, but also with the Judge.  There seems to be a pattern developing here.   

While this is a good thing for me because I can now establish that this is Mr. Holden’s typical MO in handing things, this is not going to be a good thing for Mr. Holden because the Judge is going to want to have some words with him.   

What he is doing is nothing more than constructive intimidation.  He is hoping to scare her away so that I will be left alone and defenseless in Court or he is hoping that I will simply kick the bat snot out of him (which would not be a challenge) and he will press charges thus taking me out of the picture anyway.  Much to his dismay, neither of those two things will happen.  On the other hand, this could be just another one of Mr. Shaw’s little stunts to set a case up for appeal or refusal that backfired on him. 

Their little stunt did not have the desired effect they had hoped.  Her licensing issues have been resolved and we will now pick up the issue of behavioral Measures cowardly ways and stupidity.   

First, he has stirred a hornet’s nest and provided us with proof that this “anonymous” form of intimidation is a pattern for him.  Second, I don’t think Eric or anyone who works for him is worth wasting my skills on and none of them would last 30 seconds going toe to toe with a trained fighter like me.   

What I am going to do is take this to the Judge and demand satisfaction.  Holden and everyone else on that side seemed to get away with murder in that courtroom.  Seriously, every time I think these people have fallen into a sewer, they come out holding two gold watches.  I will be interested to see what Holden et al will be holding when they walk out of the court room this week.    

The lieguytoo issues are still out there and totally unresolved.  Holden et al are probably under the impression that it will be forgotten and that they got away with it.  With the trial going forward and the lieguytoo issue left unresolved, I actual fear for my safety and the safety of those around me.  Given who I discovered is behind the anonymous letter to the Judge, there is no doubts in my mind that Holden is mentally capable of doing something to me or someone close to me in the “hostile LZ” which was referenced in the anonymous email which was sent to me the day before trial was supposed to have taken place last year.  I guess that not only do I not have a right to speak my piece in Court, but I don’t have a right to safety either.   

Therefore, I guess, if Eric is making the rules, then I guess I will have to learn what those rules are and start playing by them also.   

So here we go with another interesting piece of info that I have been sitting on for some time.

Eric has recently added a new name to his list of polygraph examiners who perform his contract parole tests for Texas.  Apparently, former Uvalde County sheriff who did not run for re-election under a veil of corruption accusations is now running polygraph tests under the umbrella of Behavioral Measures.   

Because I have a reputation of providing documentation to as many things as I am allowed to due to my case being ongoing, here is the news article addressing the alleged ethics issues which have surrounded Mr. Crawford:

If you read the article, I believe that you will see that water seeks its own level.  It sounds almost exactly like my case.  A list is to be handed out so people can make a choice, but yet magically, the vast majority of people pick the person for company who seems to have close ties to the current administration.  The administration, with their back against the wall denies any wrong doing, but takes no preventative measures to eliminate the appearance of impropriety.  The only thing that is missing on my end is the lack of hard proof that kickbacks and special favors are being offered and accepted, but there is always tomorrow.  Now that the fight is still on, I may need to start looking into things again.   

Anyway, Eric has been tied into continued “anonymous” and inappropriate communications in an effort to unethically influence the outcome of a court action in which he stand to have a lot to lose.  His vetting process on hiring employees has been questionable.  He feels brave enough that he feels no one will ever question him because he is “The Great Eric Holden.”

In my opinion, Mr. Holden's actions and judgment is under great question.  I feel that all his actions and words should be scrutinized and held to great suspicion.  I call upon Eric Holden to step down from any APA or trade association committee which he holds any chair or office voluntarily until the issues are cleared up.  If he does not, I challenge any trade organization or committee to demand the immediate resignation of Eric Holden until the issues of his character and judgment are cleared up.   

Holden holds great influence in TAPE and in the APA.  His questionable judgment might make him a potential liability to either organization, especially TAPE.  One of Mr. Holden’s employees confessed that he was Lieguytoo.  He worked for Eric at the time and was an officer of TAPE while he was posting the defamatory remarks and sending his threats.  TAPE does owe me an apology for one of their officer actions, but I will not hold my breath for one.  This person is also an APA instructor.  Just a wee something for the APA and TAPE to consider.   

But here is a question.  Are the other examiners involved in the suit in collusion with Holden?  They would certainly benefit if I were to tuck tail and run and they would benefit if I lose too.  They see a wee too silent on this matter.  After all, they were “united” in how they dealt with me in the past.  Who is to say they still aren’t united in forcing me out of business?   

If I were Eric I would clear my schedule for the date that will be listed on the subpoena he will be served with.  He may even want to pencil out a few days.  It is my understanding that the Judge could give him up to six months.   

I will not give in on the defamation case which will be brought against Holden, Behavioral Measures and possibly other parties whom lieguytoo is directly involved with within the underlining case or the owners of the IP addresses once the identity of those other IP addresses are revealed.   

The sex offender providers have got yet another temporary reprieve from their hearing due to a “scheduling conflict” and it is my understanding that will be heard next week although I won’t hold my breath because this is the 3rd or 4th time.  They are doing everything to avoid living up to their end of their SIGNED agreement, even all the way up to today.  It seems they are looking for a reason to get a “do over” too.   

I hope Holden and those who support him continues their stupidity.  In my opinion, every day he makes himself more and more of a liability.  Witness intimidation, cowardly acts, ex parte communication with a Judge, and “anonymous” threats are par for course with Eric Holden.  All fluff and no substance with nothing more than posturing.  When someone calls him to the plate, he whines and calls foul.  It’s all about smoke and mirrors.   

I have been told that when you hear him speak publicly, he sounds like an evangelist preacher.  I only know Eric privately and have never seen him speak in a public setting.  I can say that if this is true, it would not shock me.  I think we can all agree that the vast majority of TV evangelist preachers have proven through past actions that they are no more than snake oil salesmen who don’t care about your soul but do care about how much money you have to spend in which to save said soul.   

I feel that Eric Holden is the same type of person.  While I am sure that some of the things he has to say are eloquent and maybe even philosophical, I bet that is as far as it goes.  He is all talk and no action and all fluff and no substance.  If it was not for his ability to manipulate the masses or the people backstage making the smoke and moving the mirrors, he would not be “Eric Holden,” he would be “that guy”.  His ego cannot handle being “that guy.”

He is going to speak at a TAPE conference sometime soon.  I am willing to bet there will be little barbs and jabs at me.  He will rant on about how good he is and why he is such a genius and then list a bunch of accomplishments from the past which remain just that, in the past.  Any new ideas he will conger up in his little magic caldron of lies and BS will not benefit anyone other then himself or those he chooses to benefit.  He will have no new innovations for the future or visions of a greater tomorrow in polygraph other than “Joe McCarthy needs to be taught a lesson and run out on a midnight train.”  All he can do is fluff up and re-hash the same blah blah blah of the last ten years like he is some small town high school football hero who never made it to the pros and has nothing but the past to live off of.  Of course, he will only be brave in a room full of people who will protect him and hate me simply because the few people of power who cannot take responsibility for their actions can manipulate the mob.  I was shocked last year to see how easy it was for a few of the defendants to manipulate the masses.   

A group of polygraph examiners will, for the most part, believe what they are told to believe.  I know I will not be popular for saying that, but my experiences from the past year have shown this to be true.  There are a few examiners out there who are independent thinkers whom understand what I am trying to do but are not keen on my methods.  I can respect that because I do have the ability to think outside of myself.  But eventually the old will give way to the new and as that happens, Eric Holden’s people will uncover the harsh and hidden fact that, in my opinion, is the reason why he is where he is now.  It is not because he is a man of true substance, but because he has manipulated people into thinking that he is a man of substance.   

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous Too

Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #111 - Mar 2nd, 2009 at 9:40pm
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If you were trying for a psychotic rant I think you acheived your goal.

I know you're smarter than that. Take some time and review your thoughts, allow your anger to subside and try again. I know you can present a more logical argument when you're temper isn't getting the better of you.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #112 - Mar 6th, 2009 at 11:24pm
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I have found that logic does not apply in this case or in this court.  This was over, done and then because something did go Holden’s way the rules change.  Yes I am pissed; I am also disappointed that Holden can break his agreements, threaten and intimidate me, break court rules and when he gets away with it people question why I am angry.

There is more I want to say but will hold off a day or two.  As far as the word “psychotic” goes, I feel that is a label that may be a better fit for Mr. Holden.

He seems to be working very hard to hide something.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Administrator

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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #113 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 7:23am
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Off-Topic replies have been moved to this Topic. Administrator
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ed Earl

Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #114 - Mar 11th, 2009 at 9:00pm
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Grace's post is an allegation of criminal behavior levied at a specific individual and possibly slander. If the author wishes to remain anonymous, the post should be removed.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box T.M. Cullen
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #115 - Mar 11th, 2009 at 10:24pm
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Grace's post is an allegation of criminal behavior levied at a specific individual and possibly slander.

Not true Sancho.  You're being silly.


"There is no direct and unequivocal connection between lying and these physiological states of arousal...(referring to polygraph)."

Dr. Phil Zimbardo, Phd, Standford University
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ed Earl

Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #116 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 1:14am
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Cullen once again you are un-informed, or mis-informed but, in either case you have formed ANOTHER Opinion without the necessary facts.
I am not surprised. 

I don't really care what you think because my comment and request was addressed directly to George as administrator of this forum.  

Are you George?
Did he ask you to respond on his behalf?
Do you feel him incapable or unqualified to act upon my request?
Have you forgotten that this is his board?
Why do you constantly feel the need to answer for him?

I find your behavior here somewhat reminiscent of the kid in every kindergarten class that always raises his hand and never knows the answer.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box T.M. Cullen
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #117 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 3:39am
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I don't really care what you think because my comment and request was addressed directly to George as administrator of this forum.  

Capt Queeg, Sancho Panza, Anonymous Too, Ed Earl (did I miss any?),

Really?  Sorry, but your post wasn't addressed to him, or to anyone for that matter.  Regardless, it's an OPEN forum.  Maybe you should've  sent GM a PM if you feel somebody has accused another person of committing a criminal offense on this board.  You know, like when YOU accused GM of working for Iran and aiding terrorists a while back under the alias "Sancho Panza".  This you alleged, because he translated TLBTLD into a middle eastern language.  Weren't you banned for that scurrilous charge?  And now YOU have the temerity to accuse another poster of making false accusations, which of course they aren't, under your latest of anonymous login name?  Really Sir!  

Now I may be totally wrong with the above comment, but I don't think you can prove it to be false.

« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2009 at 6:03am by T.M. Cullen »  

"There is no direct and unequivocal connection between lying and these physiological states of arousal...(referring to polygraph)."

Dr. Phil Zimbardo, Phd, Standford University
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ed Earl

Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #118 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 12:24pm
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I'm sure you will find "Fighting Irish's" response to Grace's unsubstantiated allegation that he compelled an act of prostitution entertaining. GM will likely receive more subpoenas before its over and perhaps enjoy all of the attention. 

You however, between your enjoyment of the show and your INTENSE Columbus research might take some time to look up the definition of temerity and perhaps compare its defintion to audacity and effrontery. While somewhat synonymous there are some nuances you seem to have missed.

Actually hardihood would be closer to the meaning you seek.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #119 - Mar 12th, 2009 at 4:53pm
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Gentlemen, Grace’s post is hardly worth fighting over.  GM moved it to discarded posts and I am taking the necessary steps to remedy the situation within the confines of the law.  In my opinion this was nothing more than a cheap attempt on the part of the defendants to intimidate, scare or rattle me.  It was just another desperate act by desperate men.  Rest assured that there is now a Jane Doe #1.   

All of my tests are audio and video taped just for this kind of situation.  Nuff said

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