Hi Anti and Pro folks alike. This is a document/Affidavit which is public domain that swears before a judge that Antipolygraph's own Drew Richardson is a phony FBI Polygraph Examiner. Interestingly, Mr. Richardson has long boasted his FBI Examiner credentials and wealth of expertise and experience as a launch pad for his activism against polygraph. If the document and it's contents are true, than Mr. Richardson owes the people of this site both an explanation and an apology for committing such fraud. Have you no honor sir? Bellow is a cut and paste version of the attached file. Yours, Paradiddle CHARLES ELIAS, C.F.L.S. Attorney at Law 4030 Palos Verdes Drive North, Suite 108 Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274-2526 Telephone: (310) 541-4141 Facsimile: (310) 544-3971 E-mail: ce@alum.mit.edu State Bar Number 046686 Attorney for Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES In re the Marriage of: ANTHONY MICHAEL MAYFIELD, Petitioner, and, KAREN AIKO MAYFIELD, Respondent. CASE NO. YD 045 663 (Transferred for all purposes to the Central District, Dept 22, The Honorable Michael Linfield, Judge) REPLY DECLARATION of mark johnson to RESPONSIVE DECLARATION of drew richardson DATE: August 10, 2005 TIME: 8:45 A.M. DEPT.: CE 22 I, mark johnson, declare as follows: 1.I am a former FBI agent. From 1990 to 1995 I was a field agent in the FBI’s Washington Field Office. From 1995 to 1998 I was a Supervising Special Agent in the Polygraph Unit at FBI Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 2.From 1990-1998, in order to become certified as a FBI polygraph examiner an agent had to first complete the 3 to 4 month introductory program at the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute in Aniston, Alabama. During this time, the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute gave training to future polygraph examiners for the FBI, NSA, DOD, Postal Service, Border Patrol, Army, Navy and Marines. Sometime after 1995, the CIA also sent examiner candidates to this school. 3.In the FBI, after completing the introductory program at the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, a candidate for certification was required to conduct at least twenty (20) polygraph examinations under the supervision of a FBI certified polygraph examiner. After the requisite examinations were concluded, a Supervising Special Agent at the Polygraph Unit, FBI Headquarters reviewed the paperwork generated by the examinations. Additionally, the FBI certified polygraph examiner who supervised the candidate’s examinations made a written recommendation to the FBI Polygraph Unit Chief as to whether the candidate should become certified as a FBI certified polygraph examiner. This process generally took six months to a year to complete. 4.During this time, I reported to the FBI Polygraph Unit Chief, James K. Murphy. Mr. Murphy assigned me to supervise Mr. Drew Richardson’s required twenty (20) polygraph examinations after Mr. Richardson had completed the introductory program at the Department of Defense Polygraph Institute so that he could become certified. 5.I am not exactly sure as to when Mr. Murphy assigned me to supervise Mr. Richardson’s required twenty (20) polygraph examinations. My best estimate is that it was sometime between 1991 to 1994. 6.I remember Mr. Richardson very well because he conducted the worst polygraph examination I have ever witnessed. After his first polygraph examination was completed I told him that his test was so poorly done that it was difficult to know where to start a critique. I spent at least two hours reviewing the entire examination process with Mr. Richardson. I later made from between five to seven further appointments for Mr. Richardson to administer additional polygraph examinations under my supervision. Mr. Richardson cancelled each test. 7.As a Field agent, I did not have the authority to decide whether Mr. Richardson would receive a FBI polygraph examiner certification. This authority was vested with the Unit Chief, Mr. Murphy. 8.I wrote an internal memorandum to Mr. Murphy advising Mr. Murphy that Mr. Richardson was, in my opinion, unqualified, incompetent, and ill-suited to conduct polygraph examinations for the FBI. I cannot recall all of the details of my memorandum. I do recall that I specifically stated in the memorandum that Mr. Richardson was unable to construct a fair and satisfactory polygraph test and that he could not correctly interpret polygraph charts. 9.Mr. Murphy adopted my assessment of Mr. Richardson. Drew Richardson never received a certification as an FBI Polygraph Examiner and was never authorized by the FBI to conduct polygraph examinations. 10.Dated this ________________at Leesburg, Virginia, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. __________________________________ Mark Johnson