Good to question, and be curious about polygrpahy. A large amount of people fail the test for NOT knowing what the hec is going on in that quaint little interrogation room. Your knowingly, and willingly(to a degree) giving up your 5th ammendment rights to either gain employment, a part of your release program, or were dumb enough to agree to take one in a criminal investigation, or someone doesn't trust you in the first place. The problem I see with a lot of people is a. There stressed as it is (high BP off the bat), your not gonna calm down no matter what the polygrapher says. It's too late. Which means your gonna be one sweaty person, and your guilty conscious is gonna get the best of you. Good Luck b. Your playing too much in the cards of a professional interrogator, and will be showing some signs of NVI, which during your preinterview is going to kill you. He/She will know when you slip up. Forget the fact of what the machine says. Your preinterview is a make or break. As far as I'm concern, your NVI's will show deception better then the machine as shrinks do use them, and if you didn't know better you thought the machine gave you away, because you were uneducated to believe otherwise. c. I screwed up once on a polygraph. Got myself interrogated (I myself am an interrogator), for not researching the polygraph the first time I did it. I stated I never researched it, which I didn't before that day. When the results showed inconclusive(I never showed NDI, however my NVI's never showed deception either). Afterwards I ran online, and read both pro-anti sites. When I took the test again, I stated I did research more into the polygraph, and retook the test, with no issues at all. I didn't need to use CM, I just needed to calm down. d. I don't feel your going to beat the machine, unless you have a horrible polygrapher, who sucked at interrogating. It's a prop. But you can do all the biting, mental thinking, combat breathing you want. But your NVI's will get you all the time. These people record everything. A video, and audio. If you think there not gonna look at that, and use it for determing another approach, then we all have some serious issues... e. Cheating doesn't work. Getting caught is too disastrous.