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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing (Read 160690 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #90 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 12:49am
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No No No!

They think I am going to be bullied.  Now I will just stand more firm.  This one way street the defendants want will lead to trial and maybe federal court.  Either way I will get my fair trial or a fair resolution.  

Buckle down everybody because it is now going to be an ulgly and long fight.

I will get to you later lieguytoo.  How is your good buddy Eric Holden doing anyway.

The truce is over.  If it is war they want, than war they shall have.

The pipes are playing.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #91 - Sep 10th, 2008 at 4:13am
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OK everyone, here we go again.  Tomorrow will be another day at court.  The polygraph examiners, again, are seeking any loophole they can find to keep this from going to trial.  This is funny to me because I was recently told that some of the defendants want to “teach me a lesson.”  I am trying to understand this point of view.  They want to teach me a lesson; and they want to do it in such a way where they don’t have to present evidence to a jury.  They want to publicly embarrass me, but they want to do it outside the presence of a jury at a trial that would more than likely be closely watched by the public.  They want to show me how wrong I am and they want to rub my nose in it but they don’t want to prove to a jury that I am wrong.  Maybe I am the only person who doesn’t understand how they are teaching me a lesson.

If they are so right and I am so wrong, then why be so afraid of trial?  I can tell you why. They know that they are wrong and I can prove it to a jury.  In an earlier post, someone said the polygraph examiners want me fit to stand trial, but then they do everything to avoid it.  I am ready for trial.  They apparently are not.  That is easy to see when picking at the information that I have picked through in the past months.  It is easy to hear in their words and it is obvious by their actions.  They are so desperate that they even send a character assassin after me who showed himself to be a bigot and a man of very little courage or integrity.  There is little doubt that this man is a member of TAPE and there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to Eric Holden as the man holding the leash of this mangy dog.    

Of course, all of them deny they have any role in what has transpired on this message board between me and this person.  I have offered to drop the accusations and apologize for accusing them if they proved their innocence through polygraphs under the conditions which I posted earlier.  Their answer was simply no.  This is funny as hell to me because they refuse to exonerate themselves through the very product that Eric Holden uses to put people back to prison, but is not good enough to prove their case.  They say that I am trying to destroy polygraph by posting here.  I say that they are the ones destroying polygraph.  I will make my point.

1.      If I were to place a Coca-Cola product in front of the CEO of the Coca-Cola Corporation and he refused to drink it, then I would certainly never buy another Coca-Cola product again.  People usually do not trust anyone who will not use the very product they sell.  I have offered to take a polygraph over the issue of filling this lawsuit frivolously.  I have even said that I would sit in one of their chairs to take that test.  Wow, the “new guy” believes in the product more than the “old timers.” 
2.      I am not as new as they say I am compared to one of my defendants, Clayton Wood.  He became licensed about one year after I did.  Of course, he is Richard Wood’s son.  One of the Holden boys has a long period of time between polygraph school graduation and full licensing.  That would imply that his internship lasted more than a year; which would need Board approval.  This implies that there were issues with his boards, but I will know more on that as FOIA requests make it through the pipe line.  I was licensed before my year was up, so I guess I can’t be all that bad of an examiner.  I wonder how many of my defendants passed their Boards in one day.  My guess is that little Wood and the little Holdens are riding on daddy’s coattails, because I doubt either one of them could compete with me in a free and fair market.
3.      TAPE has more than implied, through their silence and inaction, that they support members who make terroristic threats and condone sexually inappropriate emails regarding an officer of the court which is laced with racist comments.  I guess that matches up with Eric Holden’s DOCUMENTED past of sexual harassment.  People like that can always be trusted to judge the good character of someone else.   
4.      The polygraph illuminati of Texas insist that they are not engaging in any wrongdoing.  But, they want to avoid any chance of a jury looking at the facts and deciding if there is any wrongdoing.  A jury verdict will put the issue to rest once and for all, but they want to avoid it.   

Let’s review

They say that I am wrong but do not want to prove it to a jury.  How brave.

They say that they want to “teach me a lesson” but seem to want to do it in such a way that would be out of public view and want to do it through lies and legal wrangling to keep a jury from deciding.  Looks like their case is not as strong as they think it is.

TAPE condones acts of terroristic threats, intimidation of a plaintiff through sexually inappropriate emails regarding the plaintiff’s wife, who just happens to be an officer of the court, and racism.  They do this through their silence and their lack of condemnation of such activities by their membership.

Little Wood and the Little Holdens stand a snowball’s chance in hell of competing with me in an open and fair market.  No matter which way you cut it, I am more experienced than one of them and appear to have had a shorter internship and a better start of my career than the other.  I think that we have established here that there is a chance they are afraid when daddy leaves, they will be left to compete with me.

And finally

When they are being accused of wrong doing, they won’t even drink their own Kool-Aid.


Lies, threats of violence, anonymous obscene emails regarding an officer of the court sent to her husband to intimidate or harass, racism, nepotism, entitlement, and, to top it all off, cowardly acts and cover ups.   

Yes.  I am the one destroying polygraph.  The person who is exposing unethical practices and impropriety is destroying polygraph.  YOU MUST BE KIDDING!   

The cease fire is over.  Negations have broken down.   All bets are off and it is time to dig in and prepare for full scale war.  Chances are it won’t end in district court.  I will take this to the Federal level if that is what it takes to get my jury trial.  I know I am 100% right and when I do take this to the next level; I am bringing a friend named Rico.  I do not hear a fat lady singing, but I do hear the war pipes striking in.  Never underestimate an Irishman backed into a corner because that is where Irishman is used to fighting.

If these Bozos want to teach me a lesson, they shouldn’t do it half assed.  Take me to trial and prove that I am wrong.  Put the issue to rest.  This will not end until there is a trial of who is right and who is wrong.  I am willing and ready to go to trial.  Either they are not ready or willing to go to trial.  In either case I wonder what they have to be so afraid of.

Don’t tell me you want me fit for trial and then puss out then it comes time to put your chips in.  Don’t sing it, bring it.

As I used to say in one of my martial arts schools; “step up, or concede defeat, bow, and get the hell off my floor.”

The lack of respect and one way communications will stop.

I have been kind over the past month or two.  It’s clear that everyone thinks my kindness is weakness.  Well no more Mr. Nice guy.

I am in Tarrant County for good.  They can like me or hate me, but they will learn to deal with me.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Court Order Compelling Disclosure of Electronic Information in McCarthy v. Moore
Reply #92 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 5:21am
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On 11 September 2008, received by fax an "Order Granting Plaintiff Joseph Lawrence McCarthy, Individually and Doing Business as Fenian Polygraph Services' Motion to Compel Disclosure of Electronic Information" in Tarrant County, Texas civil case No. 048-228282-08 (McCarthy v. Moore et al.), the dispositive portion of which states:

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Plaintiff Joseph Lawrence McCarthy, individually and doing business as Fenian Polygraph Services' Motion to Compel Disclosure of Electronic Information from George W. Maschke and is hereby granted.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that George W. Maschke and fully disclose any and all information in their possession, care, control, or custody relating to a registered user of who uses the avatar "lieguytoo". Said information is to include, but is not limited to, any and all internet protocol ("IP") addresses used by lieguytoo. Said information is to be sent to Plaintiff's counsel via email at and via regular mail to P.O. Box 540218, Grand Prairie, Texas 75054 within three (3) calendar days of George Maschke and receiving a signed copy of this Order in any format, including, but not limited to, an email with the signed Order as a PDF attachment.

Unless receives timely notice of an appeal to this order, we intend to comply with it. The order, along with the plaintiff's motion seeking the order, and a cover sheet, are attached as a PDF file.

George W. Maschke
I am generally available in the chat room from 3 AM to 3 PM Eastern time.
Tel/SMS: 1-202-810-2105 (Please use Signal Private Messenger or WhatsApp to text or call.)
Wire: @ap_org
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Personal Statement: "Too Hot of a Potato"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #93 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 9:44pm
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A whole lot of blah blah blah and lawyer mumbo jumbo happened yesterday.  I hardly understand any of it.  Frankly, I stopped trying to figure it out.

I can say that the Judge is very much looking forward to whom these IP addresses trace back.  From the sound of it, he does not take this kind of thing lightly.  I doubt this person will find much sympathy or mercy with this Judge when it is found out who he/she is.

Moreover, it is my intent to press charges on this individual, including any and all accomplices or conspirators, to the fullest extent of the law.  Looking in the Texas Penal Code, I found the following offenses which may fit this issue:

     § 22.07.  TERRORISTIC THREAT, which is a Class B misdemeanor.
     § 36.06.  OBSTRUCTION OR RETALIATION, which is a 3rd degree FELONY.

I am sure the Judge and my wife can find a few more things to slap onto the basics.  Either way, you just may want to kiss your polygraph examiner’s license goodbye, because I don't think someone like this or people who help or harbor this activity should be in this profession.

Furthermore, be on notice that I will press any and all action civilly as allowed by law.  Defamation of character, libel, and any other causes of action afforded to me by law will be filed in separate causes of action from the current ongoing case against this individual or individuals who are involved and have active knowledge of this person’s activity.  No one will be immune from prosecution, including, but not limited to: 
The company, corporation, public agency, and/or firm that employees lieguytoo or is liable for his behavior (Most of his posts were during work hours so it is safe to assume that most of this happened while he was at work.)
TAPE or any other professional organization, entity, corporation, company, or firm which assisted or otherwise encouraged his unethical and/or illegal behavior.

No one, and I mean no one, will find safe harbor with me in this situation.  Figuratively speaking, there will be a scorched earth policy regarding lieguytoo and his/her accomplices, co-conspirators, companies, firms, corporations, organizations, public safety agencies, and/or governmental agencies which has involvement with his/her actions in any way, shape, form, or fashion.   

If you know who this person is, don't think he is going down alone.  He'll point the finger at you just as soon as you point the finger at him.  He may even try to say it was your idea.  Does anyone really want to go down for this schmuck?  I doubt it.

With that in mind, I will say this.  Anyone who comes to me with information as to the identity of lieguytoo and any co-conspirators before I can trace the IP addresses will have immunity from civil action from me.  I can trace the IP addresses in a matter of days.  I have done it before.  What my wife chooses to do with you is another thing, but I think I can get her to go along with my decision.

If lieguytoo steps forward and takes responsibility for his/her own actions, I will hear him out and negotiate a way to avoid the mess of any future litigation, including reconsidering litigation on anyone else or any other entity which could possibly be made liable.

What happens to you criminally will be up to the Judge and DA, but I assume that I might have a bit of influence as to the severity of charges if I choose to press them or not.   

Anyone who comes forward will identify him or herself and be subject to polygraph to verify statements.  Your name will not be made public on this or any other message board, with the exception of lieguytoo.  I will not press any criminal or civil charges against you for coming forward with the truth. 

Lieguytoo, if you come forward, I will not move forward on anything until I speak to your lawyer or representative to negotiate something that will avoid what will be a very public and costly litigation.

If someone does not step forward before I trace those IP addresses, all bets are off.  I have made myself clear.

No one can say that they have not been warned.  No one can say that I am being unreasonable here.  My beef is with this guy, not with everyone.  But, if people are protecting him, then my beef is with them too.  Does anyone really want to put all that they have worked so hard for on the line to protect a person who was stupid enough to take things too far?  Do you really want to risk your livelihoods just to "teach me a lesson" for pressing a legal action that I had every legal right to as an American Citizen?

Normally I hate a rat, but when the king rat decides that he wants to go down with the Titanic; I would let him go down alone and so should you.   

What if it was your wife he said some of those things about?  What is it was your sister or daughter he used to harass you by releasing personal non-public information about their jobs?  I doubt any of you would take that.   

If you want to come after me, come at me head on and with facts.  I can respect that.  But don't expect me to not swing back if your facts are outright wrong.  Most of all don't ever come after my loved ones.  My loved ones are off limits.

The jig is up lieguytoo.  Right now, everyone who knows who you are is thinking about selling you out just to avoid being tangled in the mess you created.  You are being offered the opportunity to make things right and avoid costly litigation, both criminally and civilly.  Understand, the same opportunity is being offered to anyone who knows who you are and wants to avoid the same litigation.   

The very person you are sitting next to or in the next room may very well be selling you out right now.  One thing people have learned in this suit, legal expenses add up fast.  I doubt you are worth 10 to 25K to protect; and that is just for the legal fees.  If you are a member of TAPE and I go after TAPE, you’ll have some explaining to do there too.  That is, if they don’t kick you out because of your actions.

It is all a matter of who gets to me first with the truth.

Ever read "The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe?  Well when you hear the sound of a heart beating, it's not a heart.  It's a clock and as of the time I post this it is ticking away time that you have to make this easier on everyone.

I will find out who you are.  One way or the other, I will find out who you are.  The fewer hoops I have to jump through will result in this being less costly for everyone concerned.  My phone is on 24/7; I suggest someone use it.   

You all hate me anyway, so I have nothing to lose by painting everyone involved with the same brush.  Knowledge = involvement.  Anyone involved will be named in any action unless someone comes forward or lieguytoo comes forward.  It has been made clear to me that I have no friends.  If I have no friends then I will be making no new enemies.   

I will be posting this on Polygraph Place as well to make sure all are on notice including Polygraph Place and its owners and administrators.  If they have knowledge or direct involvement, I will go after them too.

You’re running out of places to hide lieguytoo, and soon I think you will find yourself with fewer friends than I have.  Don’t worry I am sure you’ll make plenty of new ones in jail or at the Wendy’s where you’ll be working when your license is taken away.  Then again you can always do the right thing and step forward.  That may save the licenses of those around you because I intend to press the same charges against those who had knowledge or involvement.  Unless, of course, one of them rats you out.

I wonder who will eat the cheese first, or will they all eat crow?

Better yet, if I find out who you are for sure before you turn yourself in, maybe I will let the people on this board help me choose what I do to you.  Do I forgive and forget or do I take you to court and shred you?  I’d let the polygraph community have their say, but with a few acceptations, no one has cared enough to even talk to me.  So, why should I care what they think?   

I think I am being very fair by giving you an opportunity to come forward so we can handle this in private and avoid litigation.  Don’t take my kindness as weakness.  When I am backed into a corner I am neither kind nor weak.

The clock is ticking boys and girls and this is no bluff.  The order to compel is real, submitted and will be complied with.  Game on!

If you think this will just go away, ask your self one question; has it gone away yet?  Think about it.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock   

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #94 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 4:27am
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OK. Lets try a wee social experimant.

I had some people contact me with some brilliant ideas.  I actually think this is a fair way to handle this when I find out who this person is.  The plan technically consists of two parts, and hinges on if no one sells out lieguytoo or if he does not step forward voluntarily.

Part #1 which is actually Part # 2.

When the IP address is tracked back to the pinheaded individual who calls himself lieguytoo, the Judge gets him first.  After the Judge is done with him, if there is anything left, I can then decide if I want to press charges and/or file a civil action.   

I feel this should be done fairly and equitably.  It is my goal to give this tool the chance I was not given by my own trade association. will have the opportunity to hold its very first cyber trial.  There will be 12 jurors, who will consist of 6 members and 6 polygraph examiners.  All other jurors will be chosen by me using criteria that I will work out in the next few days.

Evidence and argument will be by submission.  I will represent myself and a polygraph examiner of lieguytoo’s choice will represent him or lieguytoo can represent himself.  We will find a way to do a secret ballot when it is time for deliberations.

The rest of the details will be worked out in the next few days.

Now for part #2 which is actually part #1.

In every mock trial, there must be a mock judge.  This is where things get interesting.  I feel like a reality show host; where is Dr. Phil when you need him?  Hey Dr. Phil this would make a great show!!!!! But, Springer would be cool too. Cool

The polygraph examiners are to surrender their IP addresses to compare with the IP addresses that George will give me.  It will be noted here that the IP addresses that will be surrendered to me by the polygraph examiners will not be published in any way, shape, or form.  I will not give them out so please do not ask.   

If necessary, I will give out the IP addresses surrendered by  The first person who can positively document the examiner that the IP addresses traces back to will be appointed the mock judge and have the tie-breaking vote in the event there is a hung jury.

The rules of evidence of this mock trial will be taken from the Texas Rules of Evidence. The rules will be watered down and simplified so we non lawyer folk can understand it.

The trial will address the following issues.

Did the person identified as lieguytoo libel me?
Did the person identified as lieguytoo defame me?

Did the person identified as lieguytoo defame my wife?

Did the person identified as lieguytoo threaten me for the purposes of intimidation or harassment before trial was to begin in Tarrant County, Texas?
If yes, then did he commit the offense in a manner which the reasonable person would believe that there was an underlying racial intent or motivation? 

Did the person identified as lieguytoo make terroristic threats against me?

Other charges, if any, will be announced.  Any accomplices or persons of responsibility will be put on mock trial as well, including but not limited to, TAPE; APA; any business entity or governmental agency which employs lieguytoo; and lieguytoo’s direct supervisor and/or business entity owner where this person works and/or posted messages and private messages.

If these people do not want to participate they will be tried in absentia.   

The parties are either liable or not liable.

I am not saying that we will be doing this for sure; it’s just something I am throwing out there.

The bottom line is that I can’t count on the polygraph community to be fair and unbiased. The people on this message board have treated me, a polygraph examiner, with more kindness and dignity than those of my own profession.  In return, I feel you should have some say in what happens to this clown.  However, I do want to be fair to the people who were never fair to me.  After all, this is America and that is how things are supposed to be done.   

We will let a jury, of sorts, help decide what I do to the accused.  However, let me say this.  I am not bound to follow the verdict of the cyber jury.  It is merely a ‘guideline’ to the next step.

If you have any CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions or thoughts, please let me know.  If you are a polygraph examiner and plan on calling me evil, a traitor, etc., please don’t waste my time.  Before you blame me, please make sure your own hands are clean.  If you do plan on defending this bozo, please tell us all how is actions are justified.  It’ll be fun to see the cognitive thought distortions of a polygraph examiner.

I was forced to walk the gauntlet at the TAPE convention and lieguytoo seemed to take great pleasure in that.  Well, pay back is a bitch.  I will put you in a mock trial situation and let these people have some influence on how I handle you.   

Wow, I get ambushed and denied the opportunity to defend myself and still I am fair enough to give this worm the opportunity to defend himself.  Yet again, I show that I am a true fair and unbiased verifier of the truth.   Should be interesting to see how long it will take the other examiners to twist this in a way that I am the jerk for being fair.

I wanted to handle this in the polygraph community.  No one listened or cared, so now, yet again I am left to the very people who are supposed to hate me.  Now that is irony!  Don't come pissing and moaning to me I gave the polygraph comunity to handle this one.  Everyone was so busy throwing stones at me you forgot to look at yourselves.

As usual my phone is always on.  If you don't like what I am doing, don't hide like the twit lieguytoo.  I will not care what you have to say if I don't know who you are and can identify yourself.  As far as I am concerned you will be just another chicken S&^% who can't be man and face me.

So what does everyone think?

God bless and good night


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box T.M. Cullen
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #95 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 6:41am
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Can I be the court jester?


"There is no direct and unequivocal connection between lying and these physiological states of arousal...(referring to polygraph)."

Dr. Phil Zimbardo, Phd, Standford University
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #96 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 11:07am
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ladies and gentlemen the first juror to help decide the fate of lieguytoo.  Congrads TM

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box VISITOR

Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #97 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 2:03am
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i dont think any one's IP address should be given out EVER. Many people say many things. There is not a justifiable reason to deliver any person's IP to anyone!

this will jepordize the sanctity of this site!

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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #98 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 7:30am
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Having received no timely notice of any challenge to Judge David L. Evans' 10 September 2008 "Order Granting Plaintiff Joseph Lawrence McCarthy, Individually and Doing Business as Fenian Polygraph Services' Motion to Compel Disclosure of Electronic Information," has complied with it. Administrator
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #99 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 10:04pm
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i dont think any one's IP address should be given out EVER. Many people say many things. There is not a justifiable reason to deliver any person's IP to anyone!

this will jepordize the sanctity of this site!


Ok I will be fair.   

There are three IP addresses

One traces back to Cedar Hill, TX; the other Spring, TX; and the other Houston.

There are a group of people involved with this, of that there is no doubt.  I am fixin to make some examiners weekends much worse because Hurricane Fenian is building pressure and is about to surge.

People have until midnight tonight to turn them selves in to Don Ramsey and for Don to call me with Identities.  If this happens I will not release any information and I will try to handle this behind closed doors in good faith.

Releasing IP addresses is not a choice in the hands of the examiners involved and TAPE.  I do hope they do not call my bluff.  It is now their choice, I wash my hands of all responsibility.  Do the right thing and face the music like “people of good character” as Don would say.  Or suffer the consequences.

I don’t think they understand; I am in the drivers seat now.   

At 12:01 tonight I reserve the right to release any and all information I have to allow anyone a chance to be a hero.  Now that I know it is a group of people, I have no problem serving them to the wolves.

Multiple IP addresses and multiple cites in Texas.  So much for me being paranoid about it being a conspiracy; I think it is now confirmed.  I wonder how much more I am right about.

Oh yea, here is something really funny;

On July 10 Lieguytoo wrote:
i use an anon. comm. ystem.  my ip will be different almost everytime showing you diff. locations, IF you were even able to track it

That came from the IP address in Houston.

Over ten messages and 3 IP’s.  Looks like lieguytoo was living up to his name.  Nice try.

Looks like diverting and misinformation is the MO.

Oh and the threat came from the Spring TX IP.  So whoever that is, they should expect to take a trip to Tarrant County and meet a nice man named Judge Evans.  My God have mercy on you because I doubt you will find any from Judge Evens.

Midnight tonight to do the right thing.  In the mean time I will be continuing my search.  If I find you before you turn yourselves in, GAME OVER.  I will release any and all information I see fit.

Have a nice day.


If this person is a Member of TAPE, this antitrust lawsuit may be the least of their worries.   

The rope is tightening and my hand is on the handle to the trap door.  Looks like there will be a “Texas Hanging” after all.   


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #100 - Sep 14th, 2008 at 11:47pm
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correction, there are six IP's

looks like people are sweating, look what I found posted on Whatis

September 14 2008 10:22 am (Read 105 times)    


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Hi -- I need some insight. I flamed a guy on a page that lists his job and how well he does. I put that he was a bully and had been really mean as a child. I tried to delete it, but they had already published it. I put a notice on it asking the site to delete it, but they are overseas. I also put a note under it saying that I retract my comments. Now I am really scared they may be able to track me and sue me for defamation, even though my comments were true. I deleted cookies from the site immediately. Can someone tell me what else I can do?

The walls are closing in.  It is funny he turned to help from the very sight that I used to narrow the search.

Are ya sweating lieguytoo?  Are you looking out your window, over your shoulder.  Don't worry, I don't do things that way, anymore.

I will let the law handle you and you'll be taking my order at the local Wendy's in a matter of no time.  Unless of course you decide to do the right thing.  You clearly feel guilty.   

Please do the right thing.  Honestly it will go better on all of us.  We all want to aviod further legal action.  This is your only way to aviod it.


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #101 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 12:52am
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Funny there is an examiner who has a few offices in both Spring and Houston.  Sounds like a suspect, but there are a few.  Guess I'll know more after I release the addresses.  I know there is another fat ass in the Houston area as well, he knows who i am talking about.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #102 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 1:00am
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Four Hours

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #103 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 2:53am
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If anyone can help me out with this bit of information.  The Email addresses reg to lieguytoo ia

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Joe McCarthy
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Re: Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing
Reply #104 - Sep 15th, 2008 at 3:59am
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The Guys on PP just can't wait to get this ball rolling.  It is also clear that Lieguytoo will not willingly come forward.  It is time to stop thinking that polygraph examiners will do the right thing on their own.  If they want to act like children, then I will treat them like children.

It is clear that there is more than one subject.  Have fun guys.  When you identify the IP addresses, you can do what you want with them and release them in any manner you like.

The defendants were supposed to give us their IP addresses this past Friday.  The wait continues.  Here are the IP addresses I need info on:

Lieguytoo's IP addresses trace back to the DFW area and the Spring/Houston area. You can always email and ask him who he plans on hiring as a lawyer or where he plans to hide.  His email address is   

I have an idea who one of the people is in Houston/Spring area.  I hope IKE doesn't get to him before my lawyer does.   

I also have an idea who the DFW person is.  I just have to adopt a plan using the best options available to me.

Looking forward to reading what the other examiners have to say.   

I'll see you guys in Houston real soon.


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Unlawful Referral Scheme Alleged in Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex Post-Conviction Sex Offender Polygraph Testing

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